Thursday, October 27, 2005
Now This Guy's a Nut
Them's Fighting Words! The President of Iran has uttered what is among the most hate filled and irresponsible words ever said by a leader. The results have been all too predictable. What's even worse, the guy has placed me in the position of having to agree with George W., a fact that I will find it hard to forgive. Some are now calling for Iran to be expelled from the U.N., I find I have to agree. Many countries are protesting the remarks. Tony Blair is giving warnings. What this idiot perhaps doesn't realize is that now everyone in the world can say that Iran is in fact a threat to world security, and they'd be right. Fool! If someone tells me that tomorrow they are going to punch me in the mouth, I'd much prefer to go and see them today if I believed the threat. This can be related to Iran as well. This is obviously someone who has no problem with starting a world war so long as they get what they want. My message to the people of Iran would be this.It's your government. It falls to the Iranian people to stop this monster before the rest of the world does it for you. No-one on the world has to live under the threat of a crazy man, especially one who either has or will soon have nuclear weapons. That loud wish you expressed for Israel may very well be visited upon you because of your actions and words. There is still time to avoid the wrath that you are so eager to bring upon others. Islam does not support terror or murder. Anybody who says or does different is actually committing sin under the very beliefs that they profess to follow. Each of us is entitled to follow their own beliefs unless they threaten the physical well being of others. I will fight to defend that right. I suspect that there are a whole lot of people in the world that would also. My religion is between me and God and is none of anybody else's business. I respect your right to feel the same. Iran should be expelled from the U.N. Then you build a big wall all around. No one in, no one out. If there is real evidence that Iran is about to export it's hatred in the way of W.M.D., then you remove their capability to produce them. When it comes to this shit, there can be no tolerance. So again I appeal to the people of Iran themselves to stop this man and anyone else who so threatens the peace and well being of your country. Take back the power from the mental cases before it is too late!