Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Canada's Notorious Kadr Family
One family member is an American Guest at Guantanamo. Another was killed in the Middle East with a bunch of El Qaida members. Mother Dearest has waged an interesting campaign in Canada, ranging from denials of support for terrorism to outright support from one day to the next. My question, how the hell did this bunch of wackos ever get into Canada in the first place much less get to be citizens. Major members of the "friends of Osama' set they have at the very least violated the oaths they took to get into the country much less their oath of citizenship. Comes a time when you just have to say, hey, you took oaths, broke them, we don't want you anymore! The breaking of any pledges that lead to entry should be grounds for expulsion all by itself. This way, those decent, law-abiding immigrants and refugees who make it to Canada can have an honest chance of not having to suffer for the crimes of a few nuts.