Monday, November 28, 2005
Clemency for Crips Founder
Now here's an interesting case. One of the founders of the Crips is on death row. Many have come out in support of clemency due to his work as a writer and peacemaker. I don't agree with the death penalty at all, which I've said often. So this is a no-brainer for me. I'm not quite comfortable with the amount of support the guy is getting. We are talking about the founder of the Crips here, a gang that has claimed many lives and has now invaded Canada. The Toronto streets are running with blood as a result. It's great that the man has turned his life around, but I consider that a matter between himself and his God. I don't think he should be forgiven, no matter how much good he now does. The damage that he helped create goes on. Many continue to be destroyed by his gang. Sometimes, once something is started it can be very hard to stop, just ask George Bush.