Monday, November 07, 2005
An Example For All Sides
This is one family that demonstrates a level of enlightenment that should be an example to all of us. The way I understand it is a Palestinian family whose son was killed by Israeli soldiers has donated his kidney to an Israeli boy. They said it didn't matter that he was from Israel. Many would have held a wee bit of a grudge after something like that , but this family didn't. They have had their lives threatened over their compassionate act. Some have said they are helping the enemy. It is not twelve year old boys who are the enemy of the Palestinians, The enemy is, as it is for all of us, ignorance, hate, prejudice, intolerance, greed, lust, did I mention ignorance? The actions of the few should not condemn the many. The sins of the father should not be visited on the sons. None of us is without sin. None of our forefathers were flawless. None of us is so pure that we are in a position to exact the punishment of death on another. We have a right to defend ourselves from attack, nothing more. In other words, we need to be damn sure our lives are in danger before we even consider harming another person. If a person's religion tells them that they must go out and kill someone else, than I can say point blank that it is wrong. Not the whole faith, just that part of it. I can say with no hesitation that God never wanted us to go out and destroy his creations. I refuse to believe that was part of the big plan! God doesn't make mistakes, we do. I would think that God would be even more upset than we are when one of his children goes horribly wrong. I would think that Muslim and Jew have at least this much in common, both are considered to be very devout. That makes the fall of one of either all that much more severe. A great many Muslims and Jews pay extremely close attention to their beliefs. This devotion and discipline gives them a significant blessing on the Karmic scale. We can all learn from both cultures or faiths. Humans make mistakes. Humans have written all the sacred texts. What's even more important is the many translations that many texts have undergone, although this is not as major a consideration for Jews and Muslims as many of their texts are still preserved in their original form. Catholics have no such stability. The Bible has undergone several major rewrites. I suspect that much of the original text or meaning has been lost in the process. All faiths hold fundamental truths. We must remain open and tolerant if we are not to miss them.