Monday, November 07, 2005
Finally, The Voice of the Other Side in Paris
We are staring to hear the other side of the story in Paris. That would be the side of the majority of the people who live in these neighborhoods who are not participating in the riots. This side is the one of the business owners who operate in these suburbs and have had their buildings destroyed or burnt. The people who watch in their houses as their cars are burned. I think it's fair to say that these people have a right to live in peace and safety. It may very well be true that the rioters have a right to be upset. I'm not well enough informed to come to any conclusions about it. Fact is, going through your own neighborhood burning and trashing everything you see seems very self-destructive to me, not to mention damn rude to your neighbors and business owners who employ those same people! If one of my neighbors has a problem that they think I have something to do with, I welcome the discussion on the subject, but for /#*!'sake don't torch my damn car! That I might take personal!