Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Let's Talk about Garbage
Here's a weird one. Toronto ships it's garbage to Michigan. Michigan makes law to end the practice. The American federal government must pass a law to allow Michigan to do this. Canada is protesting under NAFTA. That's were it stands to date. Here's my problem. I don't know what NAFTA says in relation to the matter. I don't thinks it's right for Canada to ship it's garbage to the U.S. It's an environmental issue for me. It might be profitable for a company to take garbage from so far away, but many generations will have to deal with the result. Toronto should have to deal with it's own lack of planning and come up with some innovative ways of handling their own trash, just like all of us will have to do sooner or later. If NAFTA says different, than NAFTA is wrong. Canada and the U.S should be free to protect their environments as they see fit over and above NAFTA. I'm a Canadian, but so far, this time I'll have to side with the Yanks.