Friday, November 25, 2005
Peanut Butter Kiss of Death
As much as most parents know about allergic reaction to peanuts, mainly because of school warnings, I have never heard of this before. A teen girl has died as a result of kissing her boyfriend who has eaten peanut butter. I'm actually quite surprised that I have never heard of this considering the number of people who are allergic to nuts. Perhaps this is something that should be discussed more frequently to avoid this in the future.
I think that anyone who has such a sensitive alergy needs to be eliminated from the gene pool?
com'on she kissed her boyfriend???
By Travel Italy, at 7:27 p.m.
Eliminated from the gene pool? Well. in fact she has been, but I doubt her parents or boyfriend would agree. As far as elimination from gene pools, I might have a few ideas about that myself, but I don't think that I would want such a policy to be based on my judgement, and I know I wouldn't want it to be based on yours.