Saturday, November 05, 2005
Science on the Defense in the U.S.
This is a battle that has been going on for some time. Most recently we have seen the attack on Evolution going on across the U.S. in favor of creationism. On the other side is the banning of the use of the word God in school and a new initiative to ban it in all media. Both are wrong. First, I strongly defend my right to watch what I want in regards to my faith. The concept that every show must be approved by everyone is moronic. Having said that, I also strongly defend the right of an education system to teach the best science that they can. That means that evolution is it, seeing as how it is the theory most supported by scientific evidence. I must point out that the operative phrase here is theory. As in all theories, it is the model we must use until evidence tells us that it is too simple or outright in error. I might also point out to those who insist on blind faith, we have intelligence. If in fact there is a God who created all this, than this God made us intelligent for a reason. We were not intended to be blind fools who disregard all evidence that is brought before us. I personally don't have a problem reconciling God and science. The more advanced our science becomes, the more amazed I am at the beauty of the Universe. I might also point out that even the Vatican suggests we pay attention to science and not be too quick to disregard it's evidence.