Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Thank You American Justice
I've shared many of my complaints about the U.S. since I first started writing it. Here's a case where I can only say Thanks. In Canada we seem to read everyday about these long term violent offenders who somehow manage to get back on the streets over and over again. Each time, the level of violence escalates or at least stays the same. The Americans have sentenced a killer to death. I actually don't believe in the death penalty. If it's wrong to premeditatedly kill someone, then it is also wrong for the state to do so. However, when faced with the options of executing them or see them back on the streets, I'd have to vote for execution. My preferred punishment would be a life sentence, a real one, but I can certainly understand the trouble with spending over $100,00. per year to house each of these monsters. So again, thank you America, for doing what the Canadian justice system would fail to do. That is to make sure a man guilty of murdering a young Canadian woman will absolutely never, ever do it again! Once violent murder should be enough for anyone.