Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Toronto Sexual Assault Case
It's started, the allegations that the people accused of assaulting a young girl were charged because they were black. Somehow I doubt it. The police would not have laid these charges unless there was evidence to support them, especially when we are talking about this many people being arrested. These people may very well end up being convicted. If that happens, than I think we can safely say that the reason 16 black people were charged is because in this case they were the ones who did the crime. Race may have played a part in this crime. The victim was white and the accused are black, so the girls color may have had a part in her being singled out for the special attention she received at the boys hands. This I can not say. In any case, the fact that any of this crap took place in one of our high schools is totally unacceptable. The school is responsible for the well being of their charges during school hours. It's seems quite obvious that this school at least has failed this little girl very badly!