Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Anti-Muslim Activity on the Rise

It would appear that the number of racially motivated incidents against Muslims is increasing. It has been a problem for some time but lately seems to be growing especially in areas where it has not been seen before. Australia comes to mind, but is in no way unique. It's understandable considering the all out war some Muslims are waging against anyone who doesn't share their views. Obviously, these views are held by very few Muslims or we would already be fighting a world war. Unfortunately those who remain extremist are stooping to ever lower methods and rhetoric. The Iranians are following what can only be labeled a madman. He is now refuting the very existence of the holocaust as some kind of Zionist plot. It's one thing to support the cause of Palestinian liberation, it's another to advocate the kind of violence that the terrorists have been using. This man talks just like a terrorist without doing the actual crimes, yet!

Some of the anger in the world of Islam is righteous. The recent actions of the U.S. is greatly fueling the over-all level of miscontent of Muslims. The illegal abduction and torture can only hurt the cause of world peace and gives credibility to nuts like the Iranian president. Much progress is being made among leaders of the Muslim world and further dialogue can only help. Un-ethical and illegal actions by the Americans can erase all the gains that have been made. A Swiss investigator is calling the allegations crediblee. He should be very careful, the Americans don't appear to be respecting anyone's sovereignty anymore.

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