Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Karla Homolka Dilemma

You gotta admit, there's something special about this little lady. Perhaps it's her eyes. When you look right into them you see she has a very rare quality. You see, they look dead. I've had the chance to look at a few serial type killers over the years. From Ted Bundy, to Berkowitz, Olson, well, you get the drift. They all had a certain something, they looked crazy. Not to say that anyone facing the media spectacle that always accompanies such events wouldn't look a little nuts. But Homolka is special. Really, when you look at her it's like looking at a corpse. I'll never forget that special on her that showed a video of Karla going through the notorious house with detectives. In the basement where two young girls were assaulted, tortured, and killed, all on video, she chatted on about her possessions and when they would be returned to her. A normal person might not want the furniture from a room where these events took place. Not Karla, she was comfortable with it all. Hell, she didn't show any problem at all with being there, despite, as she described, her own assault and effectively captive state. Many ex-captives have no desire at all to go anywhere near the site of their past suffering. She didn't display any such concern.

In short, this woman is damned dangerous and should never have had the opportunity to walk free again after what she has done. Yet she is. That's Canadian justice at it's worst. Foolish deals made with ubber-criminals which lets them eventually walk free again. Having said that, we now get to watch as the same people who let this happen try to make up for it by violating every tenet of Canadian Law ever made by attempting, by one means or another, to extend her sentence. Too late guys. You messed up big time and now everyone is going to have to live with it until she does it again or you find something else to charge her with. Oh and by the way, if she does find some new lucky candidate for her special attentions, she may be a whole lot smarter about not getting caught after her lengthy stay with Canada's worst criminals.

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