Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Kidnapping and Torture, American Style

Doesn't look like this torture thing is going away any time soon. There were the initial denials. Then came the word play, what kidnapping, no way, it was extraordinary rendition is all. While the European Union is not investigating directly, many individual countries are responding to pressure to launch their own inquiries. Some are reporting evidence to support the allegations. Not the least of which is a German citizen who was the lucky recipient of rendition and is now becoming a real pain in the American collective ass. Of course it was all a mistake, which leads to the logic of not allowing this type of illegal, behind closed door, justice that the Americans seem to be embracing these days. Hold on a second, now Rice says she never made the admissions to the Germans after all. Iran is now taking the high moral road in response to it all. Now there's a hypocrisy if I've ever heard one. Imagine the Iranians giving moral lessons. The same people who beat a Canadian woman journalist to death in prison not so long ago. But enough about the Iranians, I'm sure I'll have plenty to add on that subject later. All of which brings us up to the present.

There are many positive moves in the world of Islam. Many are speaking out against extremism. Moderates are declaring a crisis within the Muslim community. I would have to agree. The fact that Muslim leaders are beginning to address the problems is a very good sign. I would have to say that this is likely a good outcome of the extremist movements. It has forced the mainstream Muslims, and the rest of us for that matter, to take a very hard look at our beliefs and prejudices. In the end, we may just all learn something.

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