Friday, December 02, 2005

Linda Trainer and Gerald Benoit

Those are the names of two people who I hurt unjustly in my youth. It one of those times when you've acted badly and caused others hurt, long ago. It was in the Saguenay Valley in the late seventies. Neither of them deserved the treatment I gave them and I have regretted it ever since. I've never been able to apologize as I moved away shortly after and have never seen either again. Two different people, two different episodes in a thirteen year olds life, neither test did I pass successfully, neither have I been able to make it up too. I wish I could! It is especially difficult because both of these individuals are among the finest people I had ever met. The wrongs that I did resulted from being a messed up kid, although that's no excuse. You know the kind of thing you really wish you could take back. I've had a few of those. Short of being able to actually get in touch with either, I figure this is the next best thing. Maybe, one day, they will Google themselves and read what I have written here.

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