Monday, January 02, 2006
Iranian Nutbar At It Again
The Iranian President is continuing with his long line of insanity. He's now threatening grave responses to any American or Israeli attack on their nuclear facilities. I think we can make several points about that. If he doesn't want to withstand an attack then perhaps he might consider stopping with the constant instigation for an attack on Israel. So long as he so abundantly states his position in support of such attacks he justifies whatever steps are necessary to limit his threat. Along those lines, his latest is to say that Israel was established to finish Hitler's job of ridding Europe of the Jews. I'm wondering what holocaust he's referring to as he recently stated that the Jewish holocaust under Hitler never occurred. Perhaps he's referring to another holocaust that I'm not familiar with, or maybe he's just plain demented and thinks we don't remember what he's said from one day to the next. Damned dangerous is what I think!