Friday, September 29, 2006
A New Twist in School Killings
Just when I thought the incidents of school killings couldn't become more horrific, along comes this dementoid in Colorado. It's not enough to hear about school kids taking out their anger and rage on each other by committing mass murder against totally innocent other kids. Now we have adults going into schools, taking hostages, sexually assaulting some, if not all, of them and then killing one or more and then himself. At least in this case the sicko is dead.
What a reflection of the times we all live in. I fail to see the difference between this creep and any other indiscriminate killer such as terrorists. Both target innocents. Both will use any excuse to justify their apparent need to hurt, maim, and kill. Do they have legitimate reasons for their anger? Absolutely! Does this justify their actions? No Way! Any nation who has entered into negotiations with the U.S. in good faith only to be patronized, lied to, threatened, have it's citizens tortured, and have their national interests just plain stomped on, have very legitimate grievances in my book How we respond to such treatment says more about us than our oppressors.
The U.S. administration flaunts itself as the leaders of the free world and the champions of democracy. I beg to differ. No nation who signs onto the Geneva Convention only to completely disregard it's rules and enact legislation that excludes said rules under certain conditions, can be a champion of democracy. The U.S. asks itself why so many people in the world resent them, if not hate them. The answer lies in the treatment they have received at the hands of the U.S. Torture does not for good friends make. I believe it was Sophocles who wrote in Oedipus Rex " moderacy in all is best". It's time for at least one American Administration to live by that tenet.
What a reflection of the times we all live in. I fail to see the difference between this creep and any other indiscriminate killer such as terrorists. Both target innocents. Both will use any excuse to justify their apparent need to hurt, maim, and kill. Do they have legitimate reasons for their anger? Absolutely! Does this justify their actions? No Way! Any nation who has entered into negotiations with the U.S. in good faith only to be patronized, lied to, threatened, have it's citizens tortured, and have their national interests just plain stomped on, have very legitimate grievances in my book How we respond to such treatment says more about us than our oppressors.
The U.S. administration flaunts itself as the leaders of the free world and the champions of democracy. I beg to differ. No nation who signs onto the Geneva Convention only to completely disregard it's rules and enact legislation that excludes said rules under certain conditions, can be a champion of democracy. The U.S. asks itself why so many people in the world resent them, if not hate them. The answer lies in the treatment they have received at the hands of the U.S. Torture does not for good friends make. I believe it was Sophocles who wrote in Oedipus Rex " moderacy in all is best". It's time for at least one American Administration to live by that tenet.