Saturday, September 30, 2006
What's New on the Homefront
By the homefront I mean my actual home. Recently, I wrote about the persecution that I have suffered at the hands of a couple of federal employees at Revenue Canada that resulted in the end of my marriage. There has been a change in that situation. The change concerns the status of my relationship with my now ex-wife, we are legally separated. Having become separated has removed virtually all the tensions and stresses that we had been living with. The result, we are now getting along better than we ever have, literally. We both agree that we must continue with our separation for the time being. It has to do with personal growth. We both realize that we have a need for this separation, each for different reasons, but at the same time the same reason. I need to work out some of my own problems without the distraction, and excuses, that a relationship provides. My wife/ ex-wife needs to do the same thing, just for different problems. So we have decided to continue with our plans but are calling it a break as opposed to the total end of our relationship and the effective burning of our past. Strange, but true. Effectively, in a very short period of time we have both managed to evolve in our relationship to the next level. I find the whole concept extremely refreshing. For all intensive purposes we agree that this is something we both need and our relationship has actually grown stronger. So far, we have managed to turn a very difficult situation into a good thing for both of us and in the process given each other new hope for the future. I could call it rebuilding our relationship but that doesn't do it justice. We are not repairing a flawed relationship, we are creating a new one free of the poisons that were effectively destroying us both with the advantage of already possessing an in-depth knowledge of each other. This has made the whole process much, much easier on everyone, especially the kids.