Wednesday, October 11, 2006
1 in 40 Iraqis Dead
I literally feel naueseous reading this. Why is the media not focusing on this? The mainstream media... they did point out that the number of soldier killed in Iraq (US ones) has exceeded the amount of people killed in 9/11. But 600 000 people. *sigh
By Aisha, at 11:48 p.m.
The situation in Afghanistan isn't a whole lot better. The apointed gov't appears to be losing control of what little territory it ever did and the Taliban is on the rise again.The causes, the same. Dishonesty, deception, and flawed implamentation resulting in the alienation of the few allies that the coalition had. Only this time, Canada is a direct part of it.
I thought you would find this rather interesting. I brought up this article in my international human rights class. Most of the class was horrified by the number, but one... idiot, raises his hand to state "so what? its worth it because they are now free" and the teacher pointed out the ruins that the country is in. The fact that more continue to die. She asked him, when will it not be worth it. And he said "no matter how many die it is worth it" He likened it to the American REvolutionary War which we pointed out to him was decided to be entered into by AMERICANS not an utside force that decided fr them. He was nt swayed saying that because democracy is the ideal, it matters not who introduces it whether internal or by force, and it matters not how many dead. Its worth it.
I think that is one debate that I would have liked to attend very much. I can't help but wonder if the person in question would retain the same opinion if it were his mother, father, brother, sister,wife or children who would have given their lives for the cause of outside imposed " freedom and democracy"? It's amazing that he doesn't recognise that the very act of imposing democracy violates the definition of the word democracy. What's more, he doesn't recognise that the form of democracy currently practised in the U.S., and Canada for that matter, is hardly a true democracy. It is in fact ruled mostly by wealth in the hands of a very select few. The American revolution, of which he speaks so fondly, was a horribly destructive event which ripped freinds and family apart and the damage of which can still be seen and felt by many of the descendants. It is one thing to hold an ideal and altogether something else to realise and implamentit it in a fashion which is truly beneficial to those involved.