Thursday, October 05, 2006
Arctic Sea Ice, Global Warming, Drought, and The Results
The reports are coming faster and faster now about the effects of Global Warming. I short, most are terrifying. Not the least scary factor is the Canadian conservatives recent attempt to enact legislation supporting Canada's commitment to the Kyoto Accord. The motion was voted down in what I suspect was a politically motivated move. It had nothing to do with the validity of the intent to do something about Canada's commitment to Kyoto but instead was simply an attempt to undermine the Conservatives. I didn't vote Conservative in the last election but I would support any attempt to do something, anything to stay the course, so to speak. It's time all politicians get their heads out of the sand and act responsibly to save us all, politics or not.
On that note, there are several articles of interest lately. The arctic sea ice pack has declined more than has ever been seen or surmised in history. Scary enough in itself but damn horrifying when the fact that it is also declining at a rate that is frankly unbelievable. The cause... Global warming. Add to that this report which projects another result of the trend is unprecedented droughts and the migrations and conflicts which will surely follow.
On the upside California is taking a proactive approach by enacting new laws which will help. On the downside, while California has long has some of the most stringent auto emmissio laws, they remain among the world's largest contributors to green house gases. More must be done, much more, and fast if the coming devastation is to be slowed. It is likely too late to stop it altogether. The best we can do now is to limit the carnage.
On that note, there are several articles of interest lately. The arctic sea ice pack has declined more than has ever been seen or surmised in history. Scary enough in itself but damn horrifying when the fact that it is also declining at a rate that is frankly unbelievable. The cause... Global warming. Add to that this report which projects another result of the trend is unprecedented droughts and the migrations and conflicts which will surely follow.
On the upside California is taking a proactive approach by enacting new laws which will help. On the downside, while California has long has some of the most stringent auto emmissio laws, they remain among the world's largest contributors to green house gases. More must be done, much more, and fast if the coming devastation is to be slowed. It is likely too late to stop it altogether. The best we can do now is to limit the carnage.
Thats very scary. I dont understand why Tom Foley's sex scandal makes more headlines than things like this.