Thursday, October 19, 2006
Atheism on the Rise in America
I'm somewhat divided on this one. First, it doesn't surprise me. Most of the standard religions have so many ghosts in their closets that what surprises me is the fact that they have survived as long as they have. From the Catholics hiding of the sexual offences to the Muslim community remaining quiet about the extremists in their midst, none have exactly shown a shining example of morality. Many have refused to address modern questions concerning their doctrines. Many have actively resisted the questions that naturally result from the same. Spirituality should be a constant quest in each of us, filled with questions and dialogue. Such questions should never be feared but embraced. If we choose instead to stick our heads in the sand, it should be no surprise that we lose the next generation in frustration. I don't actively follow any of the organized faiths for this reason. I choose, instead, to examine all of them and assess them for myself. Along these lines, I have found many facets of many faiths that are worthy of respect and attention. The embedded charity of Islam, the self examination of Sufism, the harmony of Buddhism, the discipline of Shinto, the service of Christianity, it goes on. All have something to offer. None are inheritedly more pure than any other. All have committed great crimes in the name of their faith through history, from the Muslim extremists and unholy Christian armies of today to the Inquisitions of the past. If we refuse to learn and grow,it is no wonder that the result is an increase in atheism. We all loose something in the process. A world without faith and the optimism that goes along with it is a more empty one for everyone. It doesn't have to be this way.