Sunday, October 01, 2006
Bush Keeps Getting in Deeper
As much as George would have us believe he is winning the war on terror, it would appear that his own intelligence community has a different opinion. They feel that the violence In Iraq will not subside until the Americans withdraw. It might appear that Bush's position of moral and ethical superiority is somewhat flawed. It's the old " he can talk the talk but he doesn't walk the walk" problem. It's hard to gain allies when your actions suggest lies, deception, and a general lack of understanding of morals and ethics.
Add to this report the latest book by Woodward who point blank accuses Bush of lying and deception of the American people when it comes to the actual state of affairs in Iraq, not to mention his real reasons for invading in the first place. The fact that there was no terrorism problem coming out of Iraq until after the American's arrival may have had a lot to do with it. As I've said many times before... The real reasons for going there had nothing to do with terrorism. The U.N. sanctions were working and they have never found the elusive weapons of mass destruction that we heard so much about before the war started.
Now we read about Pakistani involvement in the train bombing in India. What a coincidence that just when the U.S. was faltering and looking for more allies in it's war on terror we were supposed to believe that Islamic terrorists had chosen to attack India. Now we learn of a Pakistani connection to the bombings exists. Can you say American black op? It wouldn't be the first time that a U.S. connection to some particularly unfriendly conduct has existed.
Add to this report the latest book by Woodward who point blank accuses Bush of lying and deception of the American people when it comes to the actual state of affairs in Iraq, not to mention his real reasons for invading in the first place. The fact that there was no terrorism problem coming out of Iraq until after the American's arrival may have had a lot to do with it. As I've said many times before... The real reasons for going there had nothing to do with terrorism. The U.N. sanctions were working and they have never found the elusive weapons of mass destruction that we heard so much about before the war started.
Now we read about Pakistani involvement in the train bombing in India. What a coincidence that just when the U.S. was faltering and looking for more allies in it's war on terror we were supposed to believe that Islamic terrorists had chosen to attack India. Now we learn of a Pakistani connection to the bombings exists. Can you say American black op? It wouldn't be the first time that a U.S. connection to some particularly unfriendly conduct has existed.