Thursday, October 26, 2006
Iraqi P.M. Has An Idea
He's saying that he can end the violence in six months. He may be right, but then again Saddam may have been able to do it even quicker. Despite that fact, I think he should probably be given the chance that he's asking for. There's an old saying.." A relationship born of deceit is better lost than lived". On that note, the U.S. should take every opportunity it can to get out of Iraq as soon as possible. Bush's, and Rumsfeld's lies and deceit have virtually eliminated any chance of doing any good there. That all leaves us with the choice of letting this P.M. have his chance at the title. He certainly can't do any worse than Saddam and Bush have done. Who knows, he just might have a little wisdom, a little ethics, a little honor, and the rest of Iraq just might have a little hope.