Friday, October 27, 2006
Muslim Cleric's Comments
Good post. You seem to have more of an understanding of the faith than many of the "faithful". This Imam made me quite upset. I am very angry that he was not fired from the mosque, although the Australian Muslim Society has condemned him and have banned him from every speaking at any sort of convention or conference or make any remarks representing Islam for Australian Muslims. When normal regular Muslms are trying to get a better name for themsleves people like this fanatic really like to shoot us in the foot and take us ten steps back.
Thanks Aisha, I share your frustration whena fanatic of any faith takes an igorant interpretation of a doctrine and attempts to force that down the rest of our throats. I think we should all look at the actual writings of our faiths and assess them for ourselves rather than accept the rants of people lie this man or Christianity's own "religious right" who spew alot of the same type of garbage to equally damaging result.
By Wil Smith, at 11:18 p.m.