Monday, October 02, 2006
No Shortage of Monsters right Here in North America
Now here's something that Canada and the U.S. seem to have very much in common. That is the seemingly never-ending supply of monsters who are prepared to take out their anger, problems, depression, whatever, on defenseless little kids. The latest targets of choice seems to be little girls. There are those among us whom suggest that we should consider their mental problems when dealing with such individuals. I say " To Hell with that Shit!" There comes a time when we have to let go of the desire to rehabilitate and understand. That time is now. This is happening way too often, as if even once would be acceptable. We as a society seem to be generating these monsters all too often. That should be our focus. How are we managing to create so many of them and how can we protect our children from such things? We might start by accepting that once a person demonstrates this type of violent instinct, they be put away for ever. I don't believe in the concept of state sponsored killing of any kind, but that doesn't mean that these guys should ever have the chance to do this kind of thing. I don't know if this guy in particular ever gave any indication that he was capable of this. I do know that there are many others who have and have been released back into the public to get another chance at it, especially in Canada. Have we had enough yet? I can't help but wonder if this abomination of nature even stopped to consider the effect that it would have on his own kids who must now live with the knowledge that their father was in fact this kind of monster.