Friday, October 27, 2006
The Northwest Beckons
The time is finally upon me. I have completed the renovations to our house and am now ready to head to Canada's Northwest. It won't exactly be the far north, but close enough for me. No matter how it all works out it should art least be very interesting. The Alberta border with the Northwest Territories is about as far north as I've ever been. I have traveled in the Rockies fairly extensively but this should be a whole new experience. I'll try to post as often as I can, perhaps with a few pictures. Tomorrow's the day it all begins. Usually I would relish the drive, but it is a long way and I have traversed most of it many times. This time my main focus will be simply to get there as opposed to sightseeing. My 21 year old son is coming with me, so that should make the transition a little easier to bear. My wife and daughters will remain behind near Ottawa, which most certainly makes it painful to say the least. Oh well, here goes the next phase of my journey through life.