Sunday, October 29, 2006

Speaking of Weather, Change That Is

Statistics regarding the weather change patterns in Africa are starting to come in. The news, as expected, isn't good. A seven degree, on average, change in Kenya over the last twenty years. An over-all rise of 1 degree for the whole continent. The reports authors are recommending drastic action to aggressively combat global warming. I agree! The current round of talks on how to live with the changes I find very distressing. The effects will be so vast and destructive that talk of coping instead of action toward eliminating seems ludicrous to me, even if done with the best of intentions.

I would be curious what your take is on my latest post. Its actually a little like your posts, except mine is a bit too long, lol :) Your insight would be appreciated.

By Blogger Aisha, at 11:22 p.m.  

I enjoyed the Big Brother article very much. I find your writing thought provoking, sometimes humorous, always articulate, and thoroughly enjoyable. I recommend them to anyone and everyone( I check in often. Another book along these lines is Fahrenheit 951. By the way, people like that fella in your human rights class scare the hell out of me. We are being brainwashed by the media, especially the American variety. It's the main reason I choose to follow almost any other media source than CNN, FOX News, Newsweek, etc. The American gov't , and that includes Canadian, would like nothing more than for us all to sit back and swallow up whatever version of reality they would currently like us to believe. Anyone who speaks out about such efforts is labelled a subversive or un-American. I refuse to be treated as a member of a herd of cattle and hope to be as big a thorn in the side of such attempts as possible. Great post and I'll keep on reading.

By Blogger Wil Smith, at 11:56 p.m.  

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