Saturday, November 18, 2006
Another Iraq Excuse
They tried the WMD excuse, combine that with the ol' " training ground for terrorists excuse", when those were shown to be total lies it was the " free the oppressed people line", now that the Iraqis are proven to be anything but free we have an American saying that they were duped by terrorists into attacking Iraq. Yeah, O.K. The only people to have duped the American public has been their elected officials. I have no doubt that the attack on Iraq was celebrated by the terrorists. Anyone of any intelligence could have predicted what the outcome would be, and did predict it. They were not listened to. I can even believe that the terrorists may have tried to influence and motivate such an attack. However, no invasion would have occurred had not the American leaders been so inclined to do just that and been seeking any excuse to do just that. No, it is not the terrorists who are responsible, it is mostly George Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. No amount of post disaster damage control can ever remove that.