Friday, November 17, 2006
Burqa Banned by Dutch
A tough question. The Dutch have banned the burqa from being worn in public as a disruption of the public peace. I have to say that I can't agree based on the reasons they have stated. There are many faiths which require a certain dress code, yet they are not banned. I could agree if it could be shown that there reason many Muslim women wear the burqa is because they are being forced to, or coerced in one form or another. Under such a situation, then I would support the ban in order to gain their freedom. I am not convinced that this is the case. The many women I have heard discuss the burqa do not seem to be wearing because of some form of persecution, they wear it out of personal choice, at least here in Canada. I suspect the only real result from this ban is going to be to further instill resentment in those individuals who feel that their religious freedom is being further restricted.