Wednesday, November 15, 2006
From the World Of Islam to the Vatican
Pakistan has moved to bring it's rape laws out of the dark ages and make them slightly more just for the women who have been the unfortunate victims of this type of horrendous crime. At least it's a beginning.
Meanwhile, women in Afghanistan are setting themselves on fire to escape the hellish conditions that there culture demands they live in. A culture which virtually gives them no power to control there own destinies. I can't say I blame despite the absolutely terrible manner in which they are doing this. Perhaps when the numbers get high enough, the men in that society might learn to value the woman enough to treat them as equals and in a humane fashion.
On that note, the Vatican has decided to add it's two cents to the question of Muslim women wearing veils. He is saying that wearing veils prevents them from integrating into European culture and that they should follow the cultural norms of those same countries. Apparently, this man fails to see that to demand compliance on this issue is every bit as bad as the men in certain countries who demand it of the women. People of the world, men and woman should be free to follow their own guidance as to their spiritual beliefs so long as it is not harming anyone. To expect them, or demand them, to do otherwise makes a farce of the whole concept of freedom and democracy.
Meanwhile, women in Afghanistan are setting themselves on fire to escape the hellish conditions that there culture demands they live in. A culture which virtually gives them no power to control there own destinies. I can't say I blame despite the absolutely terrible manner in which they are doing this. Perhaps when the numbers get high enough, the men in that society might learn to value the woman enough to treat them as equals and in a humane fashion.
On that note, the Vatican has decided to add it's two cents to the question of Muslim women wearing veils. He is saying that wearing veils prevents them from integrating into European culture and that they should follow the cultural norms of those same countries. Apparently, this man fails to see that to demand compliance on this issue is every bit as bad as the men in certain countries who demand it of the women. People of the world, men and woman should be free to follow their own guidance as to their spiritual beliefs so long as it is not harming anyone. To expect them, or demand them, to do otherwise makes a farce of the whole concept of freedom and democracy.