Friday, November 17, 2006
Wireless Power Coming
This could prove to be a very interesting technology. I do however have concerns about it being implemented without the proper research as happens so many times in our society. Let's consider power lines. It is well known that high intensity power lines induce a current in conductors which are near them. Yet we regularly build schools underneath said wires without conclusive evidence that it is safe to do so. Just because we can't prove it is unsafe doesn't mean that it is in fact safe. We simply don't know enough. The same can be said about genetically modified foods, gene splicing, cloning, and a host of others that having used them for many years we are finding out that perhaps they are not so safe after all. Asbestos, the use of growth hormones in beef and milk cows, and petrocarbon fuels are only a small sample of these errors. Transmitting power by the use of resonance could be every bit as devastating to our environment as the use of propellers and sonar has been to the oceans. We really need to start putting a lot more study into these new ideas before they are accepted and used on large scales.