Friday, November 10, 2006
World Votes Against U.S. Cuba Embargo
Once again the world has voted against the U.S. over it's embargo of Cuba. Only four countries have agreed with the U.S. policy. Not surprising really. The U.S. policy has done anything but put the Cuban gov't out of business. Like many of the American foreign policies, it has strengthened the Cuban position and hurt only it's people who are for the most part innocent of any wrongdoing. The U.S. embargo goes much farther than simply prevent U.S. companies from doing business, it prevents any company, anywhere from doing any business with the U.S. if it does so with Cuba. An invasive policy to say the least. Really, it's just another example of the U.S. using it's economic power to bully everyone else. It would appear that enlightenment for the U.S. government is still very far away despite what should have been it's many lessons learned over the last quarter century.