Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Art Teacher Fired
This one would be humorous if it wasn't for the fact that the guy was fired. Apparently, this teacher is an artist who uses his butt and privates to do his work in his off time. Word got out and he was fired. The school board says it was because he's expected to act in a proper manner while off duty. I'd have to say his rights are being violated in this case. Artists often use unconventional means to create their art. Many I find offensive. That doesn't mean their work deserves to be censored. In fact, this may actually be beneficial for his students to know because it may cause them to think outside the box when it comes to art, and life in general. Hardly a bad thing. Effectively, the man has been fired because this board is making a moral judgment over a pretty harmless activity. I don't think we would have to be psychic to see a lawsuit in this school board's future.