Wednesday, January 31, 2007

On That Canadian Justice Note

Following up on my post about the Canadian Justice systems lack of fortitude... A Canadian man has been given a 15 month sentence for putting a baby in a freezer. The guy said the baby had a fever and this was his way of helping out. The baby got frostbite and was lucky ( or unlucky in this case) to not have died. There you have it, Canadian justice at it's finest.

I have been trying for weeks to log in and post to the new Blogger format. All to no avail. I have a google account and have elected to change but still cannot post to blogger. I can log in but that's all I don't even get the post screen. Anyone have any suggestions? Very frustrating! I have no idea how to fix the problem. Nothing I try seems to work. It says I am logged in but no post screen comes up. Help!!!!!

By Blogger Wil Smith, at 11:28 p.m.  

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