Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Snoop Dog's " I Wanna Fu.. You Dirty"
My 12 year old daughter came home the other day with a new song loaded onto her MP3 player by one of her friends. The song was Snoop Dog's I Wanna Fu.. You Dirty. I was horrified. For one thing , she is ony 12. I find the very name of the song offensive. I've never said I wanna fu.. you to anyone in my life. There are a lot of these type of songs out there today. What ever happened to the concept of social responsibility? Don't any of these new artists recognize that there are many kids out there who will listen to this music? Don't any of them have kids of there own? Is this the kind of language and example they show their own kids? It's time the artists and their recording companies show a little morality and demonstrate just a little responsibility for the material that they produce. I can't help but wonder if they bothered to put any warnings on the packaging about the crude and offensive material that it contained. I've never had a problem with Snoop Dog in the past. That all changed the day that I had to edit my little girl's MP3 player.