Friday, August 29, 2008
Camp Medway, Nova Scotia and Whale Watching with Mariner Cruises
We just got back from spending a week at Camp Medway at Port Medway, Nova Scotia. I can't help but to say a few things about the place. The cottage was simply stunning! I'm not sure which of the owner's friends or family built it, ( pictures in the cottage) but the very obviously took great pride in their work and possessed considerable talent and craftsmanship. Add to that the unbelievable quality of all the amenities and it adds up to something that just can't be beat. i can't even begin to list everything, but suffice to say we didn't want to leave. Not the least of which was Maggie's( the owner) suggestions for fun and scenery. One of the things we experienced at her recommendation was the following.
We took the suggestion to go to Brier Island on the coast of the Bay of Fundy. Their we got onto the boat of the highly respected Mariner Cruise Service. Captain Roy ( decorated for bravery by the Governor General in Ottawa) treated us to the most spectacular experience of my life as we came literally face to face with humpback whales and even the extremely rare North Atlantic Right Whale. Even a Sperm Whale. This tour is a must for anyone who has the opportunity.
The above picture was a baby humpback who, along with three adults seemed to play around our boat for about twenty minutes until the Captain moved us away so we wouldn't disturb them too much. The baby would keep swimming on it's back while waiving it's flippers. This was one of many groups we saw that day!