Thursday, May 20, 2004
Tip of the hat to the American F.B.I. for their work in the case of the Canadian arrested in Atlanta for trying to arrange sex with a four year old. According to reports he was ensnared after arranging sex and then traveling to Atlanta to close the deal, so to speak. Special thanks to the F.B.I. for dealing with our Canadian garbage. In this country, the bleeding heart judicial system repeatedly releases convicted pedophiles after serving sentences which are frankly irresponsible in light of the offences committed. We read regularly of convicts who have killed or raped yet another child after serving minor terms for their last in a long series of offences. I'm ecstatic that they refused him bail. I hope he gets to feel the full pleasure of the American Justice System, and further pray that he never manages to get into Canada again. Further I would offer my apology to the American people for the fact that they have had to deal with this puke in the first place because the Canadian system seems unable or unwilling to protect our children in the manner in which they should be able to expect.
In regards to this topic, I'm also glad that they have nabbed this person. I do not believe that pedophiles should be let out of jail at all. In my opinion, there is no such thing as a child sex offender being rehabilitated. I watched an episode of 20/20 a few years back about pedophiles, and they had a man who was in jail and had been castrated by choice, he said he was rehabilitated but, he still thought about the act now and again. They should cut out their eyes, cut off their hands and feet, and last but not least cut off their penis. This would be satisfactory, I think. Then and only then would they be safe enough to be let out of jail.
By 6:56 p.m.
, atMonday, May 17, 2004
The problem with the concept of Sarin in Iraq is the fact that we'll never really know the truth. We've heard so much crap out of Bush et al that we would be truly foolish to believe a word that comes out of his mouth. Seems awful conveeeenient that gas would be found now after so much time, just when George is at an all time low in the polls. Add that to the recent disgrace in the handling of Iraqi prisoners and it would seem that the timing coundn't be better for this discovery. The American people would be wise to keep this in mind when listening to the news reports. They might also keep it in mind in the next elections. This does not apply to George alone. The entire political system is flawed where people such as this might come to power in the first place. Large corporations have far to much influence in both Canada's and the U.S.'s political realities. So long as this remains the case, politicians will continue to be strongly motivated to keep us, the ignorant masses, in the dark by filling the daily news with a bunch of lies.
Saturday, May 15, 2004
It's been a couple of weeks since I've written here. The main reason I guess is because I get tired of the same old news all the time. It seems that ever time I look at the headlines they seem to be the same old problems with the same old bullshit responses. It takes me a little time to get motivated again.
Linux is making new leaps and bounds as it gains ground on Windows. Highway overpass in Colorado falls, killing several. U.S. finds itself in more and more trouble in Iraq... Big Surprise!!! It's hard to believe that the Bush Crew actually believes the shit their spewing. Could anybody but the ignorant masses truly believe this stuff? Anyway, I'll try to find something worth commenting on in the future.
Saturday, May 01, 2004
According to the reports about 300 die hard fans turned out for Mike's Indictment for child molestation. One is reported to have said " He's innocent and it doesn't matter what they say in court". Should we start with the top fifteen reasons this is idiocy or should we just stick with a couple. For one, courts often make mistakes but usually they get it right. Second, even when they get it wrong, shouldn't we err on the side of the safety of our children. Third, even if the molestation didn't involve violence the children can be badly damaged physically and mentally. and even a non-violent pedophile definitely has a problem that poses a threat to the children of society. I believe Mike isn't simply looking for new victims when he invites the thousands of kids to his estate every year. I think he honestly loves kids and wants to help. But I also don't have a problem believing that Mike might be sexually immature and as such be drawn to pubescent kids. C'mon, the man's best friend is a monkey! I feel sorry for Mike, I think his life has all but destroyed the person that he might have been. I still love watching the early Jackson Five shows when Mike was just a kid himself. Man, they could put on a show, and the kind of music you could dance to all night. It's too bad it all had to have such a high price.