Sunday, June 27, 2004
Pop Ups:
You know what my favorite pop ups are....The ones that try to get us to buy software to stop annoying pop-ups. Isn't this the same thing as extortion? They harass us over and over in the hopes that we will in fact hire them to stop themselves and others. Does this actually ever work? Is there anyone out there who would actually pay someone to stop annoying them? I won't. There must be someone out there foolish enough to fall for this, if there isn't then how can these guys still be in business. If I find out that a company engages in this kind of business I would absolutely not buy anything from them, ever. What even upsets me more is the fact that Microsoft is one of the worst offenders. My kids like MSN, in order to get it you have to enable their software which bombards us with pop-ups, to the extent that sometimes the internet becomes virtually useless. We are restricted by not having access to high speed internet, rural area and all that. The pop-ups take so much resources, and take precedence over my efforts, that I am left waiting very long times to view the pages I want to see. Dealing with Spam was a joke in comparison, a simple change of e-mail address effectively stopped 98% of all the spam I was receiving (200- 300 spam e-mails daily). Admittedly, the fault for this lies with my family giving out the e-mail to every site they visited- they have learned the lesson. Adding to the problem is the fact that companies who offer free internet services often tie that into 3rd party software that the user has no idea goes along with the wanted service. When you disable the addware the service no longer works. They might try telling us in advance their intentions and let us decide if all the hassle is worth the so-called free service. Not to mention identifying the software so we don't disable it because we don't know its part of Microsoft's package. I would gladly pay for the service if I thought it would do any good. Alas I have no such faith, they'll only find another way around the so-called pop-up free pay service. Combine this with the fact that I have no trust whatsoever in Microsoft or the computer manufacturers. With Bush, Microsoft, The NSA and a host of others, we already are living with BIG Brother and most of us don't even know it.
You know what my favorite pop ups are....The ones that try to get us to buy software to stop annoying pop-ups. Isn't this the same thing as extortion? They harass us over and over in the hopes that we will in fact hire them to stop themselves and others. Does this actually ever work? Is there anyone out there who would actually pay someone to stop annoying them? I won't. There must be someone out there foolish enough to fall for this, if there isn't then how can these guys still be in business. If I find out that a company engages in this kind of business I would absolutely not buy anything from them, ever. What even upsets me more is the fact that Microsoft is one of the worst offenders. My kids like MSN, in order to get it you have to enable their software which bombards us with pop-ups, to the extent that sometimes the internet becomes virtually useless. We are restricted by not having access to high speed internet, rural area and all that. The pop-ups take so much resources, and take precedence over my efforts, that I am left waiting very long times to view the pages I want to see. Dealing with Spam was a joke in comparison, a simple change of e-mail address effectively stopped 98% of all the spam I was receiving (200- 300 spam e-mails daily). Admittedly, the fault for this lies with my family giving out the e-mail to every site they visited- they have learned the lesson. Adding to the problem is the fact that companies who offer free internet services often tie that into 3rd party software that the user has no idea goes along with the wanted service. When you disable the addware the service no longer works. They might try telling us in advance their intentions and let us decide if all the hassle is worth the so-called free service. Not to mention identifying the software so we don't disable it because we don't know its part of Microsoft's package. I would gladly pay for the service if I thought it would do any good. Alas I have no such faith, they'll only find another way around the so-called pop-up free pay service. Combine this with the fact that I have no trust whatsoever in Microsoft or the computer manufacturers. With Bush, Microsoft, The NSA and a host of others, we already are living with BIG Brother and most of us don't even know it.
Saturday, June 26, 2004
Nader Rejects Harper:
Consumer Advocate Ralph Nader has stated that he recommends Canadians not vote for Harper. He says that Harper will attempt to Bushize Canada. I can't help but agree with him. I think I might actually go NDP. While I usually vote Liberal I think it might teach them a lesson to end up with a minority gov't. In any case we'll know soon anyway.
Consumer Advocate Ralph Nader has stated that he recommends Canadians not vote for Harper. He says that Harper will attempt to Bushize Canada. I can't help but agree with him. I think I might actually go NDP. While I usually vote Liberal I think it might teach them a lesson to end up with a minority gov't. In any case we'll know soon anyway.
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Election Day:
The federal elections are almost upon us. I have intentionally avoided the topic to this point simply because I haven't had a lot to work with here. Paul Martin is the person who appears most capable of running the country. He is not terribly likely to win as someone must pay for the liberals record to date. Canadians are fed up with the never ending taxes only to find out that the way to plenty is by becoming a liberal who works for the federal gov't. The days of the good 'ol boy back room deals in government must surely end sometime.
Harper, to me, seems in way over his head. His plans seem fanciful. I don't want a politician to tell me what I want to hear if they are not being sincere. Second, he needs to come up with a plan which is doable, well-thought out and has at least a chance of working.
Leyton: probably how I'll go. This is not do to any outstanding capabilities on his part. Normally I'd vote liberal but not this time!!!!! I'll probably go NDP simply because I lack any better alternative.
Hey Gille!!!! Ever consider re-naming your party and offering up your leadership to the whole country. Might be interesting to see the result as the polls are showing that his favor is increasing across the country.
I have recently received several e-mails regarding the election. Both merit comment. The first of which essentially goes over the liberal history of the last 35 years and as such gives good reasons for someone not to vote liberal. I have received muliple copies of this one complete with the individuals' own opinion on who they are going to vote for. It has been fun to read the different views on the subject.
The second e-mail I received I can most accurately describe as hate mail, while it may not meet the legal definition. This letter tries to make several points. It is mostly a rant against immigrants to Canada. The letter complains about the fact that we can't pray in school. We can't use the term Christmas for fear of offending someone. The letter states that this country, Canada, was founded by Christians and that any immigrants must be forced to respect that fact, learn English, or get out. I can respect some of the comments made in this letter, but not many. Firstly, this country was not founded by Christians!!! What percentage of a group must be Christian before the whole group gets labeled Christian. The First Nations people were hear for many centuries before the country was founded. Seems to me that what was found was never lost. Among the first, shall we say, colonizers of Canada were many Jews, Africans, Asian workers. etc. Far to many to say that Canada was founded by Christians alone. Yes , I agree, that Christians should feel free to call Christmas what it is. That doesn't mean that we have to shove it down anyone's throat.
Canada has long been described and viewed by the rest of the world as a place where many cultures come together to live in peace. For a long time now, peoples of English, French, Russian. Polish. Asian, African, and pretty much every region, religion and culture on the planet have sought refuge here. Should a new arrival attempt to learn one of our principle lanuages? Absolutely. Should they have to respect our laws? Definitely. My problem with immigrants has nothing to do with them really. My problem is with the government. They are charged with ensuring that we do not give refuge to person who will not respect us, have committed heinous crimes elsewhere, or are or have been members of criminal, terroristic organizations. Usually by the time that they decide that a person is a problem and want to do something about it, they have lost track of them.
We should welcome person of all nations here. The oath they take upon entry must be worded in such a way as to make the meaning clear! Break our laws in any serious way and your out! Come to Canada to prosper and find peace. Leave the fighting behind. While I understand a person's wish to help those left behind, no direct action in another nation must be entered outside of the lawful government sanctioned policy of Canada. If any of these rules are a problem with persons seeking entry THEY SHOUD FEEL FREE TO STAY OUT!!!! We have a right to expect our leaders to enforce this policy in an efficient and timely fashion. It is the failure of our government to do this that results in the problems we have with some immigrants and the resluting border problems we have with our neighbors.
The federal elections are almost upon us. I have intentionally avoided the topic to this point simply because I haven't had a lot to work with here. Paul Martin is the person who appears most capable of running the country. He is not terribly likely to win as someone must pay for the liberals record to date. Canadians are fed up with the never ending taxes only to find out that the way to plenty is by becoming a liberal who works for the federal gov't. The days of the good 'ol boy back room deals in government must surely end sometime.
Harper, to me, seems in way over his head. His plans seem fanciful. I don't want a politician to tell me what I want to hear if they are not being sincere. Second, he needs to come up with a plan which is doable, well-thought out and has at least a chance of working.
Leyton: probably how I'll go. This is not do to any outstanding capabilities on his part. Normally I'd vote liberal but not this time!!!!! I'll probably go NDP simply because I lack any better alternative.
Hey Gille!!!! Ever consider re-naming your party and offering up your leadership to the whole country. Might be interesting to see the result as the polls are showing that his favor is increasing across the country.
I have recently received several e-mails regarding the election. Both merit comment. The first of which essentially goes over the liberal history of the last 35 years and as such gives good reasons for someone not to vote liberal. I have received muliple copies of this one complete with the individuals' own opinion on who they are going to vote for. It has been fun to read the different views on the subject.
The second e-mail I received I can most accurately describe as hate mail, while it may not meet the legal definition. This letter tries to make several points. It is mostly a rant against immigrants to Canada. The letter complains about the fact that we can't pray in school. We can't use the term Christmas for fear of offending someone. The letter states that this country, Canada, was founded by Christians and that any immigrants must be forced to respect that fact, learn English, or get out. I can respect some of the comments made in this letter, but not many. Firstly, this country was not founded by Christians!!! What percentage of a group must be Christian before the whole group gets labeled Christian. The First Nations people were hear for many centuries before the country was founded. Seems to me that what was found was never lost. Among the first, shall we say, colonizers of Canada were many Jews, Africans, Asian workers. etc. Far to many to say that Canada was founded by Christians alone. Yes , I agree, that Christians should feel free to call Christmas what it is. That doesn't mean that we have to shove it down anyone's throat.
Canada has long been described and viewed by the rest of the world as a place where many cultures come together to live in peace. For a long time now, peoples of English, French, Russian. Polish. Asian, African, and pretty much every region, religion and culture on the planet have sought refuge here. Should a new arrival attempt to learn one of our principle lanuages? Absolutely. Should they have to respect our laws? Definitely. My problem with immigrants has nothing to do with them really. My problem is with the government. They are charged with ensuring that we do not give refuge to person who will not respect us, have committed heinous crimes elsewhere, or are or have been members of criminal, terroristic organizations. Usually by the time that they decide that a person is a problem and want to do something about it, they have lost track of them.
We should welcome person of all nations here. The oath they take upon entry must be worded in such a way as to make the meaning clear! Break our laws in any serious way and your out! Come to Canada to prosper and find peace. Leave the fighting behind. While I understand a person's wish to help those left behind, no direct action in another nation must be entered outside of the lawful government sanctioned policy of Canada. If any of these rules are a problem with persons seeking entry THEY SHOUD FEEL FREE TO STAY OUT!!!! We have a right to expect our leaders to enforce this policy in an efficient and timely fashion. It is the failure of our government to do this that results in the problems we have with some immigrants and the resluting border problems we have with our neighbors.
Monday, June 14, 2004
American Economy Still Failing:
According to reports the U.S. economy has not recovered as expected. They are running a huge budget deficit as well as a trade deficit estimated over $30 Billion. If my understanding of the big picture is correct, both these deficits must be corrected before the entire world economy becomes destabilized.
According to reports the U.S. economy has not recovered as expected. They are running a huge budget deficit as well as a trade deficit estimated over $30 Billion. If my understanding of the big picture is correct, both these deficits must be corrected before the entire world economy becomes destabilized.
Saturday, June 12, 2004
Canadian-American Relations:
I was reading a Mclean's Magazine article about our relationship with our southern neighbors. Good article! Among the many points made were a few that reminded me a some of the facts that I had been forgetting lately. In particular was a poll taken in both countries regarding our feelings toward each other. It would appear that we Canucks are in general much more angry at the U.S. than they are at us. I think this gives a lot a credit to the Yanks.
During the poll several American respondents made some very good points. One of which deals with the American willingness and capability of coming to our assistance in time of need. The vast majority of Americans stated that they would come to our defense if needed. Many Canadians felt the same but there answer was conditional on the circumstances. I have to agree with the Yanks when they say several things. They stated that in their free country the whole world hears all the details right away and are therefore in a position to judge quickly- this is not true on many places in the world- I AGREE. Another is that the Americans, being the strongest, are called upon to save the free world everytime a problem arises- I AGREE. One person stated that if it hadn't been for the Americans, Canucks would now be speaking German or Russian- I DISAGREE- the Americans stayed out of the First World War until 1917, 3 years after everyone else. The Americans didn't enter WW2 until 1941- The Canucks had been in from the beginning- 1939.
American and Canadians answered alike when questioned about the state of the Canadian military- Canada has a military? Canadians feel alike in that the state of our military forces is a disgrace. It is shameful that we have allowed them to degrade to this point. By allowing this state we do a disservice to our people in the forces as well as failing to fulfill our obligations to the U.N., Nato, Norad, and our friends worldwide. We have long lived in peace in Canada. We have become very used to the idea that we are in no real danger of invasion because the U.S. would be quick to come to our aid. This comfort and the fact that Canada is viewed worldwide as a safe haven for persecuted peoples makes it easy to forget why we are able to live this way. While I respect and agree with the decision that Canada not go to war in Iraq, we are in no position to judge too harshly while sitting comfortably because of our proximity to the U.S. We are in large part safe here because of the U.S. The will of their people has long been to help the needy all over the world, this only becomes a problem because of their leaders and corporations. Perhaps if Canada was doing its fair share in support of our agreed upon responsibilities than the American Forces woudn't be stretched too thin. That means that we Canadians our causing the deaths of Americans in Iraq by forcing them to divert personnel to defend us, our borders, and our principles while failing to do our part. All Canadians should feel the same shame that I do in this regard. Whether we choose to join the U.S. in Iraq is one thing. To sit back and judge while enjoying the safety and not even defend ourselves is another.
Special Note Of Shame:
My deepest apologies to the Peewee team who came from Boston to play in Canada only to have their anthem booo'd. These kids and their families came as our guests to play hockey. It is a Canadian National Disgrace that this happened. Regardless of your politics- Don't Take It Out On The Kids!!! Special thanks to the people of Fredericton who invited these kids back and went all out to make it up to them.
We owe a lot to the Yanks. They are our friends. We should never let them forget that and be prepared at all times to support them and come to their aid at the drop of a hat if needed. The current American or Canadian Administration is irrelevant. Our ties go much deeper than this. We are in no position to judge whatsoever so long as our military remains in its current state
I was reading a Mclean's Magazine article about our relationship with our southern neighbors. Good article! Among the many points made were a few that reminded me a some of the facts that I had been forgetting lately. In particular was a poll taken in both countries regarding our feelings toward each other. It would appear that we Canucks are in general much more angry at the U.S. than they are at us. I think this gives a lot a credit to the Yanks.
During the poll several American respondents made some very good points. One of which deals with the American willingness and capability of coming to our assistance in time of need. The vast majority of Americans stated that they would come to our defense if needed. Many Canadians felt the same but there answer was conditional on the circumstances. I have to agree with the Yanks when they say several things. They stated that in their free country the whole world hears all the details right away and are therefore in a position to judge quickly- this is not true on many places in the world- I AGREE. Another is that the Americans, being the strongest, are called upon to save the free world everytime a problem arises- I AGREE. One person stated that if it hadn't been for the Americans, Canucks would now be speaking German or Russian- I DISAGREE- the Americans stayed out of the First World War until 1917, 3 years after everyone else. The Americans didn't enter WW2 until 1941- The Canucks had been in from the beginning- 1939.
American and Canadians answered alike when questioned about the state of the Canadian military- Canada has a military? Canadians feel alike in that the state of our military forces is a disgrace. It is shameful that we have allowed them to degrade to this point. By allowing this state we do a disservice to our people in the forces as well as failing to fulfill our obligations to the U.N., Nato, Norad, and our friends worldwide. We have long lived in peace in Canada. We have become very used to the idea that we are in no real danger of invasion because the U.S. would be quick to come to our aid. This comfort and the fact that Canada is viewed worldwide as a safe haven for persecuted peoples makes it easy to forget why we are able to live this way. While I respect and agree with the decision that Canada not go to war in Iraq, we are in no position to judge too harshly while sitting comfortably because of our proximity to the U.S. We are in large part safe here because of the U.S. The will of their people has long been to help the needy all over the world, this only becomes a problem because of their leaders and corporations. Perhaps if Canada was doing its fair share in support of our agreed upon responsibilities than the American Forces woudn't be stretched too thin. That means that we Canadians our causing the deaths of Americans in Iraq by forcing them to divert personnel to defend us, our borders, and our principles while failing to do our part. All Canadians should feel the same shame that I do in this regard. Whether we choose to join the U.S. in Iraq is one thing. To sit back and judge while enjoying the safety and not even defend ourselves is another.
Special Note Of Shame:
My deepest apologies to the Peewee team who came from Boston to play in Canada only to have their anthem booo'd. These kids and their families came as our guests to play hockey. It is a Canadian National Disgrace that this happened. Regardless of your politics- Don't Take It Out On The Kids!!! Special thanks to the people of Fredericton who invited these kids back and went all out to make it up to them.
We owe a lot to the Yanks. They are our friends. We should never let them forget that and be prepared at all times to support them and come to their aid at the drop of a hat if needed. The current American or Canadian Administration is irrelevant. Our ties go much deeper than this. We are in no position to judge whatsoever so long as our military remains in its current state
Farewell to Ronnie:
Ronald Reagan is widely regarded in Canada as the best American Presidential friend we have ever had. I remember quite well his time as President. At the time I, like many, would often poke fun at him. Lines such as Bedtime fir Bonzo, and nicknames like Ronnie Raygun come to mind. I think what sticks out most in my mind, though, was his sincerity and the impression that he truly aimed to serve his country in the best way he could. A very admirable quality compared with the feelings we are left with in relation to today's politicos. Suffice to say that today's top politicians are most often regarded with great suspicion, we are always trying to figure out what there hidden agenda might be. This is particularly true of Bush. Isn't it time for our leaders to at least attempt to listen to the will of the people and act accordingly? Unlike Bush, Ronnie will be missed in Canada, very much. While we pride ourselves on our differences from the U.S., there are many Canadians who miss our former relationship with them. Good friends should feel free to debate and differ without it causting the loss of the friend. This has not proven exactly true under Bush. While we may not agree on the decision for going militarily into Iraq, we do not wish to see young American men and women dying there simply to secure future oil reserves or to satisfy a grudge held by the Bushs'. George W's motives and actions have proven highly suspect and to date we still don't know the truth in this matter and likely won't for years if ever. This is definitely not the way to run a democracy. In the end, Canadian and American alike, we really can't blame to leaders to much as it is us who has placed them in this position in the first place. We seem to be learning. In Canada distrust of politicians is at an all time high. I predict a change of Government in the coming elections. Future leaders, are you listening? The only people we trust less are the major banks- there only motive is profit at all costs, making it very easy to suspect everything they do. They one thing we can be absolutely sure of with the banks is there complete pettiness and lack of concern for doing anything positive. Ahhhh.... Big Money, Big Corporations, Big Political Power, smells somewhat similar to a septic system doesn't it? Ooops, that's right, septic systems are a natural product that performs an important function, didn't mean to insult them by putting them together with this group. Perhaps a more appropriate comparison would be toxic waste.
But, enough of that. We'll miss you Ronald. We may have poked fun at you a lot, but friends do that. We respected your integrity, devotion, and humor. We wish you all the best at the start of your next journey. In Canada we will mourn along with our American neighbors for your loss.
Ronald Reagan is widely regarded in Canada as the best American Presidential friend we have ever had. I remember quite well his time as President. At the time I, like many, would often poke fun at him. Lines such as Bedtime fir Bonzo, and nicknames like Ronnie Raygun come to mind. I think what sticks out most in my mind, though, was his sincerity and the impression that he truly aimed to serve his country in the best way he could. A very admirable quality compared with the feelings we are left with in relation to today's politicos. Suffice to say that today's top politicians are most often regarded with great suspicion, we are always trying to figure out what there hidden agenda might be. This is particularly true of Bush. Isn't it time for our leaders to at least attempt to listen to the will of the people and act accordingly? Unlike Bush, Ronnie will be missed in Canada, very much. While we pride ourselves on our differences from the U.S., there are many Canadians who miss our former relationship with them. Good friends should feel free to debate and differ without it causting the loss of the friend. This has not proven exactly true under Bush. While we may not agree on the decision for going militarily into Iraq, we do not wish to see young American men and women dying there simply to secure future oil reserves or to satisfy a grudge held by the Bushs'. George W's motives and actions have proven highly suspect and to date we still don't know the truth in this matter and likely won't for years if ever. This is definitely not the way to run a democracy. In the end, Canadian and American alike, we really can't blame to leaders to much as it is us who has placed them in this position in the first place. We seem to be learning. In Canada distrust of politicians is at an all time high. I predict a change of Government in the coming elections. Future leaders, are you listening? The only people we trust less are the major banks- there only motive is profit at all costs, making it very easy to suspect everything they do. They one thing we can be absolutely sure of with the banks is there complete pettiness and lack of concern for doing anything positive. Ahhhh.... Big Money, Big Corporations, Big Political Power, smells somewhat similar to a septic system doesn't it? Ooops, that's right, septic systems are a natural product that performs an important function, didn't mean to insult them by putting them together with this group. Perhaps a more appropriate comparison would be toxic waste.
But, enough of that. We'll miss you Ronald. We may have poked fun at you a lot, but friends do that. We respected your integrity, devotion, and humor. We wish you all the best at the start of your next journey. In Canada we will mourn along with our American neighbors for your loss.
Thursday, June 10, 2004
Private Space Flight:
The test flight went well and they are now ready for a public demostration as well as an attempt to reach 62 miles above the earth. SpaceShipOne, if successful, will be the first private flight to accomplish sub-orbital flight. Sounds great to me. Oh, and by the way, this ship can carry the pilot and two passengers. Where do you sign up?
The test flight went well and they are now ready for a public demostration as well as an attempt to reach 62 miles above the earth. SpaceShipOne, if successful, will be the first private flight to accomplish sub-orbital flight. Sounds great to me. Oh, and by the way, this ship can carry the pilot and two passengers. Where do you sign up?
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Tampa Bay Takes It:
For a young team Tampa Bay has really shined since they first appeared. To tell you the truth I was rooting for Calgary, being Canadian and all. I really can't say I'm too disappointed though. It was a great series and Tampa played with a lot of heart. It's great to see a young team like this win the cup. They deserve it and I just have to wish my strongest Congrats. Been watching these kids for a while, they definitely have not disappointed. Great effort and success.
For a young team Tampa Bay has really shined since they first appeared. To tell you the truth I was rooting for Calgary, being Canadian and all. I really can't say I'm too disappointed though. It was a great series and Tampa played with a lot of heart. It's great to see a young team like this win the cup. They deserve it and I just have to wish my strongest Congrats. Been watching these kids for a while, they definitely have not disappointed. Great effort and success.
Saturday, June 05, 2004
Internet Rumors:
There seems to be an erroneous rumor on the net about an asteroid strike on the earth in September. In actual fact, while the asteroid is considered dangerous because of its strange orbit, NASA reports that it will not strike Earth for at least six centuries.
There seems to be an erroneous rumor on the net about an asteroid strike on the earth in September. In actual fact, while the asteroid is considered dangerous because of its strange orbit, NASA reports that it will not strike Earth for at least six centuries.