Friday, February 27, 2004
Microsoft Ad Campaign:
Microsoft is pulling out all the stops in its attempt to lure back or stop those changing to Linux based operating systems. Not that surprising considering all the bad press concerning Microsoft lately. It's not just the security concerns. Perhaps it has something to due with Microsoft charging for support on its new systems, in particular Windows XP. Personally, I have a problem with paying someone to fix a defective product that wasn't ready for sale in the first place. In any other industry, the very attempt would be considered fraud. Imagine buying a car that had this many defects. The government would force a recall or free repairs to correct the problem pretty quick, I imagine. Yet Microsoft just keeps rolling along, becoming more unethical with each new release. In the long run,I hope Microsoft ends up in the toilet where they belong. Either that or they start acting in a manner that suggests they have any concern for the needs of their customers. Most of the world is waking up to the antics of Microsoft and in my opinion it's about time.
Microsoft is pulling out all the stops in its attempt to lure back or stop those changing to Linux based operating systems. Not that surprising considering all the bad press concerning Microsoft lately. It's not just the security concerns. Perhaps it has something to due with Microsoft charging for support on its new systems, in particular Windows XP. Personally, I have a problem with paying someone to fix a defective product that wasn't ready for sale in the first place. In any other industry, the very attempt would be considered fraud. Imagine buying a car that had this many defects. The government would force a recall or free repairs to correct the problem pretty quick, I imagine. Yet Microsoft just keeps rolling along, becoming more unethical with each new release. In the long run,I hope Microsoft ends up in the toilet where they belong. Either that or they start acting in a manner that suggests they have any concern for the needs of their customers. Most of the world is waking up to the antics of Microsoft and in my opinion it's about time.
Magnetic Field and Cell Phones:
Rats who have been exposed to low magnetic fields are developing damage to their DNA. Opponents of high tension wires over public schools have been saying this for years. The same can be said of cell phones which produce these same fields. Suffice to say, if rats are being damaged in a measurable fashion by these fields than it is very likely that we are too. I hate to say it but it's more and more likely that the crazy environmentalists may be right about much more than just this. Everyday, in the news, we seem to be getting more and more confirmation of claims they have been making for years. It's very unfortunate that we always seem to react once the damage has been done. Perhaps we might consider their words before the scientist are able to measure the damage as opposed to even considering it before it is done.
Rats who have been exposed to low magnetic fields are developing damage to their DNA. Opponents of high tension wires over public schools have been saying this for years. The same can be said of cell phones which produce these same fields. Suffice to say, if rats are being damaged in a measurable fashion by these fields than it is very likely that we are too. I hate to say it but it's more and more likely that the crazy environmentalists may be right about much more than just this. Everyday, in the news, we seem to be getting more and more confirmation of claims they have been making for years. It's very unfortunate that we always seem to react once the damage has been done. Perhaps we might consider their words before the scientist are able to measure the damage as opposed to even considering it before it is done.
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Anthrax Vaccine?:
For yeas soldiers have been complaining about the Anthrax shots that they are required to take. There are many cases of military personnel being disciplined for refusing the injection. In North America at least these complaints have been dismissed and the whole matter dealt with by military justice. The Australians have just admitted that they knew of the problems with the shots but did not inform the men because they did not want to cause anxiety. Always thinking of the men. I assume that all the western nations armies have access to the same data. I would have to say that this pretty much confirms what the soldiers have been saying all along. Does this mean that all the men who have been convicted under military law should now have their cases re-visited?. I gotta ask myself if the simple act of joining the army should mean that you have to subject yourself to what are essentially experiments by the government on men who have no choice in the matter?
For yeas soldiers have been complaining about the Anthrax shots that they are required to take. There are many cases of military personnel being disciplined for refusing the injection. In North America at least these complaints have been dismissed and the whole matter dealt with by military justice. The Australians have just admitted that they knew of the problems with the shots but did not inform the men because they did not want to cause anxiety. Always thinking of the men. I assume that all the western nations armies have access to the same data. I would have to say that this pretty much confirms what the soldiers have been saying all along. Does this mean that all the men who have been convicted under military law should now have their cases re-visited?. I gotta ask myself if the simple act of joining the army should mean that you have to subject yourself to what are essentially experiments by the government on men who have no choice in the matter?
Saturday, February 21, 2004
The disappearing Reefs:
The Australian reefs are said to be disappearing and are expected to be completely wiped out by the year 2050.
Environmentalists have been warning about the reefs for years. They say that the cause is mostly global warming as the reefs have very low tolerance for temerature changes. Combine this with pollution and they are not expected to survive. The results of this will be felt all over the world. In an ideal world market forces would work to increase there value to the point where it would be financially profitable to save them. I suspect that in this case it will not work. The destruction is happening too fast and scientist say it could take 300 - 500 years for them to re-generate. Unfortunately, the damage that we have done to the eco-system may take many more than the fifty years left to fix, if we can fix it at all. I don't know where it will all end, but it seems very scary to me.
The Australian reefs are said to be disappearing and are expected to be completely wiped out by the year 2050.
Environmentalists have been warning about the reefs for years. They say that the cause is mostly global warming as the reefs have very low tolerance for temerature changes. Combine this with pollution and they are not expected to survive. The results of this will be felt all over the world. In an ideal world market forces would work to increase there value to the point where it would be financially profitable to save them. I suspect that in this case it will not work. The destruction is happening too fast and scientist say it could take 300 - 500 years for them to re-generate. Unfortunately, the damage that we have done to the eco-system may take many more than the fifty years left to fix, if we can fix it at all. I don't know where it will all end, but it seems very scary to me.
Thursday, February 19, 2004
New Russian Missiles:
In response to American efforts in what Russia considers its sphere of influence, the Ruskies are announcing that they have created a new super missile. The new missile is reported to travel five times the speed of sound and thereby being able to thwart anti-missile systems. In addition, the new missiles are reported to be able to change course mid flight to avoid defense systems.
A re-newed cold war has been predicted fot quite a while in some circles as a result of the Afghanistan and Iraqi situations. The Russians are quoted as saying that they have no choice in the face of recent American expansion militarily.
In response to American efforts in what Russia considers its sphere of influence, the Ruskies are announcing that they have created a new super missile. The new missile is reported to travel five times the speed of sound and thereby being able to thwart anti-missile systems. In addition, the new missiles are reported to be able to change course mid flight to avoid defense systems.
A re-newed cold war has been predicted fot quite a while in some circles as a result of the Afghanistan and Iraqi situations. The Russians are quoted as saying that they have no choice in the face of recent American expansion militarily.
Sunday, February 15, 2004
U.S. Congress says Canada Haven for Terrorists:
A congressional report labels Canada as a haven for terrorists. Of course, this has nothing to do with the fact that Canada has refused to tow the American line in regards to Iraq. The problem with this report and pretty much everything else that comes out of the American intelligence machine is that it totally lacks credibility. As a result of the Iraq fiasco, it's pretty hard to find anyone outside the U.S. who would give the C.I.A., or any other American intelligence agency, the time of day. I really can't say much different for the Canadian politicians, judging from the recent auditor-general's report. It would seem that scandal can just as easily be found in Canada.
A congressional report labels Canada as a haven for terrorists. Of course, this has nothing to do with the fact that Canada has refused to tow the American line in regards to Iraq. The problem with this report and pretty much everything else that comes out of the American intelligence machine is that it totally lacks credibility. As a result of the Iraq fiasco, it's pretty hard to find anyone outside the U.S. who would give the C.I.A., or any other American intelligence agency, the time of day. I really can't say much different for the Canadian politicians, judging from the recent auditor-general's report. It would seem that scandal can just as easily be found in Canada.
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
Iraqi Civil War?:
The New York Times started a report as to El Qaeda's intention to start a civil war in Iraq. The report is now being profiled in several news media. The problem with the report is it originates with the Americans. As a result of the misinformation that has recently come out of the Americans their credibility is virtually zero. While the report might very well be accurate, many countries throughout the world might very well not believe a word of it. In the White House's current position, they have a strong motivation to find something, anything, to justify their actions to date. It certainly would not be the first time they have trumped up unsubstantiated claims about the current status in Iraq. Could this be grounds for not handing over control of Iraq to their own people? There is still a considerable amount of money in oil available to whomever is administering the country. George has led his country into one hell of a mess. It is hard to imagine Bush being able to get the U.S. out of Iraq without leaving a disaster in his wake, much as the Americans have done in virtually every country where they have intervened in the past.
The New York Times started a report as to El Qaeda's intention to start a civil war in Iraq. The report is now being profiled in several news media. The problem with the report is it originates with the Americans. As a result of the misinformation that has recently come out of the Americans their credibility is virtually zero. While the report might very well be accurate, many countries throughout the world might very well not believe a word of it. In the White House's current position, they have a strong motivation to find something, anything, to justify their actions to date. It certainly would not be the first time they have trumped up unsubstantiated claims about the current status in Iraq. Could this be grounds for not handing over control of Iraq to their own people? There is still a considerable amount of money in oil available to whomever is administering the country. George has led his country into one hell of a mess. It is hard to imagine Bush being able to get the U.S. out of Iraq without leaving a disaster in his wake, much as the Americans have done in virtually every country where they have intervened in the past.
It seems everyone is starting to ban these phones. I don't find this all that surprising. The concept that people wouldn't want someone to bring a camera to work appears obvious. The presence of cameras in the workplace creates a security nightmare for any company. Particularly companies that handle sensitive client information or research and development. This is over and above the thoughts about individual privacy. I suspect that this will become a much bigger problem once these cameras evolve to the point where the image quality available becomes much higher. At present the quality really only serves someone who intends to view the images with a computer.
It seems everyone is starting to ban these phones. I don't find this all that surprising. The concept that people wouldn't want someone to bring a camera to work appears obvious. The presence of cameras in the workplace creates a security nightmare for any company. Particularly companies that handle sensitive client information or research and development. This is over and above the thoughts about individual privacy. I suspect that this will become a much bigger problem once these cameras evolve to the point where the image quality available becomes much higher. At present the quality really only serves someone who intends to view the images with a computer.
Monday, February 09, 2004
George Bush Interview:
Hard to imagine, but I can't help feel a little sorry for George Bush after his latest interview. He came off a bit like a wipped puppy. He really seems to believe that he was right in attacking Iraq. Suffice to say that it doesn't appear now as if Iraq was not exactly the imminent danger that was described to us not so long ago. Whether he was right or wrong really isn't the point. The point is we were all lied to. In addition is George's apparent inability to see his mistakes and take responsibility for them. If George wants to make things right, this might be a good place to start. He still keeps pushing the concept of how the war was necessary. I can't possibly see him getting re-elected, but at the same time it's very unfortunate to witness his shame displayed fore all the world to see. As someone once is reported to have said- " They know not what they do" or in this case he and his advisors. However, Cheney and Rumsfeld are smart enough to know better. This leaves me with the feeling that George Bush was really just a sacrificial lamb for powers wiser than he. Hence the feeling sorry part.
Hard to imagine, but I can't help feel a little sorry for George Bush after his latest interview. He came off a bit like a wipped puppy. He really seems to believe that he was right in attacking Iraq. Suffice to say that it doesn't appear now as if Iraq was not exactly the imminent danger that was described to us not so long ago. Whether he was right or wrong really isn't the point. The point is we were all lied to. In addition is George's apparent inability to see his mistakes and take responsibility for them. If George wants to make things right, this might be a good place to start. He still keeps pushing the concept of how the war was necessary. I can't possibly see him getting re-elected, but at the same time it's very unfortunate to witness his shame displayed fore all the world to see. As someone once is reported to have said- " They know not what they do" or in this case he and his advisors. However, Cheney and Rumsfeld are smart enough to know better. This leaves me with the feeling that George Bush was really just a sacrificial lamb for powers wiser than he. Hence the feeling sorry part.
Canada in Afghanistan:
The Canadian military is sending the Royal 22nd Vandoos to Kabul as part of their regular rotation of personnel serving with the U.N. forces. The mission in Afghanistan has, from the start, been much clearer morally than the conflict in Iraq.
The forces in Kabul are helping to bring stability to the area as well as bringing humaitarian aid. The Vandoos have a long distinguished record with the Canadian forces and should be a source of pride to all Canadians. It takes a lot of guts to go into a conflict such as this. Even more so when you do not have the fiscal support to properly equip yourselves for the mission at hand. The reports make reference to one officer who is beginning his fifth deployment overseas. These troops deserve our best support, not the half-assed effort they have been getting from our leaders.
The Canadian military is sending the Royal 22nd Vandoos to Kabul as part of their regular rotation of personnel serving with the U.N. forces. The mission in Afghanistan has, from the start, been much clearer morally than the conflict in Iraq.
The forces in Kabul are helping to bring stability to the area as well as bringing humaitarian aid. The Vandoos have a long distinguished record with the Canadian forces and should be a source of pride to all Canadians. It takes a lot of guts to go into a conflict such as this. Even more so when you do not have the fiscal support to properly equip yourselves for the mission at hand. The reports make reference to one officer who is beginning his fifth deployment overseas. These troops deserve our best support, not the half-assed effort they have been getting from our leaders.
Sunday, February 08, 2004
American's in Brazil:
Brazil has implemented new procedures for American tourists. This amounts to fingerprinting and photographing all Americans entering Brazil. Apparently this is in response to the U.S. using the same procedure in regards to tourists from most nations on the planet. By all reports this has not been well received by American tourists. To date two Americans have taken exception to being treated the same as Americans treat everybody else. The second incidence of U.S. citizens giving the bird while being photographed has just been resolved. The American in question has been handed a large fine for his disrespect.
This demonstrates the larger problem with the attitude of Americans with regard to the rest of the world. It seems that what is good for the U.S. is not necessarily good for anybody else. The U.S. acts as if it has no regard for the wishes of the rest of the world and then expresses outrage when they are treated the same. By and large the Americans are good people who have the best of intentions. However the saying the road to hell is paved with good intentions has never sounded more true. Only once the U.S. starts working with others in good faith will this change. To date, the main impression the rest of us get is that the U.S. will act in its own best interests with very little true regard for anybody else. The rhetoric and bullshit coming from the White House and other politicians is obscene and frankly it's time for change. The people of the U.S. need to view their leaders with more criticism and stop believing all the crap they are being fed in the name of patriotism.
Brazil has implemented new procedures for American tourists. This amounts to fingerprinting and photographing all Americans entering Brazil. Apparently this is in response to the U.S. using the same procedure in regards to tourists from most nations on the planet. By all reports this has not been well received by American tourists. To date two Americans have taken exception to being treated the same as Americans treat everybody else. The second incidence of U.S. citizens giving the bird while being photographed has just been resolved. The American in question has been handed a large fine for his disrespect.
This demonstrates the larger problem with the attitude of Americans with regard to the rest of the world. It seems that what is good for the U.S. is not necessarily good for anybody else. The U.S. acts as if it has no regard for the wishes of the rest of the world and then expresses outrage when they are treated the same. By and large the Americans are good people who have the best of intentions. However the saying the road to hell is paved with good intentions has never sounded more true. Only once the U.S. starts working with others in good faith will this change. To date, the main impression the rest of us get is that the U.S. will act in its own best interests with very little true regard for anybody else. The rhetoric and bullshit coming from the White House and other politicians is obscene and frankly it's time for change. The people of the U.S. need to view their leaders with more criticism and stop believing all the crap they are being fed in the name of patriotism.
Saturday, February 07, 2004
Don Cherry-The Scandal Continues:
It seems that Canadians need not look south of the border to find glaring examples of political idiocy. Our government is now announcing an inquiry into Don's comments and that this inquiry will be given top priority. Oh Yeah, Don's comments definitely rank right up there on my list of urgently pressing issues that our government needs to deal with. How many millions of dollars are the fools going to through away on this inquiry? I would have thought that there are a great many more serious problems to deal with. I certainly can think of 50 that are far more important than this one and would be quite upset to think of our very limited tax dollars being wasted in this manner. Knee jerk reactions for the sake of the media have no real place in politics and it's far time our leaders( for want of a better term) took that into consideration.
I, for one, really enjoy Don's rants. This doesn't mean that I agree with any more than half of his opinions. That is really not the point. The point is that this is supposed to be entertainment. God forbid that anyone should express an opinion that doesn't jibe with the current popular view. If the critics have there way, we'll all be listening to the exact same opinion being expressed by all. Hell we won't even need to have different people on T.V., we can just use the same one repeating the CORRECT view over and over. Far too often lately do we hear of someone who dared to detract from the popular view. They are derided, inquired into, and raked over the coals in the press. This is hardly freedom of speech the way I understand it. Lets just hope that we never live in a country where the complaints of ten people( Don's Case) have the affect of limiting our ability to hear the comments of men like Don. Don often can sound like a bigot and ignorant at best. But you have to admit one thing, this guy knows hockey. There are few who have anywhere near his level of knowledge of the sport. This is the primary reason I'll keep watching, even when I don't agree. As a French Canadian I am often the subject of his rants. This doesn't concern me in the least. As a resident of Canada I'm free to disagree, turn the channel, or outright stop watching anytime I'd like. That's one of the things that make this country great. I shudder to think that there may be a time that this would not be the case.
It seems that Canadians need not look south of the border to find glaring examples of political idiocy. Our government is now announcing an inquiry into Don's comments and that this inquiry will be given top priority. Oh Yeah, Don's comments definitely rank right up there on my list of urgently pressing issues that our government needs to deal with. How many millions of dollars are the fools going to through away on this inquiry? I would have thought that there are a great many more serious problems to deal with. I certainly can think of 50 that are far more important than this one and would be quite upset to think of our very limited tax dollars being wasted in this manner. Knee jerk reactions for the sake of the media have no real place in politics and it's far time our leaders( for want of a better term) took that into consideration.
I, for one, really enjoy Don's rants. This doesn't mean that I agree with any more than half of his opinions. That is really not the point. The point is that this is supposed to be entertainment. God forbid that anyone should express an opinion that doesn't jibe with the current popular view. If the critics have there way, we'll all be listening to the exact same opinion being expressed by all. Hell we won't even need to have different people on T.V., we can just use the same one repeating the CORRECT view over and over. Far too often lately do we hear of someone who dared to detract from the popular view. They are derided, inquired into, and raked over the coals in the press. This is hardly freedom of speech the way I understand it. Lets just hope that we never live in a country where the complaints of ten people( Don's Case) have the affect of limiting our ability to hear the comments of men like Don. Don often can sound like a bigot and ignorant at best. But you have to admit one thing, this guy knows hockey. There are few who have anywhere near his level of knowledge of the sport. This is the primary reason I'll keep watching, even when I don't agree. As a French Canadian I am often the subject of his rants. This doesn't concern me in the least. As a resident of Canada I'm free to disagree, turn the channel, or outright stop watching anytime I'd like. That's one of the things that make this country great. I shudder to think that there may be a time that this would not be the case.
Bush- Yet Again:
It would appear that the real reason Bush ordered the attack on Iraq was due to his search for justice. The laughs just keep on coming. I have a couple of little problems with this professed justice. Even in the U.S. a person is not guilty until charged, tried, and convicted. Then there's the matter of sentencing. George seems to have done away with these annoying problems by becoming judge, jury, and executioner. We might be able to accept a lot of reasons for getting rid of the monster that is Saddam Hussein, however George's contention that the reason was some ill-fated search for justice is quite frankly bullshit.
It would appear that the real reason Bush ordered the attack on Iraq was due to his search for justice. The laughs just keep on coming. I have a couple of little problems with this professed justice. Even in the U.S. a person is not guilty until charged, tried, and convicted. Then there's the matter of sentencing. George seems to have done away with these annoying problems by becoming judge, jury, and executioner. We might be able to accept a lot of reasons for getting rid of the monster that is Saddam Hussein, however George's contention that the reason was some ill-fated search for justice is quite frankly bullshit.
David Letterman- A Class Act:
I thought it necessary to take a moment to reflect on the accident on Letterman's Show the other night. After the snowboarder was injured Dave immediately cancelled the show. This demonstrates the kind of person that Dave is. Generally in the entertainment business, the motto is The Show Must Go On. It was refreshing to see Dave completely disregard this concept. He not only didn't go on with the show, but went to the hospital to see that the girl was doing O.K. This definitely shows that you have a lot of class Dave! Maybe, just maybe, there is a lot more to Dave Letterman than all jokes and zany stunts.
I thought it necessary to take a moment to reflect on the accident on Letterman's Show the other night. After the snowboarder was injured Dave immediately cancelled the show. This demonstrates the kind of person that Dave is. Generally in the entertainment business, the motto is The Show Must Go On. It was refreshing to see Dave completely disregard this concept. He not only didn't go on with the show, but went to the hospital to see that the girl was doing O.K. This definitely shows that you have a lot of class Dave! Maybe, just maybe, there is a lot more to Dave Letterman than all jokes and zany stunts.
Friday, February 06, 2004
Don Cherry a Racist?:
I can't say I understand all the uproar over Don's comments about face visors. According to reports he made comments to the affect that only French people and Europeans wear them. For one thing, he might be right. I don't know anything about it, but I would wager the manufacturers of the equipment could tell us if he was statistically correct. Just because someone makes a comment that has anything to do with race doesn't mean that they are a racist. There are many statistical facts which concern race that are not quoted with the intention of deriding that race. Example: Percentage of total people in Africa with Aids verses percentage of people in Europe who suffer from the same affliction. There are many racial statistics which evolve from these two percentages. That doesn't mean the person who quotes them in a discussion about Aids is a Racist. I tell you one thing, I, as a French Canadian would be proud to learn that the French Canadian hockey players have a higher visor usage then others as that, to me, would mean that they have a higher I.Q. Playing a game of hockey is not worth losing an eye over. The only reason I never used one was because when I was playing, the visors they had used to fog up too much. Perhaps they have resolved that problem now.
There are other areas where Don has made comments in the past which has gained the ire of some. In particular he has criticized the European style of hockey for some time. Without trying to be a racist, I too have noticed a difference in hockey style from one nation to the next I too prefer the Canadian style of very tight, fast, hard hitting hockey. This is only a personal opinion and being a Canadian is highly biased as I learned to play in Canada. This does not mean that I have any less respect for the players from any other country. In particular I have always enjoyed watching the Russian and Swedish teams. There are many styles of hockey and just because someone might express their preference of one over another doesn't make them a racist.
I can't say I understand all the uproar over Don's comments about face visors. According to reports he made comments to the affect that only French people and Europeans wear them. For one thing, he might be right. I don't know anything about it, but I would wager the manufacturers of the equipment could tell us if he was statistically correct. Just because someone makes a comment that has anything to do with race doesn't mean that they are a racist. There are many statistical facts which concern race that are not quoted with the intention of deriding that race. Example: Percentage of total people in Africa with Aids verses percentage of people in Europe who suffer from the same affliction. There are many racial statistics which evolve from these two percentages. That doesn't mean the person who quotes them in a discussion about Aids is a Racist. I tell you one thing, I, as a French Canadian would be proud to learn that the French Canadian hockey players have a higher visor usage then others as that, to me, would mean that they have a higher I.Q. Playing a game of hockey is not worth losing an eye over. The only reason I never used one was because when I was playing, the visors they had used to fog up too much. Perhaps they have resolved that problem now.
There are other areas where Don has made comments in the past which has gained the ire of some. In particular he has criticized the European style of hockey for some time. Without trying to be a racist, I too have noticed a difference in hockey style from one nation to the next I too prefer the Canadian style of very tight, fast, hard hitting hockey. This is only a personal opinion and being a Canadian is highly biased as I learned to play in Canada. This does not mean that I have any less respect for the players from any other country. In particular I have always enjoyed watching the Russian and Swedish teams. There are many styles of hockey and just because someone might express their preference of one over another doesn't make them a racist.
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
U.S. and British Intelligence(Lack):
I love all the press lately concern the major intelligence failure concerning Iraq. Inquiry after Inquiry into how it could have all gone so wrong. If anybody has been listening, they would soon realize that the failure wasn't in the intelligence community but among the politicians ( Bush, Blair, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc.) constant refusal to listen to what they were saying. Anyone pointing out the flaws was immediately slapped down. So George got fed the exact information that he insisted that he get. Big Surprise.
I love all the press lately concern the major intelligence failure concerning Iraq. Inquiry after Inquiry into how it could have all gone so wrong. If anybody has been listening, they would soon realize that the failure wasn't in the intelligence community but among the politicians ( Bush, Blair, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc.) constant refusal to listen to what they were saying. Anyone pointing out the flaws was immediately slapped down. So George got fed the exact information that he insisted that he get. Big Surprise.
Cloning Yet Again:
There appears to be no end to the nonsense these guys are getting up to. Now it's mice and monkeys. How does this go, I think it's viable primate sperm from a mouse. The purpose stated: This might someday have benefits for humans.
I think it's safe to say that our laws are lagging behind the needs on this one. This research is being done in the U.S. It's one very scary thing to be playing with.
There appears to be no end to the nonsense these guys are getting up to. Now it's mice and monkeys. How does this go, I think it's viable primate sperm from a mouse. The purpose stated: This might someday have benefits for humans.
I think it's safe to say that our laws are lagging behind the needs on this one. This research is being done in the U.S. It's one very scary thing to be playing with.
Can you believe the fuss being made about Janet's exposing her nipple during the Superbowl. It was a goofy move to say the least, but the amount of furor it has raised is to me quite astonishing. I am amazed at the seemingly unending series of mothers and fathers who when interviewed describe their horror as they watched with their children. Personally, I have more problem with the blatantly sexual movements made in modern teen music videos than I do with my children seeing a nipple. As the groundskeeper Willie says in the Simpson's Ahhh, it's no more than what the good lord gave me. I don't care one way or another how much nudity they show on daytime television. My kids aren't shocked at the sight of a human body and no one else's should be either. The body is the most natural thing in the world. I would however much prefer to see less blatant promiscuity among teens shown during kiddy hours. That's the kind of examples I'd rather not have my kids see.
Can you believe the fuss being made about Janet's exposing her nipple during the Superbowl. It was a goofy move to say the least, but the amount of furor it has raised is to me quite astonishing. I am amazed at the seemingly unending series of mothers and fathers who when interviewed describe their horror as they watched with their children. Personally, I have more problem with the blatantly sexual movements made in modern teen music videos than I do with my children seeing a nipple. As the groundskeeper Willie says in the Simpson's Ahhh, it's no more than what the good lord gave me. I don't care one way or another how much nudity they show on daytime television. My kids aren't shocked at the sight of a human body and no one else's should be either. The body is the most natural thing in the world. I would however much prefer to see less blatant promiscuity among teens shown during kiddy hours. That's the kind of examples I'd rather not have my kids see.
Monday, February 02, 2004
W.M.D. Inquiry?:
So now George has seen the light, or has he. Faced with growing outrage over the failure to find any WMD in Iraq, George is now announcing he intends to launch a full investigation. Not at all surprising when you think about it. Faced with the very real possibility that an investigation would be launched anyway, it is very smart for George to call his own. Should George launch an inquiry before anyone else he has a better chance of setting it up his way and choosing the persons he feels would be most suitable. This would give him a much better chance of being found innocent of any wrongdoing. This shows us that there must be someone advising him who has a little intelligence at least
Lets just hope the democrats rally up a little stronger opponent to George. God forbid that he should get re-elected. While I suspect the Americans are going to have a real mess on their hands in Iraq for some time to come, at least with a new president there's a chance it won't escalate to the whole region.
So now George has seen the light, or has he. Faced with growing outrage over the failure to find any WMD in Iraq, George is now announcing he intends to launch a full investigation. Not at all surprising when you think about it. Faced with the very real possibility that an investigation would be launched anyway, it is very smart for George to call his own. Should George launch an inquiry before anyone else he has a better chance of setting it up his way and choosing the persons he feels would be most suitable. This would give him a much better chance of being found innocent of any wrongdoing. This shows us that there must be someone advising him who has a little intelligence at least
Lets just hope the democrats rally up a little stronger opponent to George. God forbid that he should get re-elected. While I suspect the Americans are going to have a real mess on their hands in Iraq for some time to come, at least with a new president there's a chance it won't escalate to the whole region.
Sunday, February 01, 2004
George Sees the Light:
It appears that George Bush has finally come to accept what everyone else has known for some time. That is, there are no Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq and haven't been for some time. This definitely seems to be a case of the learning disabled. Pretty much everyone else on the planet has recognized this fact for quite a while. It's one thing to make a mistake, it's another to blindly cling to that error. One might have thought that a sitting president of the U.S. would be mature enough to admit their mistakes. This doesn't appear to be the case with George. Despite what was obviously a major intelligence failure he is strongly resisting efforts to launch an independent investigation into what went wrong. I suspect that he might be more agreeable after the election when the findings of this type of investigation would have much less impact on his aspirations.
It appears that George Bush has finally come to accept what everyone else has known for some time. That is, there are no Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq and haven't been for some time. This definitely seems to be a case of the learning disabled. Pretty much everyone else on the planet has recognized this fact for quite a while. It's one thing to make a mistake, it's another to blindly cling to that error. One might have thought that a sitting president of the U.S. would be mature enough to admit their mistakes. This doesn't appear to be the case with George. Despite what was obviously a major intelligence failure he is strongly resisting efforts to launch an independent investigation into what went wrong. I suspect that he might be more agreeable after the election when the findings of this type of investigation would have much less impact on his aspirations.