Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Canadian Airforce Vets angered over Display
The vets are angry about a war museum display regarding the bombing campaign in Germany during WW2. Essentially, the display states that the practice of bombing German cities was effectively useless. I would have to disagree. We must remember that Germany was involved in the Battle of Britain which essentially targeted London for almost a year. Hitler had promised the German people that no bombs would fall on Germany. The bombing of the German cities discredited Hitler in Germany. It also enraged him to the point where he kept up the bombing of London, which had the effect of keeping his bombers away from more strategic targets thereby allowing the British to rebuild their airforce and industrial capabilities. In other words, there was a point to the whole thing. It very well may have prevented Britain from being invaded. It was certainly a dirty tactic, fact is, there were a great many dirty aspects to that war, and pretty much everyone since.
Cellphone Ban Creates Dilemma
I can understand why Quebec has banned the use of cellphones and cameras in the classroom following the posting of a humiliating video of a Quebec teacher on YouTube. My problem with the concept has to do with those teachers who violate the rules and ethics themselves. Cellphone cameras may be the only viable tool a student has to prove the accusations against such a teacher. It's true that the cameras may be misused, but I strongly worry that their lack might be even more dangerous. Perhaps a better approach might be to train teachers to better respond to the kind of taunting that created the embarrassing video in the first place as opposed to removing the proof of such.
Canadian Peacekeeper in Africa
One of the officers who was a veteran of the disatrous Rwanda mission has returned to Africa as an instructor at one of the peacekeeping schools there. A noble task to be sure. After so many failures of then UN peacekeeping effort it would appear that they are finally learning something. The attempt to train Africans to act as peacekeepers is one example. What amazes me is that one of the Canadians who was witness to the horror in Rwanda would ever go back. The physiological damage from Rwanda almost drove Dallaire insane, as I'm sure it would almost any person who was sane to begin with. Major Lacine must be an extraordinary man to return at all. I highly doubt that I could. Perhaps this is, in part, his own therapy for dealing with the nightmares that must still haunt him.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
U.S. Army Talks
At least one army general is saying that they read a notice from Rumsfeld which approved harsh interrogation methods in Iraq. No surprise here at all. What is a surprise is the fact that a general would admit this openly. It should have been obvious by now that these methods had been approved at the highest level. The recent attempt to get torture legalized should have been enough to convince anyone still refusing to believe it.
There has also been the suggestion that without stopping the Islamic terrorists there would be a new world war. Unfortunately, I would have to agree with this one. In fact, it could be argued that we are already fighting a world war. The fighting and killing is going on in such a large portion of the world in one form or another that this appears to be the case. The problem is that any world war would not be caused solely by the terrorists but as much by out reaction to it. Iraq is a lovely example of this concept. There was no terrorist problem in Iraq before George Bush decided to try and convince us that there was and invaded in part for that reason. A world war is hardly inevitable. Bush is looking for a new strategy. He might try honesty and ethics, starting with his own citizens.
There has also been the suggestion that without stopping the Islamic terrorists there would be a new world war. Unfortunately, I would have to agree with this one. In fact, it could be argued that we are already fighting a world war. The fighting and killing is going on in such a large portion of the world in one form or another that this appears to be the case. The problem is that any world war would not be caused solely by the terrorists but as much by out reaction to it. Iraq is a lovely example of this concept. There was no terrorist problem in Iraq before George Bush decided to try and convince us that there was and invaded in part for that reason. A world war is hardly inevitable. Bush is looking for a new strategy. He might try honesty and ethics, starting with his own citizens.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Yet Another U.S. Military Murder in Iraq
In other cases of murder in Iraq by US servicemen, the sentences have been quite harsh. It's that fact that makes this one difficult to understand. In the case of a fifty-two year old man killed, the sentences have been quite light. Perhaps there are details which are not being reported. Perhaps it's simply because this case hasn't received the media attention as the case of rape and murder of the young girl and her family. In any case, the sentences handed out do not in any way suggest justice has been done in this instance.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Richards and Racism
By this point everyone knows about Mike's racist tirade following heckling he took during a recent stand-up routine. A lot has come out about it including Richards' own statement to the effect that he is not a racist. I don't know the extent of his racism but I can say that I doubt he is not a racist. Fact is, I doubt that there are very many people at all who are not racists in one form or another. The reason is simple, we are all the result of how we have lived and are raised. Racism takes many forms. Some are much more severe and damaging than others. The kind of more moderate racism is simply a matter of the acceptance of stereotypes that we are exposed to through culture and media. Many of these stereotypes take the form of humorous routines by stand-ups themselves. All have an effect. We all recognize the more serious types which may involve physical attacks or other forms of persecution. Many of us fail to recognize the more moderate. It is for this reason that there are so few of us who can factually state that they are not guilty of racism in any form or degree. It is also for this reason that we all must constantly look at our stereotypes and ideas and seek out their sources and question their validity. When we can interact with peoples of all races and colors without any preconceived ideas about their quality of personality, only then will we be truly free of racism. Our society is still a long way from that point.
Judge recommends Kagame Charges
A French judge has recommended Rwandan President Kagame be charged in the death the then president of Rwanda. This was the spark that set off the genocide that followed. The Rwandans have responded that the French themselves are not exactly free of guilt. Both are very valid points. Kagame was right in the middle of the whole genocide thing. The French are guilty of supplying the murderers as well as interfering in the U.N. mission which could have prevented it, and effectively sitting back and watching it happen without doing anything to stop it. I don't know if the French should face charges in the mess, but they sure aren't totally free of guilt in the events which occurred there.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Child labor and Abuse
Another agency has come out with a report about the use of what is effectively child slavery and the rife use of abuse related to it. This is a massive problem that most of us chose to ignore or deny. We must step up and face the truth of this inexcusable practice. Abuse of children must be single-handedly the crime I can least understand. We all have a duty to protect the world's kids. Every child on earth is all of our responsibility. When and if we all start to understand this concept, the practice will end and the world's kids will start to be safe.
Another Example of Canadian Environmental irresponsibility
Fishing is another area where the Canadian gov't has long shown a lack of wisdom, the cod situation comes to mind, and downright lack of responsibility. Bottom trawling has long been shown to de absolutely devastating to the environment, yet the federales continue to do nothing. California has moved to ban the practice, yet the Canadians do nothing. Now Greenpeace has used "South Park" to try and make the government see what it has chosen to ignore, to the whole world's detriment. Canadians must recognize that their elected officials are acting in this manner and start applying real pressure in an attempt to get them to start actually representing the people of Canada.
Torture in China
An official has admitted to the regular use of torture in China to gain confessions from accused individuals. An extremely brave act for the man but one which is likely to end his career in the very least. In fact, he may end up receiving the same treatment he has referred to. Again, a very brave move. It will take many more like him as well as pressure from the rest of us before this medieval approach to law enforcement will ever change in China.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Notes on Canadian Environment
Steven Harper has followed the Bush example when it comes to Canadian environmental policy. He is basing his policies on gas emission intensity which is effectively a way to throw off the Canadian public by pretending to make a difference when he is, in fact, doing almost nothing. In the words of this author, he is treating us like idiots. Fact is, any politician who uses the Bush example of how to address his people is an idiot himself for thinking that Canadians can be misled in this fashion. He is , in fact, ensuring that he will follow Bush's path and guarantee the his political party will go down in flames and cause the election of the Liberals for another extended stay as the Canadian leaders. Harper has to show better judgment and let go of his extreme respect for a man that has almost single-handedly destroyed his country's credibility and future as global leaders. Harper, because of his lack of respect for the Canadian people's will, has become Canada's own little George Bush. Let us hope the Canada won't take as long to put an end to it.
On that note, Kofi Annan has recommended that the world's people should not wait for the pathetically inept actions of their leaders to make a difference when it comes to global warming. It is refreshing to see at least one global leader speaking plainly and truthfully when it comes to the survival of us all.
On that note, Kofi Annan has recommended that the world's people should not wait for the pathetically inept actions of their leaders to make a difference when it comes to global warming. It is refreshing to see at least one global leader speaking plainly and truthfully when it comes to the survival of us all.
Kofi Annan Makes More Sense
Annan has come out with another warning for the people of our planet and more relevantly, for our leaders. This time it has to do with the new science of bioengineering and the possible misuses of same. The man makes a great deal of sense on the subject and his warning should be listened to, not to say that it will. There are already many examples of poorly thought out experiments with gene splicing. The human cow gene splice is but one example, genetically modified foods are another. There is much good that can come from this science, but only if we approach it with responsibility, caution, and wisdom. Our race has demonstrated way to little of all of the above in the past. That must change if we are to survive what lies ahead.
Another Iraq Excuse
They tried the WMD excuse, combine that with the ol' " training ground for terrorists excuse", when those were shown to be total lies it was the " free the oppressed people line", now that the Iraqis are proven to be anything but free we have an American saying that they were duped by terrorists into attacking Iraq. Yeah, O.K. The only people to have duped the American public has been their elected officials. I have no doubt that the attack on Iraq was celebrated by the terrorists. Anyone of any intelligence could have predicted what the outcome would be, and did predict it. They were not listened to. I can even believe that the terrorists may have tried to influence and motivate such an attack. However, no invasion would have occurred had not the American leaders been so inclined to do just that and been seeking any excuse to do just that. No, it is not the terrorists who are responsible, it is mostly George Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. No amount of post disaster damage control can ever remove that.
Friday, November 17, 2006
U.S. Justice Fulfills it's Responsibility
The first American soldier to be convicted of the rape and murder of an Iraqi girl and her family has gotten a ninety year sentence. The Canadian Justice system could learn a thing or two from this one. I do have one question however. Why did the other soldier charged in the murder of an Iraqi grandfather only receive a sentence of 18 months?
Wireless Power Coming
This could prove to be a very interesting technology. I do however have concerns about it being implemented without the proper research as happens so many times in our society. Let's consider power lines. It is well known that high intensity power lines induce a current in conductors which are near them. Yet we regularly build schools underneath said wires without conclusive evidence that it is safe to do so. Just because we can't prove it is unsafe doesn't mean that it is in fact safe. We simply don't know enough. The same can be said about genetically modified foods, gene splicing, cloning, and a host of others that having used them for many years we are finding out that perhaps they are not so safe after all. Asbestos, the use of growth hormones in beef and milk cows, and petrocarbon fuels are only a small sample of these errors. Transmitting power by the use of resonance could be every bit as devastating to our environment as the use of propellers and sonar has been to the oceans. We really need to start putting a lot more study into these new ideas before they are accepted and used on large scales.
Burqa Banned by Dutch
A tough question. The Dutch have banned the burqa from being worn in public as a disruption of the public peace. I have to say that I can't agree based on the reasons they have stated. There are many faiths which require a certain dress code, yet they are not banned. I could agree if it could be shown that there reason many Muslim women wear the burqa is because they are being forced to, or coerced in one form or another. Under such a situation, then I would support the ban in order to gain their freedom. I am not convinced that this is the case. The many women I have heard discuss the burqa do not seem to be wearing because of some form of persecution, they wear it out of personal choice, at least here in Canada. I suspect the only real result from this ban is going to be to further instill resentment in those individuals who feel that their religious freedom is being further restricted.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
From the World Of Islam to the Vatican
Pakistan has moved to bring it's rape laws out of the dark ages and make them slightly more just for the women who have been the unfortunate victims of this type of horrendous crime. At least it's a beginning.
Meanwhile, women in Afghanistan are setting themselves on fire to escape the hellish conditions that there culture demands they live in. A culture which virtually gives them no power to control there own destinies. I can't say I blame despite the absolutely terrible manner in which they are doing this. Perhaps when the numbers get high enough, the men in that society might learn to value the woman enough to treat them as equals and in a humane fashion.
On that note, the Vatican has decided to add it's two cents to the question of Muslim women wearing veils. He is saying that wearing veils prevents them from integrating into European culture and that they should follow the cultural norms of those same countries. Apparently, this man fails to see that to demand compliance on this issue is every bit as bad as the men in certain countries who demand it of the women. People of the world, men and woman should be free to follow their own guidance as to their spiritual beliefs so long as it is not harming anyone. To expect them, or demand them, to do otherwise makes a farce of the whole concept of freedom and democracy.
Meanwhile, women in Afghanistan are setting themselves on fire to escape the hellish conditions that there culture demands they live in. A culture which virtually gives them no power to control there own destinies. I can't say I blame despite the absolutely terrible manner in which they are doing this. Perhaps when the numbers get high enough, the men in that society might learn to value the woman enough to treat them as equals and in a humane fashion.
On that note, the Vatican has decided to add it's two cents to the question of Muslim women wearing veils. He is saying that wearing veils prevents them from integrating into European culture and that they should follow the cultural norms of those same countries. Apparently, this man fails to see that to demand compliance on this issue is every bit as bad as the men in certain countries who demand it of the women. People of the world, men and woman should be free to follow their own guidance as to their spiritual beliefs so long as it is not harming anyone. To expect them, or demand them, to do otherwise makes a farce of the whole concept of freedom and democracy.
Canadian Law Fails Again
Another inexcusable example of the Canadian legal system failing to exact justice from the conviction of a couple for raping and enslaving little girls. I thought the whole Homolka case would have been the last time I would hear about something like this. Again, enforcement officials and the crown managed to get convictions against the pair despite all the odds stacked against them. Yet when it came time to sentence the pair, the judge has let the victims, relatives of the victims, law enforcement, the prosecutors office, and the Canadian public all down by allowing the woman to go free and giving the man a sentence which will release him when he is still young enough to continue where he left off. One thing you have to say about the U.S. system, I can't even imagine this kind of problem occurring there.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
More Climate Woes
Another report is painting a dire picture of what is to come. This time it's about the oceans and fish in particular. They're in major decline and are expected to collapse altogether by 2048. The report says that this will have a major effect on the world's food supplies. Guess again. All things start and end with the oceans. The results will be devastating on a scale never before seen by man unless the path is diverted.
The U.N. is finally recognizing that humans are having a major impact on the world's climate and are largely responsible for global warming. No surprise there. What is surprising is that there are still reputable scientists who are arguing man's responsibility for the current trends. Some say that the earth was warmer 1000 years ago. Maybe so, but those trends occurred much more slowly giving the ecosystem time to adapt. We are causing changes at a rate that few species can tolerate, including us. The west coast of America is just another example of what surely is going to get much worse. Seeking higher ground is not going to be enough. Between mudslides, forrest fires, and flash floods, the higher ground is going to have it's share of woe.
What is even more frustrating is the fact that there are leaders like Steven Harper who completely refuse to pay attention to the will of his own citizens who are overwhelmingly in support of both Kyoto and further efforts to stem the tide.
The U.N. is finally recognizing that humans are having a major impact on the world's climate and are largely responsible for global warming. No surprise there. What is surprising is that there are still reputable scientists who are arguing man's responsibility for the current trends. Some say that the earth was warmer 1000 years ago. Maybe so, but those trends occurred much more slowly giving the ecosystem time to adapt. We are causing changes at a rate that few species can tolerate, including us. The west coast of America is just another example of what surely is going to get much worse. Seeking higher ground is not going to be enough. Between mudslides, forrest fires, and flash floods, the higher ground is going to have it's share of woe.
What is even more frustrating is the fact that there are leaders like Steven Harper who completely refuse to pay attention to the will of his own citizens who are overwhelmingly in support of both Kyoto and further efforts to stem the tide.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Canada and Kyoto
Canada is taking criticism from the world community for failing in it's commitment to Kyoto. I, as a Canadian, am damn offended. Not with the complaints! I'm offended that our fool of a P.M. Steven Harper has been such an complete failure at following Canadians overwhelming desire to fulfill that same obligation. According to his plan it will be 2070 before we actually complete the targets already set. Way too little, way to late. It's a real shame that we didn't have anyone else to vote for during the last election. I liked Paul Martin, but I had to agree that the liberals had been in power for far too many of the last thirty years. The Conservatives just didn't offer up anyone better. I still didn't vote for Steve but I didn't blame those who did. Not, like Bush, we have to live with the monster that we have created.
Religious Holidays
I have to agree that the new political correctness when it comes to religious holidays has gotten way out of hand. It's a case of the wrong path for all the right reasons. I'm talking about the fear of using the term Christmas for fear of offending anyone. Muslims are protesting because they say this is causing a backlash against them. That may very well be true, although I doubt they deserve the blame for this one. Frankly I don't see why the use of the term Christmas would offend anyone in the first place. I'm not offended by Hanukkah or Ramadan. In fact, quite the opposite. I feel that we should all support each other in the celebration and observance of our holy days. This would hardly take a great deal of tolerance and we can all learn about one another on the process. True religious piety seldom leads to conflict. It is the bastardization of our faiths that cause conflict. It is this that we must protest. The Muslim world was once considered the most enlightened and tolerant on earth. The change from this path has been the result of interference and misunderstanding by the western nations. The Americans are only the latest to make this mistake. They have been preceded by the British, Spanish, Portugese, and likely anyone else who thought that there way of life was somehow more worthy or advanced. Dr. Colin Turnbull wrote several books on aboriginal people culture. One was called the Human Cycle. I found it extremely interesting to note that the parents in those cultures more often than not raised their children with more patience and support than many modern(?) cultures. They seemed to me far more civilized than most of us. This book was written long ago ( 20 Years?) yet we apparently have learned very little from it.
Iraqis Want Americans to Do Dirty Work
According to this report, the Shiites want the Americans to wipe out the Sunnis and vice a versa. I have no doubt that this is true. Perhaps a new strategy might be possible because of this fact. Maybe the Americans could use this desire as leverage when dealing with the two side and get them both to put the terrorists in their sites as opposed to the Americans and each other. Of course, this strategy would require that the Americans have some credibility, and Bush et. al. have done precious little to gain that. Add to this fact that very few others now want to get involved with the mess that Rumsfeld has made of the situation. Many consider it a lose-lose scenario. So where to from here? I suspect that in the end it is the Iraqi people who will continue to pay the price for the American leaders incompetence.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
The Rumsfeld Legacy
It wasn't the actions that he took in Iraq, that's actually a different question, problem, whatever. It was the fact that he joined George and Dick in constantly lying to the American people and everyone for that matter. Even when it was clear that everyone knew he was lying they all just kept feeding the bull to the rest of the world. It has long been obvious that they had very little respect for the intelligence of the average American. That in itself was bad enough without even going into the history of his foolishness (crimes?) in Iraq. Now it looks like George is going to just keep making the same old mistakes until he's finally gone. No clean starts after Donald, just more of the same.
Computers and Paper
A recent report says that Canadians are using more paper than ever despite the use of computers. It was expected that paper use would drop significantly the more we embraced the digital era. Now the experts are saying that this will change as we become more comfortable with data storage. I beg to differ. Now I'm no expert on digital data storage but I have had extensive negative experiences with the concept. I initially embraced the use of data storage, to the point of using it for all my business and tax needs. What I hadn't counted on was the fact that one operating system to the next wouldn't be able to retrieve the backed up data. When the need arose, I went through consider time and expense trying to recover this data from files that my new computers were not able to read. I now print everything that I do for business on the computer. So I can say, without any doubt, that the digital age has far from saved me from the use of paper. While the computers have saved me time and effort in the day to day operation of my business it has not really saved me time in the log run. Perhaps for larger data bases this would be the case, but it has not been fore.
HI DADDY :)love you from nicole
By 12:56 p.m.
, at
Thank You for your comment and oh, by the way, I love you too honey!!!!!
Your Dad.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Telling it Like It Is
This is an excellent article which outlines many of the points which I have tried my best to make since I started this blog. It tells the real story behind the U.S. government's fight for democracy including some very revealing quoted from American generals involved in Iraq. It is certainly a must read for those seeking the truth and manages to tell it much more eloquently than I ever could.
A devastating report, yet every word the truth. The American peopel must take back control of their country, their education system, and their government. The cost of not doing so will be even more devastating on the American people then any action that their leaders have taken has been on everyone else.
A devastating report, yet every word the truth. The American peopel must take back control of their country, their education system, and their government. The cost of not doing so will be even more devastating on the American people then any action that their leaders have taken has been on everyone else.
World Votes Against U.S. Cuba Embargo
Once again the world has voted against the U.S. over it's embargo of Cuba. Only four countries have agreed with the U.S. policy. Not surprising really. The U.S. policy has done anything but put the Cuban gov't out of business. Like many of the American foreign policies, it has strengthened the Cuban position and hurt only it's people who are for the most part innocent of any wrongdoing. The U.S. embargo goes much farther than simply prevent U.S. companies from doing business, it prevents any company, anywhere from doing any business with the U.S. if it does so with Cuba. An invasive policy to say the least. Really, it's just another example of the U.S. using it's economic power to bully everyone else. It would appear that enlightenment for the U.S. government is still very far away despite what should have been it's many lessons learned over the last quarter century.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Now Rumsfeld, Too Sweet
Ahhhh, too sweet. The beginning of the end to what I like to call the " evil axis of bullshit' coming out of Washington. That is the Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld show. It would have been funny if not for the huge cost of their deceptions. And not only for the people of Iraq, the people of the U.S. have paid dearly for the mistake of electing this man. The problem is, both countries are likely to keep on paying for Bush's folly long after he is gone. Oh well, it had to start somewhere and Rumsfeld's resignation is a great place to do it.
Faith Gone Horribly Wrong
This certainly has to be the most horrific example of people using their faith to justify monstrous acts that I have ever heard of. The men charged with the beheadings of a bunch of Christian girls in Indonesia are going on trial. They say that the attack was a response to another attack by a Christian group on a Muslim school. I think what is most clear here is the fact that practitioners of both faiths have acted equally in their betrayal of their faiths by the series of crimes they have committed. It's time that all the world's citizens recognize these acts for what they are and refuse to accept the excuse of religious spirituality to justify such crimes. That goes for everyone from George's " Holy Christian Army" to the taliban's reign of terror.
Let the Church Bells Ring, So To Speak
One down and one to go. The U.S. democrats have taken the House of Representatives and I'm still waiting to find out about the senate. This has got to be the best news I've heard since George took power and began his attack on world stability and the democratic process in the U.S. It's all down hill from here George. I couldn't believe it when you were elected and I've been waiting every since for your expulsion. It's unfortunate that so much damage has been done to world peace and so many have died before the majority of Americans could see you for what you are.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Human Cow Embryos Again
I can't believe this one has raised it's ugly head again. This is outright scientific tomfoolery and irresponsibility to say the least. There is a limit to good science and this type of experimentation is clearly beyond it. I strongly support the scientific community, but I can't even imagine a conscientious one supporting this research.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
He Did it He Didn't Do it
Once again the republicans in the U.S. have become flooded with the results of their own double talk and double standards. Despite the never-ending series of lectures delivered to the rest of the American public on their lack of morality, yet another scandal has engulfed them. And not just any republican but an evangelical leader. The evangelicals have the notoriety of perhaps having even more hypocrisy than the republican party for the long list of dirty deeds that have come out about the same people who have been moralizing to the rest of us for years. In this case the man has been denying the reports since they came out, but wait a minute, he's now saying that he in fact did break the faith so to speak. Now there's a surprise, as if there was anyone other than the evangelical republicans who didn't already know this. I have long had no trust whatsoever for the dialing-for-dollars approach to spirituality so typical of the evangelicals. This hasn't exactly restored the faith.
In Edmonton
We have made it to Edmonton Alberta and will be here for a couple of days while I write several course exams. Then it is on to Fort Mcmurray in the North. So far so good. Will keep you posted.
Friday, November 03, 2006
From Thunder Bay
We have arrived in Thunder Bay. What a trip through snow squalls and slippery roads as we made our way across Northern Ontario. Tomorrow, we expect to go through Manitoba and into Saskatchewan. The next day we will arrive in Northern Alberta, where we expect to be for at least the winter.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Climate, Climate, and More Climate
Global Warming is all over the news, and none of it's good. There are several articles on the Stern report out of Britain. I have to say that this is one of the most comprehensive and I dare say accurate reports I have read to date. It goes into detail about the financial costs of failing to take action, and the resulting chaos of same.
In addition, the Philippines is being it by the strongest typhoon ever. Expect much more in Asia, not to mention the southern U.S.
The American Northeast isn't being spared either. The U.S. and Canada have been hit by an extremely strong wind storm resulting in the loss of power to hundreds of thousands. Brings back lovely memories of the Ice Storm of 98 during which my house sustained $ 30,000.00 damage resulting from 17 days without power. We purchased a generator on day 9 which helped immensely, but didn't undo the damage already done.
I only hope the Stern report hasn't been to conservative in it's assessment of the costs to come.
In addition, the Philippines is being it by the strongest typhoon ever. Expect much more in Asia, not to mention the southern U.S.
The American Northeast isn't being spared either. The U.S. and Canada have been hit by an extremely strong wind storm resulting in the loss of power to hundreds of thousands. Brings back lovely memories of the Ice Storm of 98 during which my house sustained $ 30,000.00 damage resulting from 17 days without power. We purchased a generator on day 9 which helped immensely, but didn't undo the damage already done.
I only hope the Stern report hasn't been to conservative in it's assessment of the costs to come.