Personal opinions and thoughts on pretty much everything. News, Tech, Politics, Issues of the Day, Humor,Ethics, and the Environment.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Horrors All Around, New Orleans to Baghdad
As if the Iraqi people haven't had to deal with enough, a stampede has now killed hundreds. I think these people really could use a break. The ability of a mere rumor to panic a group of pilgrims to the point that so many end up dead is clear indication that these folks are right on the edge of chaos.
What started as a fairly orderly preparation for the hurricane has quickly turned into a major human disaster. We've heard a lot about the lack of relief to the people in New Orleans but from what I can see, the Coast guard and other relief agencies have responded in super human fashion to the situation. Many of the people who now have to be rescued were warned to evacuate and chose not to. This has drawn valuable resources away from those who couldn't leave such as those in hospitals, shelters, and jails. Meanwhile, the rest of the Americans have already started to respond in force to the need of those in the South. The Red Cross is reporting massive donations and other agencies are mobilisng. Canadians are starting to assist and are waiting for instructions from the U.S. government on what to send and where. News reports in Canada are clearly showing how desperate the situation is and the urgent need for massive relief efforts. It really is time for the rest of the world to recognize the need and to respond with generosity as the American people have so often done for others.
My final point on this has to do with the grumbling in the news about the resulting climb in oil prices. As a less than opulent person, high gas prices are very troubling to me. Yet I can't help but feel that we still pay a falsely low price for gas. The price does not reflect the true value of oil and it's non-renewability. There is no doubt that a temporary increase in fuel prices will be costly, but it pails in comparison to the terrible situation that so many in the South are now dealing with.
The U.S. forces and Sunni forces are now starting to work together and there are reports that the Sunnis are expected to come out for the next election in large numbers. While I strongly protested the initial assault on Iraq, it goes without question that having invaded, the Americans are now obligated to ensure a certain level of order is in place before they leave. These efforts combined with a more multi-national peace keeping force would go a long way to achieving those goals!
It's about time! I have been very concerned by the stats regarding the amount of violent, abusive, or rape oriented porn sites. I think they might however go one step farther. That is, to ban the use of domain names that specifically target children by using a name that closely mirrors children's sites. Reportedly this is being commonly done with the Walt Disney and Tellatubby sites. There is only one reason that someone would do this, that is to attract children viewers. A clearer motive to prove illegal activity can hardly be found, yet these sites are rampant. It's about time we addressed these issues!
The Southern U.S. has been pounded but good by the latest hurricane. Can't help but feel for them in this hour. According to all the reports so far, the evacuation and sheltering operation has been a textbook example of co-operation and has gone very smoothly. I hope Canadians and the world in general responds with the same degree of sincerity that they did after 9/11. We certainly have our differences, but in the end we are all more alike than different and the Americans have given generously to many others in their time of need. It's time now to pull together and do what we can to help our friends.
Back in 1975 the world leaders got together and decided to make things more equal. According to this report, those efforts have in large part failed. The rich are richer and the poor are poorer. The report makes some good points and is worth the read. I, however, won't even start as it seems a topic more worthy of books than quick remarks!
The U.N. says that Britain is violating it's agreements by deporting people to countries where they could be executed. Agreed! I might make an exception in this case. Simply stated, no country has the duty to harbor an individual who will incite hatred and counsel violence against others. As much as I support human rights, I don't support it to the point that innocent people are sacrificed to extremists. I seek a country that is at peace with itself and others. Extremism results in chaos, not positive change. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, that doesn't mean the are right to inflict said opinion on anyone else through the use of murder. So, I support Britain's right to deport those it deems a threat to their security and democracy, although I would like to see them spend as much effort as possible to do so in such a manner where the person's life is not in imminent danger. Now if we could only get the extremists to show that same level of respect to us! In the end, I might think that the persons in question would consider how much they dislike having their lives threatened before they create those conditions in their adopted countries.
Pat says he's sorry, well you be the judge. First he said he didn't say it, then he says he said it but was misunderstood. Finally, he's sorry for whatever he said. Yah, O.K.
This one stinks to high hell but is a good depiction of a lack in the current laws. That is, serious criminals who go on to sign movie and/or book deals and end up profiting from their crimes. There should be laws that prevent any profiting from said acts and any generated profits should go into a fund for the victims or their survivors.
Pat Robertson has called on the U.S. to assassinate Venezuelan President Chavez. So this is the modern path of American Christianity. Now I don't know all there is to about American laws but in Canada this would considered criminal under our hate laws. Inciting hatred and the murder of your political opponents comes off as very un-Christian to me. It also lends a great deal of credibility to what Chavez has long been saying. The U.S. has a long dirty history in it's dealings with Central and South America. Let's hope that we don't end up listing Venezuela as another entry into that distinguished past.
When I think of illegal immigrants crossing into the U.S. from Mexico, I think mostly of migrant workers. This article points out that there is much more to the problem. It is referring , of course, to the number of murders, kidnappings, and other crimes which now seem to be over-running the area. Starts to make those civilian border patrols much easier to understand. If it came down to protecting my family, I would patrol too. I fear that this will not go well. One reason is the fact that the people committing these crimes are very nasty people indeed. What exactly would a person do if they came across them. By the time you realize that this might not be your average migrant worker, they would have already killed you. More than 300 missing women, many who have been found dead, suggests that these guys hold very little value for life. The only way to protect yourself when conducting such operations is to essentially act like a SWAT team. Problem is, it's not legal for civilians to do what a SWAT team can.
There are reports out about warnings concerning the worlds oil reserves. I can't say that the world running out of oil would be a bad thing except for all the very useful products other than fuel which are created using it. Therein lies the real shame of running out.
A plan to save the whales has been recommended in affect stating that ship lanes be changed to keep them away from the whales. A great idea, but it's going to cost money!
I like this one. Debating scientists have made a wager concerning global warming and the concept that it will reverse itself once the solar flare cycle subsides. For once I'm rooting for the solar cause side simply because I pray that the warming will reverse itself according to their predictions within ten to twenty years.
The parents are being held partly responsible for their son's actions. He killed a young girl with a knife the parents knew he had. I say so what? Lots of people carry knives that doesn't make them murderers. Without hearing much more about this one it's impossible to know if there was anything the parents should have done or even could have done. Kids have killed their parents before. Was this the case of a raging psychopath or one of a more subtle problem that the parents may have suspected but were never sure of? Would you call the federale's on your own kid based on a hunch? As I said based on this report we can't tell.
I said back when I first heard about this that I thought no good would come of it. Sooner or later someone was going to go to far. I guess a U.S. judge has ruled that in fact someone did, so much so in fact that he has awarded the guy's ranch in damages. I feel for these property owners on the border who have to deal with the results of an ineffective border patrol but to set up night patrols on their own is a recipe for disaster.
I have no doubt that there are texts in Pakistan which are slanted against the U.S. What I find amusing is that the Americans would complain about it. My information is very outdated, but the last time I heard anything about it, some American texts had errors in the hundreds. Essentially re-shaping World history to put a more favorable light on the U.S. I hope that all that has changed in the last few years but somehow I doubt it.
I've wondered how long it would take for something like this. A water park has closed due to contaminated water. I enjoy these parks very much but I could never figure out how they could purify this much water as quickly as they would need to. Without a massive water plant it would be impossible I always thought. Turns out that they can't purify the water fast enough!
Meanwhile, British Muslim leaders are being accused of ignoring the problems within their community regarding extremists and terrorists. Much of this criticism is likely correct. It kind of comes down to the problem of what to do with one of your children who has proven dangerous and criminal. Not all parents could bring themselves to call the police. This is especially true if there exists a general level of distrust with authorities.
Palestinian Leader Abbas has applauded Israel's commitment to the peace process following the withdrawal from Gaza. The one thing that has proven abundantly clear over the years is the fact that it is very difficult to make any real progress when dealing with Israel. This is mainly due to the very difficult political atmosphere there making it quite hard for any leader to effect real change.
Won't be long now and we'll be saying goodbye to good ole' George. The question remains how much more damage he's going to do to the world before he goes. Most of America is now facing what the rest of the world has known for some time, that is a relationship born of deceit is better lost than lived, and they should have lost you long ago!
Bringing elephants and lions to America in order to save them, you're kidding right? It's very hard for me to believe that this came from ecologists. We have tried to introduce much smaller species before to new ecosystems to disastrous effect. Has any of these guys considered what effect this would have on the trees that would not be used to having their bark stripped off by massive creatures if they would eat them at all. The way to save the African wildlife is to save Africa. Anything less is a complete waste of time and possibly catastrophic to the existing ecosystem.
China and Russia are now engaging in joint military exercises. Great! Hardly surprising given the new American push to global dominance. Well, maybe not in so many words, but it all comes down to the same thing. Act like a bully and eventually everyone else will gang up against you!.
I can't say I'm real thrilled about the amount of security cameras out there. It's that old invasion of privacy thing. At the same time, I can't see any way around it considering the increases in violent street crime, carjackings, robberies, and did I mention terrorism? In places where cameras are present, the levels of crime are reported to be lower. I am very concerned that the eventual outcome of this trend will be to have everyone being monitored, all the time. But again, what else can we do?
Canada has now cancelled planned talks over the softwood dispute. Hardly surprising considering the Americans persistent refusal to accept the various courts and tribunals rulings. What is surprising is the fact that it has taken this long for Canadians to recognize the futility in further talks when one side is not going to abide by the agreements and decisions. The pressure for the Canadian government to withdraw from NAFTA is growing stronger. This suspension is most likely the first response to that pressure.
You see, I don't understand this whole honor killing thing. Seems to me that raping and murdering women who have nothing to do with the accused crime would be anything but honorable. I heard a good speech on the subject by the girl from TV Ontario when she said that in some Islamic communities any crime committed is considered to be made against the entire family, community, tribe, whatever, and therein becomes much more magnified and serious than a crime against just one person. While that makes it al little more clear why someone could do this, I still consider it barbaric and anything but justice or honor. You want to be honorable, then punish those responsible for the crimes, there seems to be plenty of those to go around!
This is really too bad. Google has stopped scanning library books under pressure from the publishers. It's quite understandable that the publishers would want to protect their copyrights. I really hope they can come to some kind of agreement especially in light of the very limited shelf life of modern books printed on paper instead of parchment. The goal of digitizing these collections, I would think, is a must if they are not to be lost. Here's to hoping!
Can you say pull out of NAFTA? At this point it is clear that the U.S. administration has no intention of living up to the agreements it has made. I'm referring to NAFTA. Despite repeated rulings in Canada's favor, the U.S. has made it clear that they will only comply with these rulings when they go in the American's favor. Failing that, they are saying that they will not comply. So what's the point? International trade agreements are only as good as the word of those signing. When it becomes obvious that one of the signees will absolutely not honor the agreement than the agreement holds no merit and Canada should withdraw. It's called bargaining in good faith. I find it hard to understand why Canada continues to negotiate with such an administration. Canadians are becoming more and more vocal in their scorn for the process. It's time to give notice of our intention to withdraw in hopes of finding more ethical trading partners. The take it or leave it attitude of George et. al. is becoming lame to say the least. Past allies are speaking out and are warning against continued solo actions such as Iraq and the looming actions in Iran. It's called diplomacy George, you might want to give it a try before you have no friends left at all. Shouldn't be long now!
I just read an article in Time's Jan. 17, 2005 issue. The article deals with happiness, what creates it, what prevents it, etc. I couldn't help but notice the response of Ann Coulter to the question " What makes you happy?". Her response was " Liberals crying, weeping and threatening to move to Canada". I can't say I've ever had much use for this woman. Suffice it to say that I have slightly less respect for her than I do for Fox network or CNN, that is to say none whatsoever. This quote goes along way in explaining that view. I would think that most people would not take great pleasure in the suffering of others, even ones they don't agree with. Now I will admit that I have taken satisfaction over the suffering of those who have done me grievous harm. This is hardly something that I am proud of and I recognize that this satisfaction is the mark of pettiness and ignorance within myself, something that needs working on. I have rarely heard someone outright admit that if another so much as disagrees with them, they wish them to suffer and weep. Such is Ann Coulter! A very dangerous trait in such a public figure. All the more dangerous because she seems to take such great glee in the suffering of others. I may not agree with someone, that doesn't mean I want to see them crushed under a boot. Apparently, Ann does just that. Hopefully, not many public figures share in her pettiness and outright hate mongering. Maybe Ann is the reincarnation of some upper-level Nazi policy maker. Such is the America of today. Public figures and leaders who display ignorance and intolerance at a dark ages level and a general disregard for any opposing arguments if not outright malicious intentions. As a Canadian, I would more than welcome American Liberals to Canada, the problem being that this would leave precious little real intelligence in the U.S. Now I ask you, who is worse, Islamic terrorists who through suffering and hardship and abuse have learned only hate or the Ann Coulters of the world who are educated, public figures and yet sow more hatred in one day than all the terrorists combined due to her large audience. I have heard very little from this woman, only that which is presented in other news services. This has been more than enough. Therein lies the reason that I never, ever go to an American news service for accurate reporting on world events. In fact, I will go virtually anywhere else for news, but not the U.S. There are the rare exceptions in this American political climate, those who dare to protest and argue against the current self-destructive and globally destructive path the U.S. is taking. Many of them are liberals, but not all. The problem with the Ann Coulters of the world is the fact that the only solutions she will entertain have to do with weaponry as opposed to dialogue and education. Real scary lady!
I don't know what to think about this one. I don't even like processed meat when it's real. I prefer the good old fashioned kind. That doesn't mean that this won't have applications. My problem is... do I want to feed my kids this stuff after the assurances of governments or scientists who have shown so much poor judgment in the past and way to much dis-honesty? I don't even want to eat genetically modified foods, I can't imagine eating lab grown meat!
After having killed one cop and one cab driver he got life. Canadian Life that is, the translation is he was released after ten years. The good news is that he learned from the experience. Learned how not to get caught that is. He has now been confirmed as the killer of a University student in 1990. Not to worry, he blew himself away in '94. Another fine example of Canadian justice at work. I keep saying this, to no avail. Once a person has shown that they are a murderous threat to society, we have a responsibility to his past and future victims to make our streets safe from that convict. Rehab, finding Jesus, etc. is all fine for their sole and all, but I don't see what difference that makes to us. Once a person commits such offences, our motivation for releasing them back on the streets seems somewhat strange if not criminally foolish. Our first responsibility is to the law- abiding citizens, that means when you murder someone for no good reason except your own profit, thrill, whatever, you go to jail for life- no parole. There's no parole for the victims, I don't see why there should be for the killers. As I said, I am happy that they find salvation or regret for their actions, that doesn't mean we should give them the chance to do it again!
Italy is preparing to expel it's radical Muslims. Britain has barred the return of a cleric. Expect a lot more of the same as fear of terrorism increases and personnel liberty for Muslims globally decreases in response. What everyone has to realize is that a police state for Muslims is a police state for all of us. Hardline Americans, for one, will use this to increase monitoring in general. This is the real threat of terrorism, not just the isolated bombs going off in far away places. The real threat for everyday people is the long term changes in the way governments, police, and security officials conduct their day-to-day affairs, not to mention the odd one going off a little closer as is happening more and more. This is why terrorism must be fought on the most fundamental levels. Start by teaching kids how to live with and tolerate other cultures. Eliminate the teaching of false histories, as in the U.S., or the teaching of racial or religious hatred, as in many places. The world is a richer and better place because of our differences. Every culture has things they can learn from every other. We can agree not to agree without killing each other. Our main goal today should be to save our planet and ourselves. The way things are going it's going to work itself out by the deaths of billions, whether due to pandemic, nature, or war. It's time for the saner heads to take charge and demand intelligence in our leaders.
Reports are coming out that Canada's new Governor General used to be a seperatist. I don't know whether this is true or not, but if it is, it seems just a wee bit hypocritical and a whole lot questionable to name the woman as the new Gov. Gen.!
Canada has complained about the number of guns being smuggled in from the U.S. The U.S. Ambassador has responded that the problem is a matter of lax Canadian security at the borders. I can't help but remember protests from the U.S. over drugs being smuggled into the U.S. via Canada. It's really too bad that the Americans didn't see this problem also as a lack of security at the border, theirs! So in other words, when things are smuggled into Canada, it's Canada's fault. When things are smuggled into the States, it's Canada's fault. You gotta love them Yanks, no matter what happens, it's never their fault!
The Fraser River Salmon are missing. There are hopes that they may still arrive late due to ocean warming, but this is not at all certain. The result will be the total collapse of one of the worlds biggest Salmon stocks.
I wonder where all those people who felt that Global warming was a good thing ( see past articles). When I first read this particular take on the warming, I couldn't believe that there was anyone so foolish as to think that way. I wonder if they still feel the same, and for how much longer they will continue to do so?
One might think that in this day and age this type of idiocy would be a thing of the past. Alas, tic not to be. Yet another parent has left their child in a car un-attended. The results are all too predictable. This Toronto mother is now facing charges after the child was found unconscious. She says she forgot that the kid was there!
In another fine display of Canadian justice a man has been charged for stabbing one of three intruders. Seems to me that once you have found out that you have not one, not two, but three unknown individuals in your house it's safe to assume that they are not trick-or-treating. The next point I'd like to make is the fact that had these guys wanted to do this man or his family harm, three against one doesn't make for very good odds. And yet... He's been charged in the incident. Judging from the rise in violent home invasions in Canada, at what point do we decide that a citizen in this country has the right to defend himself, his property, or his home. As I've said before, a person in this country quite literally has to be dead or dying before the law gives them the right to assume that the person meant them harm. Perhaps it's time to have another look at these laws!
Yet Another Ruling in Canada's favor, Yet Another Ruling Ignored by The U.S.
This time it's NAFTA that has ruled in Canada's favor. The results are the same. The U.S. is once again choosing to ignore the ruling. Just like the International courts ruling, just like previous NAFTA rulings. All to no avail. The U.S. has shown over and over again that it will disregard any judgment that doesn't go in their favor. That includes tribunals to which they have pledged to follow such rulings. Did I mention the International courts and NAFTA? It's quite amazing to think that George would be of the impression that anyone entering into negotiations would give them any credibility at all. Kind of makes you wonder why anyone would even bother. I can't imagine why Canada would even bother with the negotiation at all. Not to long in the distant future wood is going to become very valuable indeed. So I say, let the Americans do whatever they want, soon we will be able to sell our lumber at fair market prices anywhere. Of course, then the Yanks wouldn't benefit from the preferred status they now enjoy! In other words, we raise the price, just for them!
He was a nudist according to all accounts. I don't have any problem with that. I don't think we should feel shame over what we all have. I do understand the objections of the neighbors who didn't want to view him naked, although again, if they didn't want to look at something, nobody was holding their eyes in that direction. His last wish was to be buried nude, as he had lived much of his life. I don't understand why they buried the man clothed. They wouldn't have had to leave the coffin exposing his privates, so why the fuss, and the disrespect of not honoring his last wish?
The good news is the fact that I think most Americans now consider Bush's strategy in Iraq to by a major mistake and would love a way out. The bad news is the question of whether Iraq will be torn apart by internal strife shortly after. One possibility might be to have a true U.N. peacekeeping force put in place with a majority of the force being fellow Muslims from neighboring countries instead of the Americans. This might at least give the impression that said force would be there only for the reason of helping the Iraqis as opposed to for financial gain.
It's getting worse, that is the backlash against the Muslim community over the bombings in this case. I'm not certain that this isn't what the terrorists want. More hatred being fermented between Muslims and others. The more that Muslims in general are discriminated, the more that they will be driven to more extreme forms of Islam. It's a chaotic cycle that must end. On that note, it's good to see that Saudi Arabia is starting to show more tolerance towards the Sufi movement. We must all learn to respect the beliefs of others so long as those beliefs don't state that one must go out and kill anyone who doesn't agree. I agree with the Sufis when they say that the path to enlightenment is through knowledge and understanding, not simply from blind obedience. If there is a God, then I'm certain we were not given intelligence as part of some cosmic joke. I'm sure we were meant to use our brains to discover all the wonderful gifts we have been given. We were meant to live in peace and not destroy the planet and ourselves in the process.
I have indeed heard of them. I haven't had a chance to go over some of their writings and poetry but your comment has reminded me of my intention to do so. Thanks for the reminder!
If you do make sure to read the translation written by Coleman Barks (for Rumi)... there's so many translators but after much research I've learned that Coleman is the one who keeps it truest to the spirit of the words.
Looks like the woman who was murdered after calling police and receiving no help has a bit of history with them. According to the reports she had previously called the police about abuse she was receiving from her spouse. Once police had arrived she swore that she would not testify against him in court, so he wasn't charged. I still think the R.C.M.P. made a serious error in the case, but this new information makes it easier to understand why they might not have been in such a hurry to respond this time. Domestics are generally regarded as the most dangerous thing cops ever have to deal with. Makes it a serious bummer when after having responded to such a call they don't receive co-operation from the woman involved. On the other hand, we can't really blame the woman either because even if she had pursued legal avenues, this would not have slowed the guy down in the least if he wanted to return to punish her. Many woman in Canada who have been brave and sought charges against their assailants have later been assaulted or murdered by same. This is often time despite restraining orders, moving, changing phone numbers, etc. The laws in Canada do not have the necessary teeth to protect women in these circumstances. Essentially, in this country, you have to die before the guy has a chance to get even five years. Many times they serve less than this.
So what's the solution. One approach might be to consider softening the civil rights of men accused of such abuse thereby allowing police to move swiftly and effectively to protect the woman's safety. Of course that brings up the question of false allegations made against a man, I'm sure there are enough of these to make this a problem. It would seem that any laws enacted to protect women from abuse must also deal just as severely with anyone bringing false accusations against another for whatever reasons. In other words, if a guy is accused of threatening, or more importantly assaulting, a woman, police must be able to arrest and detain the man until such time as a judge can look into the matter and decide if further detention is in order.