Personal opinions and thoughts on pretty much everything. News, Tech, Politics, Issues of the Day, Humor,Ethics, and the Environment.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Off to College, First Apartment, First Drunken Riot
It has long been a tradition to sow a few wild oats after heading off to college for the first time. The latest trend takes that to a whole new level. Over the last couple of years, frosh week has turned very ugly at more than one University. Hundreds of drunken idiots, riot police, many arrests, not my idea of a good time but hey, I guess I'm too old to appreciate the finer aspects of this behavior.
Looks like this is the newest tactic used by those who would prevent women's freedom and equality. They say it is some statement in support of Islam. It is nothing of the kind. It is simply the efforts of those too cowardly to attack men. Instead they choose children and women as their targets, and then use God as their justification. I can't help but wonder how these monsters can possibly believe that they are going to be rewarded with seventy some virgins for the act of beheading teenage girls. Somehow I doubt this highly, unless they, the criminals, were to be one of the seventy virgin girls, now that might be justice.
Pakistan and India have refused to let the recent bombings sway them from the advances they have made together since the earthquake devastated the region. Too many times in the past have efforts been derailed by the actions of terrorists. This has happened many times in Israel where a few new attacks have destroyed years of work by those seeking peace.
What other conclusion can a person come to. Perhaps the goal was to damage the efforts of peace loving Muslims all over the world. I'm talking about the vast majority of the worlds Muslims who live side by side with those of other cultures. They are valued members of their communities. The problem lies in those few who would commit horrific acts of evil against innocent people and blasphemously use God, Allah, as their justification. These few are further fueled by the irresponsible and frankly criminal statements of leaders like the one now in Iran. I think it's safe to say that God would weep over acts such as these. Bush may be an ass but he's no Great Satan! I imagine Satan, if their is a real one, would be rolling on the ground laughing and would do so even louder when these monsters blame their faith in Allah. The time has come for this thousands years old conflict between Jew, Christian, and Muslim, not to mention all the others, to stop. The sons of Abraham and Mohammed must stop killing each other, recognize that they are brothers and live in peace. Intolerance to the point where a person must go out and kill his neighbors just because they are different can no longer be accepted, anywhere. Those who commit such acts seem to have one primary goal, and that is to throw the world into a murderous chaos. Those in the Muslim community must take concrete action against members of their faith who are involved in such acts even though they may smithies with their reasons for doing so. I'm not saying some Muslims in some places don't have legitimate grievances against Israel or the U.S., they do. Cutting the heads off three teenage girls is not an acceptable form of protest.
They are calling it bad blood, that's an understatement. Bush wanted an assessment of the situation in Iraq. The CIA, being trained professional intelligence people, returned with reports which essentially agreed with the U.N.'s inspectors. That didn't agree with Bush's big plan for the region so he directed a new operation within the White House to generate the reports that he wanted to see. Suddenly, formerly discredited intel. from Iraqi expatriates, is given more weight than the CIA has counseled. The result is a mass exodus from the CIA and Bush using the faulty data as reason for waging a war. The American public bought the whole thing with rabid enthusiasm which brings us to today. Oops!
The Iranian President is doing anything but retract his statement. Now there are mass demonstrations in Iran in support of his policies. All too often today people are accused of being like the Nazis but I think this guy may fit the definition pretty close. Any nation which openly supports acts of genocide should at the very least be expelled from the U.N. Having done that we all watch for any signs that they are following through with the plan. Should such signs be present, then responsible nations should get together to ensure that said capability is removed. No occupation, no path to democracy, just self-defense!
This has to be the subject that leads the news in conflicting reports. We have everything from the push to decriminalize, to new reports showing it's benefits, to those who lump it in with severe addiction and crime. I for one do not think a single person should ever serve time in jail for the possession of a substance that has been shown over and over again to be not as harmful as either alcohol or tobacco. Most of our laws are based on very old and very faulty opinions of the subject. At the same time I do not agree with all it's supporters as far as it's harmlessness. I don't believe pot causes people to become raging drug addicts. They don't become violent, quite the opposite. It does have some negative effects. My understanding is that it stunts the growth in maturity in those people who are chronic users. It may slow cancer, but it also creates respiratory damage in same. It shares with alcohol the benefit of being expensive and can deplete scarce funds for those who need it every day. So no, I don't agree that it is all that harmless, but I also don't agree that it is a scourge of our society and smokers should be treated in the same manner as severe crimes.
I used "pot" for over twenty years and for almost a year, i have been clean. I have been married for 15 years and in that time I have went into fits of rage, depression, and severe anxiety. now, over the past year, since i have been clean, all of these conditions have receeded significantly. So yes I believe pot has a very negative effect. I t is a drug just lije any other and should be illegal. I also know that it does have medical uses, but that is a different story.
The Internet business community has begun trying to standardize their definitions of bad behavior on the internet. A worthy exercise that may make a difference in the enjoyment level of us all. On the other hand we have this report which attempts to statistically describe the opinions and practices used on the web. It is a classic example of using a bunch of numbers without their proper explanations. The result, I find the piece almost useless as far as giving relevant information. Using stats is great so long as they are given their proper relevancies thereby putting them in the proper perspective. The article confuses more than anything else!
The wrong way and the right way. The wrong way would be the path that the Iranian President has taken. That would be the one which may very well lead to the absolute destruction of his country. Bush hadn't received a whole lot of support for his ambitions in regard to Iran. All that has now changed. Way to go! The right way would be the path that the Islamic feminists have taken. These ladies have begun to push in earnest for changes in the way some male Muslims view women and their role in society. They're efforts are both courageous and worthwhile. Their approach demonstrates the proper way to make change without the horrific deaths that some other Muslims seem to prefer.
Now what Bush and Company might want to do is take a little advice from the Italian P.M. He seems to be an expert on how to survive multiple charges and investigations without ill effect. It's really quite amazing! Berlusconi truly must be the most investigated sitting politician in history. Not to worry, he's always been innocent too!
Ah, the long awaited results of the Grand Jury is in and Libby is going to be the first contestant. That's not to say that more charges will not be laid. The questions remains as to whether the men/man in charge will ever be held accountable. Of course, Libby may have been acting on his own when he decided to break the law and ruin his career. It may have been just an overwhelming desire to seek vengeance on anyone who might speak opposed to the official plan of the day. Yah Right, anyone looking to buy a nice bridge?
It's almost amusing to watch as all the various politicians go on about the horrible conditions that native peoples in Canada's North are living. From what I've seen, the water and sanitation systems have been designed by someone with serious learning disabilities, water inlets downstream from sanitary outflow pipes...Please! The important thing here is the fact that they have all known about this problem for years and now that we are seeing the results, people with lesions all over their bodies, they're all crying foul and pointing their fingers at everyone else. Pledges all around that something is going to be done right away. I can't help but to note that these people lived on this continent for many thousands of years without our input. Now that we have shown up, they live in horrible conditions with no clean water and scabs all over their bodies. Big Improvement! Come on Canada, I think we can do a wee bit better than that.
That's what the reports are saying about the people in Florida hit by the latest hurricane. This makes me wonder about several questions. Are these the same people who were ordered under a mandatory evacuation to leave but decided to stay. If so then they have nothing to complain about whatsoever. In fact they should probably be held accountable for the expense of now having to rescue them. These rules are followed in the mountains so why not in Florida? Of course, if this is a situation of people following the instructions of authorities and then get abandoned, like in New Orleans, then they do indeed have something to complain about. Another thing about many in New Orleans, it's one thing to order people to leave, it's another to ensure that they have the means to do so.
Them's Fighting Words! The President of Iran has uttered what is among the most hate filled and irresponsible words ever said by a leader. The results have been all too predictable. What's even worse, the guy has placed me in the position of having to agree with George W., a fact that I will find it hard to forgive. Some are now calling for Iran to be expelled from the U.N., I find I have to agree. Many countries are protesting the remarks. Tony Blair is giving warnings. What this idiot perhaps doesn't realize is that now everyone in the world can say that Iran is in fact a threat to world security, and they'd be right. Fool! If someone tells me that tomorrow they are going to punch me in the mouth, I'd much prefer to go and see them today if I believed the threat. This can be related to Iran as well. This is obviously someone who has no problem with starting a world war so long as they get what they want. My message to the people of Iran would be this.It's your government. It falls to the Iranian people to stop this monster before the rest of the world does it for you. No-one on the world has to live under the threat of a crazy man, especially one who either has or will soon have nuclear weapons. That loud wish you expressed for Israel may very well be visited upon you because of your actions and words. There is still time to avoid the wrath that you are so eager to bring upon others. Islam does not support terror or murder. Anybody who says or does different is actually committing sin under the very beliefs that they profess to follow. Each of us is entitled to follow their own beliefs unless they threaten the physical well being of others. I will fight to defend that right. I suspect that there are a whole lot of people in the world that would also. My religion is between me and God and is none of anybody else's business. I respect your right to feel the same. Iran should be expelled from the U.N. Then you build a big wall all around. No one in, no one out. If there is real evidence that Iran is about to export it's hatred in the way of W.M.D., then you remove their capability to produce them. When it comes to this shit, there can be no tolerance. So again I appeal to the people of Iran themselves to stop this man and anyone else who so threatens the peace and well being of your country. Take back the power from the mental cases before it is too late!
When it comes to Canadian beef the U.S. will still not allow it all into the country. Even the calves are being fought hard by American beef producers. On the other hand, Japan has restricted American beef for much the same reasons with one exception, the Yanks are demanding that Japan remove the restrictions even though they have been in place for a much shorter time than the restrictions that the U.S. placed on Canada. That's not negotiating, it's bullying, plain and simple. It's also a classic example of "do as I say, not as I do". This type of foreign policy can only result in one thing, sooner or later everyone resents you, including your friends.
The Grand Jury is out. Can't wait to see the results of this one. Meanwhile George et. al. have clammed up about the whole thing. George's record to date is definitely starting to have the expected result. Alot of Americans simply don't trust him or any other of their leaders anymore. I can't say I blame them. In Canada it's not a whole lot better. Bush is getting desperate to keep his government functional despite his seeming never-ending series of blunders. The latest is to try the old beating of the drums thing as support for the Iraqi War continues to fall.
Has anyone noticed the latest trend in television of swirling the camera around constantly during the show? I can't say why they started this, but bad idea. I suppose someone thought this was a great cinematic technique, they were mistaken. Causing someone to feel nauseous because of spinning the shot around and around can't be good for the ratings. I know that once I experience this particular effect, I don't watch that show anymore. Tonight's Collector is a classic example, and the reason that I will never watch it again. They only used it at the end of the show, but they got way carried away which caused me to stop watching. Too bad, it wasn't a bad show until that moment!
Not like I really expected anything different. She calls it a trade dispute. She says that we need to go back to negotiations. I don't see what the point would be. The Americans have clearly shown that they will not live up to the agreements they have already made. Negotiations come before you sign an agreement, not after. The resolution process was placed within NAFTA. The U.S. has chosen to ignore the rules that they agreed to. What's to negotiate? Why should Canada have any confidence in the Americans living up to any new agreement when they haven't lived up to the ones they have already signed. So No Condi, we don't want to return to the table because there really is no point. This issue has seriously shaken Canadian confidence in the fair sharing of any agreement with the U.S. The Americans seem to want the agreement so long as it is only on their terms. When rulings go against them, they will simply ignore them. American credibility has been seriously damaged since Bush came to town. It doesn't look like that's going to change anytime soon!
Newark, N.J. has decided to essentially hire their own newspaper, so if people in Newark want to get the news in print, they might want to choose another paper. In other words, print the good stuff, or nothing at all. While I can understand the need for a little positive re-enforcement in our lives, the town might have chosen to create their own town newspaper rather than to take over a legitimate one.
As a white Canadian, many might not understand what Rosa Parks has to do with me. Fact is, this small, and not so small, act of civil disobedience changed the U.S. and indirectly the world. She was awarded medals for her courage. She inspired the great Martin Luther King. She demonstrated how one person can indeed change the world. And she did it all without ever meaning to lead a rebellion. All Americans owe her their thanks for making the U.S. a better place. That does not apply simply to black people, but everyone. I personally think the world is better off without arbitrary prejudice. Sure, it still exists, in far too great a quantity. It is the actions of people like this woman who start us all down the path to a better world. Thanks again Rosa, we are all forever in your debt!
So the P.B.S. may come onto the cutting block as the administration tries to find ways to cut spending to make up for the Iraq campaign as well as other "initiatives" as George likes to call them. It's crazy to cut government funding for this group. The P.B.S. is part of every North American kid's life. Shows like Sesame Street just can't be replaced and help to demonstrate a side of life that many of these kids might not otherwise see. It shouldn't be lost.
This can't be good for the administration as the report demonstrates. The problem with all these new revelations and fault finding with the White House is the fact that any results will come far too late to make any difference in the path that Bush has thrown the U.S. down. It could take an awful long time to undo the damage, if it ever can be! Maybe it's time for the White House to take an approach other than damage control and perhaps not create the problems in the first place.
Nepal continues to stomp out all opposition to it's regime by slashing human rights on all fronts. Nobody appears safe, and democracy could not be farther away. You definitely have to have respect for those who would dare to voice their opposition there as well as in China. In China alone their are reportedly over 500 lawyers now in prison for accepting controversial cases!
Apparently the American problem of drive by shootings and random murder continues to grow in popularity in Canada. Toronto has exploded in gun violence over the last couple of years and the trend now appears to be spreading to the rest of Canada. I can at least understand, if not agree, someone who kills someone else after loosing their temper and lashing out. This new fad completely escapes me. I think we can see several results from this. One is going to be increased public surveillance. Another, I hope, will be to catch these guys and put them where they will never see the light of day again, no parole, no excuses, no bullshit. This tears at the very fabric of civilized society. The law must handle it before all Canadians start to arm themselves like the Americans, and others start to do what the law fails to on their own. We have a right as Canadians not to have to worry about this kind of crime. The law must deal with it before all respect for it breaks down. As it stands, it wouldn't be a very great fall. It must also be noted that law enforcement say that over half of all illegal firearms in Canada have been smuggled in from the U.S.
While I've always felt that Bush knows not what he does, so to speak, I haven't felt that way at all about Cheney and Rumsfeld. I always figured Dick understood exactly what he was doing. It just that he didn't care whatsoever about anybody else's future except his own. It's either that or he answers to some undisclosed person outside the White House! Apparently some people in a position to know also feel this way. This one is getting interesting now isn't it? Oh, and on the making the U.S. a safer place and all, looks like the current crew score an F on that one too.
Dart has arrived and the some supplies are on their way to the suffering in Pakistan. Slow maybe, but at least some of the efforts are starting to help. More is needed. Disasters in North America may be just as severe as in other areas of the world, but at least here we have massive support networks which can help. Many of the people left homeless from this quake have absolutely no hope without a massive international effort.
Looks like Paul Martin may be around for awhile yet. So far he has proven competent and straightforward. I don't know if he'll make any huge contributions to Canadian history but he seems to be a good administrator. Along those lines he continues to do the right thing as exampled by his invitation to first nations leaders to his current first minister's meeting. Perhaps not a huge step but a good one all the same! I still feel that the Liberals have held power in Canada for far too long for the health of the country. It's not a Liberal thing, just common sense. Every once in a while you need to clean house to keep everyone honest. The problem is the opposition keeps bumbling some of the best opportunities in Canadian Political History, and they still can't come up with a viable alternative to one Liberal leader after another.
Kodak is well on the way to it's digital transformation. It has not been painless, at least for me. You see, I am in a position to comment on the effort to date. I bought a Kodak Easyshare, complete with docking station, about a year ago. Shortly after buying it I realized that the focus and flask features were not working right. I couldn't get the flash to work right indoors. Upon calling Kodak, I was informed that I had to send it by mail for repairs and they would get back to me. This I found unacceptable. Service or exchange of a faulty product should be as easy as the purchase was. I didn't send it, I still have it, and I'll never buy another Kodak product as long as I live. Any product can be faulty or damaged, this can't be avoided. The manner in which a firm deals with that fact means everything and Kodak gets an F.
Which brings me to my Bell Mobility cell phone which stopped working properly about a year after I bought it. Not overly surprising because I work as a contractor, which can't be good for these phones. What I was surprised about was the fact that despite having purchased the extended warranty for three years, they wanted my credit card to send it in for repairs. Again I did not send it in protest to the fact that they now wanted more money from me, just in case. This is something that should be disclosed at the time of sale which would have changed my mind about the additional warranty which turned out to be worthless!
Now here's the real kicker, I bought both items at Bell World at the same time. Both ended up not working properly, one right away, one later. I have had several talks with Bell about the matter. The results, again less than satisfactory. I have since removed one of the three cell accounts I had with Bell. The others remain under contracts which haven't expired, but they do soon. Can anyone guess what my actions are going to be once they do?
The report is out and it apparently shows what everyone expected, Syrian and Lebanese involvement in the assassination. All has not gone seamless unfortunately. Reports are out that some parts were deleted prior to it's release to the U.N. While I understand why this was done, fairness to the accused who have not been convicted, this can't be a good thing for the image of integrity that is trying to be upheld. The Syrians have predictably denied the accuracy of the findings and the U.S. is calling for action from the U.N.
I have come to conclude that dirty pool is the rule rather than the exception in politics globally, some worse, some better, but none totally clean. Have we not yet reached the point where the people are going to take back the power and hold all our leaders accountable for the actions, lack of them, and deceptions carried out on their own people. Oh, and George, while I recognize that you may not have the intellectual capacity to really know what your own staff is up to, I still hold you responsible for getting in way over your head!
I have long wanted a PDA of one form or another. This is not to give me mobile access to my e-mails. It is simply for the time and contact manager applications. The reason I have not is the same as the reason so many are now complaining of repetitive stress injuries. The buttons are small and my fingers are large, not conducive to a pleasant experience. That would leave me with the option of only loading the device from my computer, not very convenient. To date laptops have been my only real option for digital mobility, or notebooks. However, I still dream of the PDA just for the cool factor.
This one would be funny if the subject matter wasn't so serious. Can you imagine? An activist actually paying homeless people to rally against illegal immigrants. Not too worry he says, the paid participants really agreed with his views. Apparently they didn't agree strongly enough to rally of their own volition! This subject is extremely serious and complex, not something that should be decided by publicity stunts!
The U.N. continues to plead with the world to step up and increase many times the aid being offered to Pakistan. While Nato has now pledged to send 1000 people to assist, this is a drop in the bucket when it comes to three million now homeless people facing winter's onset. We must do much, much more if this tragedy is not to grow even larger. Meanwhile the young are already starting to die as a result of this exposure. One of the fundamental principles of Islam is the giving to others in their time of need. Many Islamic countries, poor and rich, gave to the Katrina effort. The parts of the world not currently fighting to deal with their own disasters should give generously to these people who are in such great need. This is one area where the Western Nations could take some guidance from the followers of Islam.
Bird flu is breaking out all over, although there has not been any human cases in most places it has been found. Britain has now discovered bird flu as well as Australia and Canada. It is certain that this flu will spread across the world. What is less certain is whether this will become a major problem for humans. In any case, this is only one example of the risks produced by the world's population and the ease with which a person can travel around it. Suffice it to say that should a serious human outbreak occur, it will likely already be too late to stop once we realize it.
A Spanish judge has issued a warrant for three G.I.s. I can understand his reasons after the outstanding job they did in regards to the accidental deaths of the Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan. In that case the pilots were able to walk away unscathed despite the finding that they were not following the rules at the time. Accidents happen in combat, but the ones that happen because the troops involved are not following orders should be punishable.
I gotta say this law's probably a mistake. The threat of lawsuits could motivate the gun industry to institute personalized weapon production on an industry wide scale. Once this technology became readily available is became negligent for it not to be used across the board.
And then there's the guy who sponsors a bad dog act only to be attacked by his own dog. What are the odds of that one. I might have thought this would be one guy who wouldn't have vicious dogs. Or could it be that this is a case of a dog just being a dog with his other dogs and he got in the middle. I can't help but wonder what his reaction would have been if his dog had bit someone else and he had been charged with a felony like he advocated for others. I agree there are many cases of irresponsibility where innocent people and kids get attacked. I can't say whether this is one of those cases. Likely not, but it does demonstrate the flaws with any cart blanche rules on the subject without the proper investigation.
At least one town has grown fed up with having to deal with the presence of a repeat convicted child sex offender. Essentially they have run the guy out of town after being warned by police that he is a high risk to re-offend because of his refusal to accept treatment while in prison. The Mayor of Merritt B.C. has come right out and said that they have done what the law didn't do, protect their kids. I'm all for civil rights, but when it comes to the safety of my kids, I say, let these guys rot and let the kids play without fear!
France and the U.S. are preparing their response to the revelations to come out about Syria's involvement in political assassinations in Lebanon. The German U.N. investigator has likely found the links needed to make the case. My only problem is the fact that Syria will be held accountable for doing things that the U.S. and France have been doing for years. The Rainbow Warrior incident comes to mind as well as a certain Beirut bombing back in the seventies. For any laws to have merit they must be applied equally to all. If Syria must pay for this, then others should also be made to answer to their dirty deeds! Beware George! In my book,all of the above should be made to cut the hypocrisy and start playing by the rules they have agreed to.
So the investigation finally comes around to Cheney. Hopefully no-one actually thought it was all the work of Rowe on his own initiative as a loyal Bush Housemate now did they? The real trick is going to be to get those responsible to actually be made accountable for the violations to the American laws that they are sworn to uphold.
This is the first I've heard of this one. Studies are now showing that smoking reduces the recovery ability of the bodies' bone structure. While I have now quit smoking twice for extended periods, 1 and 2 years respectively, in the end I've started again. Fact is that even after two years I still missed it. One cigarette was enough to start me back up as if I had never stopped. It has now been fifteen years since the last time I quit. After paying the cost of a house in smoking, do I ever wish I had never started. There is just something particularly disgusting about the look of a dirty ashtray. I can only imagine the look of my lungs!
Not like this is anything new, Suzuki has long fought for a better Canada so he's always talking about the subject. None the less, he's right. Canada has spoken the high road on the topic for years, but in practice are actions do not support the talk. Canada's environmental record is horrible. Perhaps it's time that we start to live in the spirit of all the talk and make some real gains in the efforts to save our planet. International agreements are one thing, concrete action at home is certainly called for,and quick!
I would hope that the days of propaganda bullshit would be behind us, yet the U.S. administration continues to use this type of campaign to sway it's citizens, not to mention everyone else. The problem is the rest of the world has access to more objective media inputs negating the effects of the plan. Iraq was a clear example of this. Americans were convinced by this bumbling moron, Bush, that they were fighting the good fight in Iraq based on a huge campaign of misinformation. While this seemed to work just fine in the short run, in the U.S., the rest of the world saw it for what it was. The fact that it worked in the U.S. has caused a great many to seriously doubt the intelligence, or educational levels, of the American public. Which brings us back to softwood. The American Ambassador to Canada has stated that this little disagreement on Softwood should not damage the otherwise good relations between the two countries. While I agree that it should not, it will all the same. The U.S. admin. has shown that it has very little desire to follow their own agreements, if it does so desire, it is impotent in the face of U.S. special interests. This might not be the case if the admin. has shown the kind of integrity needed to run such a great nation. Sadly it has done anything but. Bush and cronies continue with the same type of tactics they have used all along. A couple of minutes of the Daily Show everyday should make this fairly clear. American credibility Globally has taken a lot of hits since WW2, but never more so than today. It's almost as if these guys think everyone else is an idiot who can't see things the way they are and will accept whatever publicity stunt George tries next. Hopefully, most of us have grown beyond that. Canada is actively seeking stronger trade ties with everyone else but the U.S. as a result. In this case Martin has very little choice. To not act on this would be political suicide for the Canadian P.M. Canadians have been watching this one very closely. Most feel that an agreement which is not honored is worthless, and what's more, further treaties are held in the same light. The old do as I say and not as I do thing will just not cut it anymore!
They are saying that their findings show a drop in global violence over the last ten years. This may very well be true, it just doesn't seem that way. The study was done by Univ. of B.C., which adds a lot of credibility to the study. Perhaps the reason that it doesn't seem that way is simply because of the advances in the world media's ability to report from all over the world. In any case, this is finally some good news for a battle weary planet.
I've left this post in simply to illustrate the danger in taking e-mails too seriously. I wrote the post before checking on it's accuracy myself. Having checked, it was easy to identify it as such. I should have known better. I often receive these types of e-mail, mostly concerned with virus', yet I failed to check this one first. I apologize to anyone who may have been offended by it. Again, it is a hoax. There were all kinds of warning signs in the e-mail, yet I stupidly failed to see it until I checked it out. One of the clues is the fact that I hadn't heard of it until I read the e-mail. Had it been authentic I suspect I would have heard of this long ago. So, I've left it here as a warning to others to be vigilant in their efforts to check the facts before believing everything that people send you.
Koran (9/11) For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah and lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced; for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah; and there was peace.
This passage was sent to me by an unknown person. I haven't yet confirmed it's accuracy. I would welcome comments on it's validity. If in fact it is accurate, it's kind of scary. While it doesn't suggest the Eagle is working on the behalf of any God, it does imply that in the end it will work for the best. If this is in fact in the Koran, Bin Laden et. al. might want to give it another read. In any case, it's enough for me to want to give it a perusal.
As it turns out, this is reportedly a hoax e-mail, the Koran does not include any referance to the word Eagle. I would still welcome any comments along the lines of what this passage really says. Thanks Again!
I just finished reading a simple English translation of the Quran. You might be able to find the answer by talking to the Author. The author is Australian and i have contacted him myself for information. I hope this helps you. Regards, Peter
Thanks Peter, I have in fact checked it out and you are perfectly right. I should have known better than to accept the mail as fact without checking. Big Mistake! It's one of the times I've felt most stupid in my life. I've left it in, editted, as a reminder to myself and others. So thanks again Peter. I hope I've re-learned a valuable lesson!
At least one official is telling the truth in regard to the bird flu virus. Essentially he is saying that it is impossible to stop it's spread. Finally, honesty from an official. This thing will run it's course, there is no stopping it without killing every bird on the planet. Even that might prove impossible. Containment of wild birds is not the answer. Finding a way to treat it might be, we'll just have to wait and see.
By all reports, the amount of donations coming in for the earthquake relief has been slow at best. I'm reading all kinds of reasons for this, some of which may have validity. One reason might be the fact that many people associate Pakistan and Afghanistan with terrorism schools and a general lack of respect for other people's beliefs. I know many middle Eastern people in Ottawa, I'd have to say that this is not true in the majority of cases. I must also say that there are those who give the impression that they find me a lesser human because of my lack of being a Muslim and shun any contact with me and my crew whatsoever. I respect their view, but that doesn't prevent it from leaving a very bad taste in my mouth. Whether we agree with this observation or not doesn't really make any difference, their are many innocent people there who are suffering because of the actions and beliefs of a few. First world nations must recognize their responsibility toward the other nations of the world. We are at a crossroads, where humans must choose to work together to save us all, or accept the concept of the species falling back into a new dark age. While this might satisfy some of the extremists, I doubt all their wives feel the same, not to mention the rest of us who hold out some hope for a better future for all peoples of the world. The point of all this is to ask anyone interested to give in any way they can to help our fellow humans in their time of need. Not all Middle Eastern people felt that Katrina was God's punishment for the heathen West, no more than those in the West feel that this Earthquake had anything to do with God's punishment of those who are killing innocents. If God is involved at all in this, it is likely only to test our ability to do something other than kill each other.
A group of Americans identify a new planetoid, but before they can announce their findings, a group of Spanish scientists essentially look on the internet to see what the Americans are looking at and announce the discovery as their own. I thought they called that theft. What's even more amazing is the fact that the Spanish guys are arguing the validity of claiming the American's work as their own because it was available on the internet. On the internet or not, this one seems pretty straightforward. Scientists make this information available to anyone interested in an attempt to further the cause of good science in the spirit of co-operation. That doesn't mean that someone else reading said material can claim it as their own. In my view, based on the information available, this one has to go to the Americans.
It's amazing! In this country we have two modes for the justice system. One is to convict a horribly violent criminal and then give them a sentence where they will be back out on the streets within a few years to continue with their reign of terror. The second is two wrongfully convict a man based on a criminally negligent coroner's report and give the guy a life sentence. This time it's the second. He was convicted of murdering a child who it turns out died of natural causes with no evidence of wrongdoing of any kind. On the upside, I hope he used the time to get all the medical and dental treatment available to convicts in this country, not to mention the educational opportunities. Hell, it's so sweet in our jails that criminals all over the world prefer to get sentenced in Canada than any other country. It's enough to almost make one regret being a law abiding citizen, almost!
Apparently Ricky Martin says that fame left him bored, it's very convenient because it also seems to have left him behind. It's the first time I've ever heard of someone saying they found all the paparrazi boring but you never know. in any case it doesn't appear that he has to worry about that now.
As Martin has responded, why negotiate over an issue where you have already won your case? U.S. politicians are saying that Martin's attitude is mostly due to the upcoming election. I beg to differ, it has mostly to do with the majority of Canadians becoming fed up with the American's take it or leave it manner regardless of how many treaties and agreements they have entered into. Canada is now actively seeking other trading partners who may be more interested in following their agreements and China seems to be a big possibility not to mention India. Bush has effectively isolated the Americans from pretty much everyone, except Britain who may not be far behind. The U.S. is a great country. It's time for it to start living up to some of the promises of their forefathers.
Well this week we have some good news, some interesting news and some bad news. The good news is Hawaii's efforts to clean up what is a massive amount of garbage from the ocean. On a more interesting note, it looks like the U.S. is making more gains than Canada along the air pollution front despite having not signed into Kyoto. I've discussed this topic before, suffice it to say, it's one thing to pledge to make change, it's another to actually do it. Canada should take note! Along the not so good lines, the planet has experiences it's hottest Sept. since accurate measures have been taken. Not Good! And to add to that, the Amazon is a disaster caused by drought. Another Global warming Victim? Hard to say. Anyway you cut it, it's definitely not a good thing. Here's an interesting concept, a program that takes into account everything from natural disasters, planetary temperatures, to Forrest coverage, extinction rates, sea levels, ice pack, and everything else we can think of. I suspect that such a program would show some very negative results.
The U.S. shows signs of waking up from their long slumber, at least that's what I'll call it for lack of a better phrase. Bush's popularity is at an all time low, which makes perfect sense to me. What I can't figure out is what has taken them so long.
Yahoo has announced that they will ban all adult-minor sex chat rooms. They're kidding right? This announcement suggests that it was allowed before? I might have thought that this would have always been banned. This sickness knows no boundaries and is a serious scourge all over the planet. It's time, as a so called civilized society, that we deal with it once and for all! How exactly we go about that I have absolutely no idea!
There appears to be signs of progress in Iraq. According to the reports, all the sides have agreed to constitutional changes. This has been a long time in coming and there is hope that this new spirit of co-operation will continue to the benefit of all Iraqis.
They are ruling the death of this Syrian as a suicide, yeah O.K. The trouble is that this case involves such high stakes that the world will never be able to be sure exactly what happened to this guy. It seems highly lucky that one of the guys that could testify the most ends up dead!
The guy breaks into a house and is caught by police having sex in the basement. My first question would be.. With Whom? Now that's what I call one desperate housewife! The report doesn't tell us much about the woman involved except to say that she was also charged which suggests he brought her with him as opposed to meeting her there! Not exactly my first choice honeymoon location.
Once again a Canadian judge has ignored his responsibilities to the citizens of Canada. He has done so by releasing on bail a man accused of murdering his pregnant wife. Apparently he is not considered a danger to society. About the only reason I can think of to grant bail to a man accused of a crime like this is if the judge felt there was very little chance the man was going to get convicted. In other words, he is likely innocent. That certainly doesn't seem to be the case here.
Once again kids have been the subject of a murderous rampage in China. This has been happening all too frequently there although the usual tool seems to be the knife. It's unbelievable how many times this has occurred. No, I'm not talking about the American schoolyard killings which are carried out by other students, but the killing of kids by adults as some kind of political statement. I don't care what message someone is trying to convey, the killing of a kid for whatever reason is about as low a tactic as I can imagine.
Sooner or later we get to the point where rescue and disaster teams get overwhelmed. We are seeing a lot of that these days. We must face that it is impossible to immense ourselves from all the disasters, so the best we can do is to build and develop with common sense. If we are going to develop flood prone areas then we must either build to withstand heavy flooding or be prepared to face massive disaster. The same logic applies to building in some of the areas of California that are now washing down the hill, so to speak.
And then there are the overwhelming devastation of earthquakes that have now struck Pakistan. We can make buildings that will save these people from what they are now enduring. Hopefully we are going to start someday real soon.
I found your comments to be very interesting. We can never keep up with all that is going on. For example who would have ever thought Apple and Intel would be working together. On another side note, I’m one of the beta testers for a new browser. It can be found here; The company is looking for others to test it out as well so download it and give them some feedback.
Good information all around...both from you and your posters.
My lender mortgage national reverse resource site provides good information, I hope people find useful. If you have any ideas for me, that's great. It's my first site, so......
Sooner or later we are going to get to the point where we can't keep up with the rescue needs of the too many thousands of people who are being left destitute by the seemingly never-ending series of natural disasters. The good and bad news is that not all of them are man-made or assisted. Good news because it's a real bummer when we assist in the disaster as may be the case with global warming and the hurricanes. Bad news because if we aren't causing them, it's less likely that we can do anything about it. The latest are the earthquake in Pakistan and the results of Hurricane Stan in Central America. This follows a devastating year all around the world. I don't know all the stats on this one, but it has to be one of the worst ever years for natural disasters.
Once again their has been an incident with a photographer has far crossed the line of acceptable behavior. I can only view this in a similar manner to surviving an attack of mosquitoes in Canada. Sometimes in the North they are so thick that they can make you insane to get away from them. I've seen many examples of similar conduct from these photographers. As I've already said, the time has come to put a stop to this, Princess Diana should have been enough. Even celebrities are entitled to reasonable safety and privacy. Laws exist to stop this already. If it is too difficult to prosecute under these laws, than new ones should be created!
Thanks for the comment StevieB. I still can't believe that this crap still goes on, especially when the celebrity in question is whith his/her kids. These guys are creating extremely unsafe conditions by their actions and must be stopped. The time to make clear statements along these lines is far overdue.
Paul Martin is now coming under attack for his comments by opposition parties in Canada. They say he is risking free trade. I say what free trade? When the signitories to an agreement refuse to honor their commitments, than there is no agreement. Oh and by the way, what we now have is anything but free trade. Canadians are essentially left in the position of having to accept whatever path strikes the American's fancy and the result of all the tribunals are ignored, therefore NAFTA is disfunctional and should be abandoned as it's spirit has been violated over and over. It's far past the time for Canada's leaders to show a little fortitude in the matter if the agreement is to be saved at all. Martin is starting to do just that, it's about time!
Oprah has been focusing attention on the sorry state in North America concerning the scourge of child sexual abuse and murder. This is one area where the American justice system seems to be as ineffective as the Canadian. As a result, the first of what I hope is many arrests have been made of a fugitive profiled on her show and recognized by a watcher. How can North America be seen as a beacon of the free world when we can't even protect our kids?
As usual the Middle Eastern reports are varied and plentiful today. Some of them are would actually be humorous if the subject matter wasn't so serious. The Bush campaign decided to share their views on the holy nature of their mission in the Middle East. Suffice it to say, the comments didn't go over all that well. Not to worry, Bush was quick to deny ever having said it. Wait a minute, it turns out he may have said it after all, it's just that the comments were not supposed to be taken literally. Poor judgment all around to go with the denials. The Middle East tends to be an intensely religious area. All the more reason that one should be very careful in choosing their words.
On a more interesting note, a new group in Palestine has kidnapped several Hamas officials. While I can understand the motives of Hamas, I distinctly don't agree with the targeting on innocents and non- combatants in any campaign. It is for this reason that I find this so interesting. Peace between Israel and Palestine can only come through the co-operation of officials in both countries. Even then it is very difficult. Groups such as Hamas can undermine all the progress that has been made. In the end Palestinians must be free. It's great to see more moderate groups taking real action to further that end within Palestine.
The report says she was thrown off a flight after others complained about her anti-Bush t-shirt. This could go either way. Having a shirt that calls Bush an ass is one thing, that's freedom of speech. If the shirt called him a f...en bas...., well that's something else. While both may be true the second is not exactly something that I would want my kids to see. Unfortunately, the article doesn't give us enough details to make the decision for ourselves.
Paul Martin has weighed in on the American conduct with regards to the never-ending lumber dispute. Despite more rulings than can be counted in Canada's favor, Bush still refuses to refund the illegally collected duties levied against Canadian softwood lumber. Bush now says the rulings can not be applied retroactively. That might make sense if this was the first ruling in Canada's favor, alas it is the last in a long line of rulings that Bush et. al. have refused to accept and thus have completely ignored. NAFTA has proven to be not worth the paper it was written on and as such should be abandoned by the Canadians. Perhaps Mexico would be interested in signing an agreement with just us Canadians as opposed to the North American one we now have. NAFTA seems to translate to, the Americans will follow rulings in their favor but will disregard anything else. This does not for a valuable agreement make!
Big welcome to the employees of the New Mexico state office and the same for the Missouri Office of Administration. Feel more than free to leave your comments as I would enjoy very much debating any of the issues you read about here. Thanks again for visiting and hope to see you here again.
Yet another NAFTA ruling has gone in Canada's favor only to be ignored again by the Americans. Mexico is also now protesting the American record on the subject to date. Sooner or later Bush is going to have to live up to the NAFTA agreement or say goodbye to it. If the signing parties to an agreement refuse to live up to said agreement, then the contract has no value and it should be scrapped. More and more Canadians are coming to this conclusion. This dance over lumber has gone on long enough. Even the American delegates to the tribunal have ruled in our favor. If this is not enough, than nothing is.
In another fine example of the every day lunacy in the Canadian Justice System, a victim has been awarded 5.7 million for the injuries he suffered at the hands of three pieces of garbage. He is not expected to ever be able to collect on any of it. As for the criminal process, the worst of the three received 8 years, he will in all likelihood be out much sooner. All the better to be able to get right back to being the upstanding citizen he has been thus far.
Certain types of crime should not ever be allowed to be repeated. This is one of them. I can understand the humane aspects of trying to rehabilitate criminals but there are limits. We as a society have far surpassed those. Once a person commits this type of violent crime we have a much larger responsibility to the victim and to society as a whole to ensure that they never do it again. While rehabilitation is a noble goal to be sure, that first responsibility to society trumps it. Our legal system is failing in that responsibility. There are far too many repeat offenders of these extreme violent crimes. Once convicted of such an offense, that should be sufficient for the rest of us to assume that they might very well do it again. There is no way to be sure that they won't short of putting them away forever and never letting them walk among civilized humans again!
I found this piece very interesting as it includes many things about Islam that I didn't know. For one the term Islam means Peace. I did not know that. Anyway, to understand all that goes on in the world today, we should all find out a little more about Islam and how it differs quite highly from the views of the extremists.
This article actually has some of the figures and it is actually just the opposite of what I would have thought. The figures I will refer to come from the Bureau of Justices Statistics for last year. Despite the fact that immigrants and people of color make up a disproportionate percentage of people living in poverty, white people were responsible for seventy percent of all arrests last year. Now here's the real kicker, white people make up only forty percent of those serving time in institutions. So to suggest that a black person is more likely to commit a crime is outright false, he would just be more likely to receive a jail sentence for it. Figures like this could not be possible without racism pure and simple. Where exactly in the justice system it lies is another question, I suspect it is pretty much everywhere for numbers like this to exist. The fact that so many people are not aware of this inequality in the justice system is a large part of the problem.
It's always what they don't say in these articles that bothers me. If I've got it right, a girl has been shot in the throat and is on the phone with the police who essentially listen to her dying words and breath. They finally stormed the place in the morning and of course, as the call had come at around midnight, she was long dead. My question, and the on the article doesn't answer, is why they didn't go in sooner?
I'm not sure why they're treating this as something new, conservationists have been crying foul over the practice for years. Perhaps the news is that so many countries are now backing a full ban. In any case I find it amazing that there even has to be a discussion about it. The technique of bottom trawling is so devastating to the ecology it should have been banned long ago.
The news out of the states seems to get crazier everyday. The ongoing Libby and Rove scandal stinks to high heaven, although it is doubtful the real people behind this vendetta are ever going to be made to answer for it. Suffice it to say that the American people are loosing faith in their governments ability to protect them as the Minutemen clearly demonstrate by taking the border patrol into their own hands. This in itself is a recipe for disaster although I can certainly understand their concerns. Meanwhile, Florida has enacted the shoot first law, someone looks at you wrong and you feel threatened, shoot them, it's legal! Now that's a welcoming feeling! Anybody want to risk an argument? What are you nuts! So much for democracy and debate! Anybody get the feeling that things are getting just a little tense south of the Canadian border?
I can't tell you whether I agree with this guy Bennett or not, simply because I don't know anything about him. He has come under fire for comments he made regarding crime and the black community. Simply stated, he related crime and the black population in the U.S. Because of his remarks, he has been labeled a racist. This might be unfair. It may very well be true that black Americans statistically commit more crimes. Of course it might not be. I know that as of twenty or so years ago, the crime rate among black Americans was higher. This is simply statistics, not racism. We have to be careful about not allowing people to speak the truth in fear of not being politically correct. The numbers might be completely different today, that I don't know. Having come to the conclusion that crime rates are higher in some neighborhoods than others, we might relate that rate more to poverty and income levels than with the race of the persons doing the crimes. I suspect that having made the statistical adjustment for income, the rates would even out. Which brings me to my point. Hiding this truth about crime rates does nothing to fix the problem. If crime is higher among black Americans than it is because the poverty rate is higher among black Americans. We must face this in order to solve the crime problems, at least as it relates to desperation and lack of hope. We have all come a long way in the effort to equalize our views of each other, but lets face it, racism is alive and well in North America. There are very few among us who are totally free of it. I don't consider myself a racist, I like to say that I hate everybody equally.....Joking! That doesn't mean that I feel I am totally free of it. We are all the product of our upbringing and as such we must be ever vigilant to weed out those dregs of an age gone by if we are to continue to move ahead.
Britain has joined the ever widening circle of countries who are having problems with sexual slavery. Canada has already made arrests in Toronto regarding sexual slavery rings, so we are definitely not immune. What surprises me is the men who frequent such establishments. Do they not realize that to use the services makes them also guilty of having sex without consent? Don't they call that rape? This practice seems to have permeated every society on the planet. It's hard to believe that there are that many men out there who would have no problem with this. Even if we agree that prostitution should be allowed, this is hardly the same thing.
The NY Times reporter serving time for not disclosing her source has testified that the source of her information was someone working for Dick Cheney's office. Hardly surprising, what would be surprising would be for Dick Cheney ever to be held accountable even if he is implicated.