Personal opinions and thoughts on pretty much everything. News, Tech, Politics, Issues of the Day, Humor,Ethics, and the Environment.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Let's Talk about Garbage
Here's a weird one. Toronto ships it's garbage to Michigan. Michigan makes law to end the practice. The American federal government must pass a law to allow Michigan to do this. Canada is protesting under NAFTA. That's were it stands to date. Here's my problem. I don't know what NAFTA says in relation to the matter. I don't thinks it's right for Canada to ship it's garbage to the U.S. It's an environmental issue for me. It might be profitable for a company to take garbage from so far away, but many generations will have to deal with the result. Toronto should have to deal with it's own lack of planning and come up with some innovative ways of handling their own trash, just like all of us will have to do sooner or later. If NAFTA says different, than NAFTA is wrong. Canada and the U.S should be free to protect their environments as they see fit over and above NAFTA. I'm a Canadian, but so far, this time I'll have to side with the Yanks.
Here's a questions. What's the difference between a terrorist who targets children, women, and innocent men, and a man who would shoot a nine year old little boy in the back? Why, nothing, nothing at all. They are both abominations of nature whose horrific crimes the rest of us are sooner or later going to have to deal with. I don't buy an bullshit about how one is fighting the holy fight or anything like it. There's nothing holy about killing children. The only thing truly holy to monsters like this is hatred and the concept of forcing everyone on the planet to either live according to their beliefs or die. I can't help but take exception to that.
I really like this woman. Bright, articulate, and courageous are just a couple of the observations I can make about her. She is a breath of fresh air from the Muslim community. She tackles all issues about life, not just those affecting Muslims. She takes an objective look at many of the problems facing our society today and addresses them in an intelligent and logical fashion. She does not hide from the tough questions. All that and Canadian too. You gotta love her. I am including a link to her site for those who are interested. It's definitely worth the perusal.
Now here's an interesting case. One of the founders of the Crips is on death row. Many have come out in support of clemency due to his work as a writer and peacemaker. I don't agree with the death penalty at all, which I've said often. So this is a no-brainer for me. I'm not quite comfortable with the amount of support the guy is getting. We are talking about the founder of the Crips here, a gang that has claimed many lives and has now invaded Canada. The Toronto streets are running with blood as a result. It's great that the man has turned his life around, but I consider that a matter between himself and his God. I don't think he should be forgiven, no matter how much good he now does. The damage that he helped create goes on. Many continue to be destroyed by his gang. Sometimes, once something is started it can be very hard to stop, just ask George Bush.
A couple has been awarded millions in a negligence case involving the birth of their son. He is now brain damaged as a result of being born there. I don't know enough about the case to comment on what went wrong. I do however have knowledge about another case. While living in Colorado in the seventies, I had a friend whose father had been in the U.S. Army. His mother gave birth to his sister while under Army medical care. His mother had RH- blood which means, at that time, that she would require a blood transfusion for her daughter immediately after birth. They now use injections to prevent what happened in her case. As no doctor was available, an Army Corpsman was the one who delivered her baby. The problem was that Corpsmen were not authorized to give transfusions. The result was that my friend's sister has been severely retarded ever since. His father left the Army as a result and won a settlement. That didn't do much for his sister. We are talking about one of the most beautiful, sweetest young woman that I have ever met. Her brain damage should never have happened, especially in a case where all the facts were well known. I have no problem with the use of corpsmen by the military to treat patients. My problem begins when those same people are entrusted with a level of care which they can't provide. American military personnel are pretty much the same as Canadian. They are among the finest examples of those in our society. They have to deal with situations that most of us couldn't imagine and wouldn't want too. They deserve much, much better from their superiors. This was back in the seventies, a long time ago. I have thought of this little girl many times since. Her name was Tammy. I have not spoken to this friend since leaving the States in 1975. I have no idea how she and her family are doing. They were great people, who should never have had to deal with the result of Army negligence.
Just When I Thought The American's Reputation Couldn't Sink and Lower
I might have thought that the American's had pretty much hit bottom when it comes to their perceived integrity by the rest of the world. I was wrong. Many countries are now investigating the secret CIA prisons on their soil. It sure looks like George's crew have pretty much broken all previous records for the amount of damage that has been done to American credibility world wide in the shortest period of time. Hey George, big tip, they were supposed to be your allies, although all that may change sooner than later. Just when the world could have used a world power with a little integrity and credibility, George has managed to undermine many years spent developing such a reputation. It's hard to say how all this will turn out, but it's certain that it will take many more years to fix than it took to break.
So this time it's a woman in Pakistan. She made the mistake of not following her families orders and married a man whom she had chosen. The result was an attack by her brother who proceeded to chop at her legs. She is now in critical condition. I would think that further comment would be unneccesary. Judging from the number of women who receive this type of treatment, there has been nowhere near enough comments on the problem.
On that note, India is coming to the frontlines. According to the report, there are now fifty million more men in India than women. Whether by selective choice of boys or by the practice of killing female babies, it would appear that the goal of not having female children is being achieved. All I can say about this is the fact that I would think a girl would be better off not living than to live in a society which would rather kill female babies than to be blessed by their presence. This is so common as to be not worthy of news. What would be news would be the penalizing any man guilty of such an act with the same enthusiasm that they used against a defenseless little girl.
We have seen examples of the irresponsibility with which the Soviets treated their ecosystem. Now we have an example of possibly lax standards in China leading to this disaster. This certainly appears to be a down side to the Chinese progress. I wonder if we will ever know the real cause of the leak.
It's amazing how quick the Christian community is to ostracize this young woman for out of wedlock pregnancy. These are the same people who are against abortion. I guess what she should have done was go ahead and have the baby, but put it up for adoption because she is not married. Of course the adoptive parents would have to satisfy a committee of approved Christians that they were without sin, but hell, that shouldn't be too difficult. American Christians are in no better position to judge others than anybody else, perhaps less so. Maybe they should concentrate their efforts on helping the less fortunate than on drawing up lists of those of us who don't meet their hypocritical standards.
As much as most parents know about allergic reaction to peanuts, mainly because of school warnings, I have never heard of this before. A teen girl has died as a result of kissing her boyfriend who has eaten peanut butter. I'm actually quite surprised that I have never heard of this considering the number of people who are allergic to nuts. Perhaps this is something that should be discussed more frequently to avoid this in the future.
Eliminated from the gene pool? Well. in fact she has been, but I doubt her parents or boyfriend would agree. As far as elimination from gene pools, I might have a few ideas about that myself, but I don't think that I would want such a policy to be based on my judgement, and I know I wouldn't want it to be based on yours.
As much as I care about the future of these cubs, another aspect of this story gets my attention. That would be the efforts of the American servicemen and women who are part of the terrorism task force. According to the report, these folks are doing the kind of work that the American Forces should be doing in the efforts to reduce terrorism.
According to this report, at least some people are taking the concept of being visited by aliens seriously. This group argues that we need to address certain key issues before the U.S. arms space and possibly start a space war. They say we need to discuss exactly what our reaction should be rather than sit back and let one nation decide for the whole world.
Looks like the newest Mexican Sport, the rape and murder of hundreds of women, continues to be enjoyed. The killing goes on with little information coming out as to who is doing this. Suffice it to say, that with these numbers, it's not just one person, but several if not many. I doubt I'll be vacationing in Mexico any time soon. Hell, with the new environment down in the States, I won't even go there anymore. Rather stunning when you consider I lived in Colorado for three years and enjoyed it very much. It's simple, I won't travel anywhere that I feel doesn't respect basic human rights. Despite the great American dream, the U.S. has now sunk so low as to negate many of the gains made over the last couple of centuries. The U.S. was once thought of as inspiration for the whole world. It now stands as a glaring example of how not to go about foreign relations and nation building. What ever happened to honesty and integrity in government?
The NAFTA panel had given the U.S. one week to comply with it's rulings. The real surprise here is the announcement that the Americans intend to follow the ruling. I had pretty much given up on any hope that NAFTA could be saved when one of the members refuses to honor their agreements. Maybe there is still hope for Canada-U.S. relations post Bush. Regardless, it will now be a very long time before Canadians view the American government with the same respect that we used to.
As much as I would like it to be true, I somehow doubt that this young lad is really a re-incarnation of Buddha. Not to say that this world doesn't desperately need one. If the lad is truly the Buddha, why all the cloak and dagger stuff? What are they doing at night that they don't want anyone to see? The path to enlightenment, I imagine, doesn't include a lot of secrecy. I would think that this path would be available to all and that a Buddha would very much want all of the rest of us to find it. So again, why the secrecy?
I've had a lot to say about American credibility over the last couple of years. I might have thought that sooner or later we would come to a point where the U.S. might want to generate a few allies instead of pissing off the few that remain. Now we have the CIA flights, just in case there was any previous allies that has not abandoned ship. Nothing like violating a friends rules for use of their airspace to shake up a relationship.
In yet another demonstration of the Americans belief in democracy and freedom of speech, the Americans are reported to have seriously considered attacking Al Jazeera. I can't help but wonder if these guys didn't sit down a make a list of all the acts that they felt could most damage the U.S. image all over the world and than pick their top ten to implement. I think they might be getting close to finishing that list and will have to make up a new one. Another basic tenet of the American Way trashed for the pursuit of.... what? Come on, we can't have people exposed to any other points of view but Cheney's now can we?
Another one, the U.S. has gone on record for describing white phosphorous as a chemical weapon. Of course it's no longer a chemical weapon if it's the Americans who are using it. The use of this stuff is old news. It is commonly used for Armor Piercing incendiary rounds. What is less common is it's use against un-armored targets. It looks like the Americans have done this too.
This is a good article about the Cheney record to date and his odd concept of the truth. It would be humorous, the way he says that he doesn't lie all the while dishing out yet more stretches of the imagination, if the subject matter wasn't so serious. It is hard to imagine a leader with less respect for the American people and his responsibilities to them. Cheney is obviously under the impression that his power is so great that he need merely mention something for it to become truth. At this point, it would appear that Dick has violated his oath of office and should be brought up on criminal charges for deliberately lying to and misleading the American people, not to mention the rest of the world.
The real question out of all of this, how long will it take a more responsible American administration to undo all the damage that has come out of the Bush era?
More reports on the effects of global warming on the arctic ice conditions. I'm still really hoping that the opinions of some experts, that the warming trend will reverse in ten to twenty years, is correct. If not, we are in some serious trouble.
I've never known exactly what to make of Ariel Sharon. What I know is that he has long been considered a military genius. He's definitely got a lot of guts. I thought his notable visit to the wailing wall was not the best thought out action at the time, although it is likely he thought about it a great deal before doing it. One thing is for certain, he is a leader, not a follower. I can't help but agree that Israel should get out of Gaza and there should be an independent Palestinian state. A guy like Sharon may just have the strength to make that happen.
Cheney Says Intelligence Errors Plain in Hindsight
Actually, they were pretty plain at the time as I remember. Dick is saying that they didn't know any better at the time, not for the lack of credible experts warning about the flaws in the administration's take on the matter. Having all that information available and ignored can lead to only one conclusion, they did it on purpose. The fact that Cheney and crew are liars is now well known as this report declares. It looks like the best thing to come out of the Bush administration may be American's new intolerance for bullshit in their leaders. It would almost be worth it, almost.
Relations with Latin America are only the latest casualty of the George W. era. I get the distinct impression that there are very few in the U.S. who are keeping track of the ever increasing amount of damage caused or outright created by George W. Canada looking into CIA flights over our airspace, Iceland looking into same, European Union looking into secret CIA torture camps, and all the while American officials continue with their policy of deny, deny, deny! Hey, big tip George et. al. the secret is out, we have all known about the CIA torture tactics since the infamous Central and South American efforts. If anyone didn't know, they should have. Yet the admin. keeps right on denying the fact despite all the evidence to the contrary. At the current rate, George will undo every positive gain made by the U.S. for the last century, all in only eight years. Now that's some legacy.
Businesses continue to increase their support for the environment. We have seen a lot of action in response to campaigns by Greenpeace among the corporate world. Many firms are now pledging safer manufacturing and increased recycling. Add to this the increasing pressure from business to meet Kyoto targets. This is the way the environment will really be saved. More and more people are making our planet a priority. That makes it more profitable for companies to do the same. Are you listening Kimberley-Clark. I won't buy Kleenex until this company stops cutting old-growth forests. The plan to save our planet is starting to pick up some momentum now. The question is whether it will speed up to the point where it overtakes the damage we have made.
It's started, the allegations that the people accused of assaulting a young girl were charged because they were black. Somehow I doubt it. The police would not have laid these charges unless there was evidence to support them, especially when we are talking about this many people being arrested. These people may very well end up being convicted. If that happens, than I think we can safely say that the reason 16 black people were charged is because in this case they were the ones who did the crime. Race may have played a part in this crime. The victim was white and the accused are black, so the girls color may have had a part in her being singled out for the special attention she received at the boys hands. This I can not say. In any case, the fact that any of this crap took place in one of our high schools is totally unacceptable. The school is responsible for the well being of their charges during school hours. It's seems quite obvious that this school at least has failed this little girl very badly!
I've shared many of my complaints about the U.S. since I first started writing it. Here's a case where I can only say Thanks. In Canada we seem to read everyday about these long term violent offenders who somehow manage to get back on the streets over and over again. Each time, the level of violence escalates or at least stays the same. The Americans have sentenced a killer to death. I actually don't believe in the death penalty. If it's wrong to premeditatedly kill someone, then it is also wrong for the state to do so. However, when faced with the options of executing them or see them back on the streets, I'd have to vote for execution. My preferred punishment would be a life sentence, a real one, but I can certainly understand the trouble with spending over $100,00. per year to house each of these monsters. So again, thank you America, for doing what the Canadian justice system would fail to do. That is to make sure a man guilty of murdering a young Canadian woman will absolutely never, ever do it again! Once violent murder should be enough for anyone.
In general, I don't like aquariums. This is mostly because of the effect we know holding large marine mammals captive has on them. This particular one is supposed to have Belugas. Now that is one species that may actually benefit from captivity when we consider the massive amount of toxins the wild variety have in their systems. One thing, it sounds like the Atlanta aquarium is one I'd love to see. By all descriptions, it must be spectacular!
I've caught little pieces of this woman's show over the years. My wife is a major fan. All in all, I'd have to say that she seems like an exceptional human being. The world needs more like her. So congratulations Oprah on twenty years, here's to twenty more.
I'm surprised that this one has made the news. This just in, it appears that creating dams does far more damage than it does good. Really, what a stunning revelation. I would have thought that the rather extensive amount of experience on the issue gathered so far would have put any argument to rest. The Colorado River comes to mind.
Yet another army is coming under fire for a video made of a hazing, the description of which certainly sounds like torture to me. The Brazilians this time. I can only imagine the fine soldiers that will come from such enlightened initiation practices.
I doubt this is one of the equalities that most women would want to have. I'm talking about the increasing number of women being charged with having sex with a minor. I can't help but wonder if this is something which has always been there under the surface like many incidents involving men and young women or whether there is an actual increase in the number of cases or only the reports.
Dumped Chemical Weapons Unlikely To Prove a Threat
That's right, there " unlikely" to prove a threat. I'm sooo relieved. Considering that we are talking about the ocean dumping of chemical and biological weapons, the term unlikely doesn't seem very reassuring at all.
So Al-Qaida is now naming the Queen of England as an enemy is Islam. Give me a break. Big Tip, I fail to see how this little old lady poses a significant threat to Islam. They are calling her a crusader, hardly. I find it very hard to see any harm that this lady has done to Islam, as much as some would like us to be in the middle ages doesn't mean she is responsible for the crusades of old. Is it just me or are these nuts getting more and more crazy and desperate? Hopefully their current round of lunacy will cause even more people to see these guys for what they are, pathetic, horrific, monsters. The time has long past for the more moderate, saner voices of Islam to make themselves heard. Up to this point we have been hearing from the crazies. It is time to listen more to the rational and less to the insane.
It looks like the warnings to Zarqawi were ignored. He has gone ahead with the civilian attacks and the result has been an ever-growing protest against them. It had to happen sooner or later. Even those who sympathize with the movement will abandon it because of their attacks on civilians. Slowly but surely people are starting to become aware that these guys are against everyone who doesn't want to return to the dark ages. They are not content to live and let live. Their mission is to force their world view on the rest of us whether we like it or not. It doesn't bother me if someone wants to turn back the clock on their own lives. My problem comes when they try to cram it down all our throats.
The Dalai Lama has added his voice to the Vatican's in urging his followers to embrace scientific knowledge. Essentially, he says that the faithful should pursue scientific knowledge along with spiritual in order to gain enlightenment. This flies in the face of all those who claim that blind faith is the true path and all scientific knowledge is suspect. I have long held the view that science and faith can walk hand in hand. Those who oppose this view effectively state that we should simply ignore all that is around us and not seek for a greater understanding of all the gifts this life has to offer.
In fact this trouble is one facing parents all over the world. I can certainly understand why this might be particularly hard on immigrant parents. Allowing people to immigrate to a country is many times not enough. I, being a military brat, have experienced the culture shock thing and that's just moving from Colorado to Quebec. I can only imagine what someone coming from a completely different culture must deal with. Add to this problem is the fact that in the last twenty years the family unit in America has undergone many changes. The traditional support of both parents plus grandparents are often not there. Kids are exposed to a whole other world when they sign on to the internet, and again many times they don't have the necessary supervision. These things and many others have made the task of raising well grounded and adjusted kids much more difficult. Some communities have recognized this lack and are trying to create new programs to address them. Everything from increased community involvement by the police, to teen centers complete with counselors, to church baseball games and picnics, to classes for parents trying to cope in these changing times. I suspect that in the end it is these types of efforts which will yield the greatest results. We must try to strengthen the family once again and put in place alternate support groups for people who don't have access to a strong family presence. I don't agree that we have to return to beating our kids to keep them on the straight and narrow. I have three kids, each has received one smack in the butt, once in their lives. In all three cases it was in response to their throwing a violent tantrum resulting in injury to someone else, they were quite young at the time. They all quickly understood that this was the only thing they could do to warrant my taking physical action. So long as I was never required to use my body to prevent them causing unnecessary harm to another, they would never have anything to fear as far as physical pain was concerned. None of them has ever caused harm to another since except my oldest son who has when defending himself in school fights, can't really blame him for that. I must admit that I have had another advantage when it comes to my kids, I live in the country. This makes it much easier to keep them out of trouble and is the main reason we moved out here 12 years ago.
Well not really Buddhist', but anyone who spends time meditating has been shown to benefit from increased brain capacity or function. Unfortunately they don't answer the question most relevant to me, that is " can meditation undo the damage caused by far too much time spent meditating over a beer bottle"?
Jimmy Carter says he's disturbed by the path the U.S. has taken since Bush's crowning. Me too Jimmy, me too. All lot of what the article credits to Jimmy makes sense to me. I've always liked Carter. Not because of his policies while in office, of which I know very little, but just because of his actions since leaving office. I refer primarily to his work with Habitats for Humanity.
Speaking of Bush, he's now taking offense to the fact that the average American now has the real version of events as opposed to the Bush and Camp version. I'm talking about Iraq and the history of U.S. involvement. He's calling it Revisionist. Hey George, it's not revisionist when your telling the truth!
This is the first I've ever heard of this, wolves killing a human. I don't know why but this just never happens, until now.
I'm not sure I understand what the objection to the shipment of animals to Thailand from Kenya. These same animals are in zoos all over the world with little objection from most people. I for one would rather see them free and restrict our captive populations to those animals injured in the wild and for whatever reason can't be released back once they receive treatment. Simply put, none of these zoos has the space necessary to properly keep large animals. They always suffer mentally and are known to develop unnatural behaviors. This hold especially true for large predators and marine mammals. So if theses are the reasons for the objections than I agree, but id it's a matter of depleting the resource in Kenya, I fail to see the relevance.
I had the misfortune of watching a few minutes of the show Trading Spouses the other night. Did anyone else catch the display put on by the woman who called herself a Christian as she tore apart the family she was sent to. That performance was only exceeded by the show she put on after returning home and proceeding to terrorize her family who were left there open-mouthed after spending a rather pleasant week with their replacement mom. She went on and on about how this other, Christian, family were emissaries of the Dark Side and she rebuked them. The crap this woman was spewing has nothing to do with God or Christianity. She should be ashamed of her conduct and beg the forgiveness of all the other fine people who took part, not the least of which was her two young kids who looked absolutely devastated. I have great pity for those kids.
Another example of the wave of religious stupidity that is currently crossing the U.S. is the evolution versus creationism debate that is now plaguing the schools. The latest round was in Kansas were it has been ordered that the theory of evolution must be taught with disclaimers to state that it is not true, essentially. Don't get me wrong, I believe that creationism should be taught in schools, along with the other top ten theories for our existence here on this planet. Evolution should be given prominence, for no other reason than it is the theory which is most supported by evidence at this point, but it should be taught as a theory. We should also teach the basic tenants of all the worlds primary faiths. This is not to gain converts but to aid in the understanding our children have of the world that they live in and will inherit. Of course the efforts of people like Pat Robertson ranting on about how God will abandon America because they have shut him out of their schools is irresponsible and frankly most un-Christian.
The couple seized by Iran has now been released. I can't help but wonder why these folks would have gone there in the first place knowing that the island was in dispute. We're talking about an area of the world so violent that I would never go there if I could help it, which makes it even more foolish to travel to a disputed region and risk the ensuing quest status with the Iranians.
I can't help but wonder if George doesn't exist in some kind of altered reality. After all that's gone on in the last year, not the least of which is Cheney's battle to allow torture in some cases, George has stated that the U.S. doesn't use torture. Could it be that his aids keep him away from news and papers to prevent him from knowing what his own people are up to?
The American people are coming to the conclusion that he does know and he is lying about, well, hell, everything. I'm not sure which view is the right one, but they're both equally scary.
Last time I heard of something like this was the woman with the finger in the chile at Wendy's. This time it's the man who said he was glued to a toilet seat at Home Depot. Turns out he appears to be the unluckiest man in the world. Apparently he was also glued to another toilet seat back in his home town. What are the odds? What's amazing is that these folks ever thought that they'd get away with it.
Martin has taken some first steps along the gun problem lines. It's good to see that he has taken an approach which goes beyond simply tougher laws. It includes programs for youths that may help. In the end I suspect that the community approach may be the only one that works. Even that method will prove useless in the long run if the underlying reasons for despair and loss of hope are not addressed.
The vast majority of Jordanians, you know, the peace loving, tolerant, regular people Jordanians are speaking out in numbers and anger over the recent bombings. I continue to have strong hope that all the so minded peoples of the world will join together to stop the endless, useless pattern of killings hopefully though education and the removal of the conditions which create this hatred. The voices of the Jordanians in the streets today fuels that hope. The same article goes on to state how El Qaida is saying it's "soldiers" were responsible. This is an insult to soldiers everywhere, most of which have a high degree of honor and would never participate in the slaughter of innocents which seem to be these monsters favorite mode of attack.
And speaking of cowardly monsters, they are saying that some of those same responsible for the beheadings of the school girls has been caught. I've said it before and I'll say it again, this has nothing to do with religion. It is simply the acts of monsters who are afraid of losing control of the little dictatorships, whether it be a country of a family. The act would be monstrous regardless of the religion of those who commit them.
I think eventually, most places are going to have to make laws like this if we are going to stop all the killing. There is a much less chance of getting killed if the person has to do it up close and personal, getting their hands wet so to speak. A gun is clean, from far away, and is much easier to ignore the reality of the act of shooting someone. Canada is now experiencing serious problems with random shootings and the outbreak of gangs. At the same time we have pretty strict hand gun laws in Canada, yet that alone doesn't seem to be working that great.
The Chinese tend to be a pretty intelligent bunch over-all. That's what makes this type of repression so hard to understand. A Christian Pastor is generally speaking not a great threat to the security of a nation. There have been notable exceptions for certain but still, three years just for peddling Bibles? Where's the logic in that?
So they're defending the huge profits the oil companies are now generating. Interesting concept in light of the fact that these firms are making those profits by exploiting a resource that belongs to every generation that has ever existed and will exist for the next quarter million years. It's not the high price I object to, in fact if the stuff was priced correctly it would likely cost much more. I do however object to anyone getting rich by exploiting a resource that doesn't belong to them, it belongs to all of us.
I have started word verification for comments. This is in response to an increasing level of spam comments appearing on my blog. I will leave it at that for the time being. Should this prove ineffective at stopping this nuisance, then I will start moderating the comments to remove them. I would prefer not to take this extra step as I prefer to leave all comments un-edited. Time will tell. I apologize to anyone who finds these word verifications as annoying as I do.
One family member is an American Guest at Guantanamo. Another was killed in the Middle East with a bunch of El Qaida members. Mother Dearest has waged an interesting campaign in Canada, ranging from denials of support for terrorism to outright support from one day to the next. My question, how the hell did this bunch of wackos ever get into Canada in the first place much less get to be citizens. Major members of the "friends of Osama' set they have at the very least violated the oaths they took to get into the country much less their oath of citizenship. Comes a time when you just have to say, hey, you took oaths, broke them, we don't want you anymore! The breaking of any pledges that lead to entry should be grounds for expulsion all by itself. This way, those decent, law-abiding immigrants and refugees who make it to Canada can have an honest chance of not having to suffer for the crimes of a few nuts.
The latest info coming out about Cheney is that he's loosing his power. Not very likely Homey. Not that he shouldn't. It's just that by the time this really effects what he does, Bush will be out of office.
Speaking of the White House Crap, have you heard of the new ethics classes for the staff. Now there's a laugh. The only way that this might do any good is for George, Dick, and Donald to have front row seats. I still prefer to see the whole class expelled and bring in a new one.
This surprises me a little. Not the use of white phosphorous but the fact that so many people would find this news. These types of weapons are standard fair in most militaries including Canada's, last I heard. That's what makes war something to be avoided, the death and horrible injuries, and the terrible suffering. We won't make it any better by sanitizing it beyond the use of weapons of mass destruction.
Now that Iran has come right out with it's support of genocide, it's hardly any surprise that the U.S. has used spy planes for intelligence. Yah, I know , the U.S. has been doing this for years. The difference is now they have damn good reason that we can all agree on. In light of the Iranian President's recent comments it's almost humorous that they would now protest the violation of their sovereignty. Almost humorous except for the reality that what we are talking about here are the deaths of even more innocents who just want to live in peace but can't due to the actions of fools and irresponsible leaders.
This is one family that demonstrates a level of enlightenment that should be an example to all of us. The way I understand it is a Palestinian family whose son was killed by Israeli soldiers has donated his kidney to an Israeli boy. They said it didn't matter that he was from Israel. Many would have held a wee bit of a grudge after something like that , but this family didn't. They have had their lives threatened over their compassionate act. Some have said they are helping the enemy. It is not twelve year old boys who are the enemy of the Palestinians, The enemy is, as it is for all of us, ignorance, hate, prejudice, intolerance, greed, lust, did I mention ignorance? The actions of the few should not condemn the many. The sins of the father should not be visited on the sons. None of us is without sin. None of our forefathers were flawless. None of us is so pure that we are in a position to exact the punishment of death on another. We have a right to defend ourselves from attack, nothing more. In other words, we need to be damn sure our lives are in danger before we even consider harming another person. If a person's religion tells them that they must go out and kill someone else, than I can say point blank that it is wrong. Not the whole faith, just that part of it. I can say with no hesitation that God never wanted us to go out and destroy his creations. I refuse to believe that was part of the big plan! God doesn't make mistakes, we do. I would think that God would be even more upset than we are when one of his children goes horribly wrong. I would think that Muslim and Jew have at least this much in common, both are considered to be very devout. That makes the fall of one of either all that much more severe. A great many Muslims and Jews pay extremely close attention to their beliefs. This devotion and discipline gives them a significant blessing on the Karmic scale. We can all learn from both cultures or faiths. Humans make mistakes. Humans have written all the sacred texts. What's even more important is the many translations that many texts have undergone, although this is not as major a consideration for Jews and Muslims as many of their texts are still preserved in their original form. Catholics have no such stability. The Bible has undergone several major rewrites. I suspect that much of the original text or meaning has been lost in the process. All faiths hold fundamental truths. We must remain open and tolerant if we are not to miss them.
We are staring to hear the other side of the story in Paris. That would be the side of the majority of the people who live in these neighborhoods who are not participating in the riots. This side is the one of the business owners who operate in these suburbs and have had their buildings destroyed or burnt. The people who watch in their houses as their cars are burned. I think it's fair to say that these people have a right to live in peace and safety. It may very well be true that the rioters have a right to be upset. I'm not well enough informed to come to any conclusions about it. Fact is, going through your own neighborhood burning and trashing everything you see seems very self-destructive to me, not to mention damn rude to your neighbors and business owners who employ those same people! If one of my neighbors has a problem that they think I have something to do with, I welcome the discussion on the subject, but for /#*!'sake don't torch my damn car! That I might take personal!
Just as Cheney keeps insisting that all the torture had really nothing to do with him an ex-Powell staffer comes out with a little inside dirt on the situation. Nothing that most of us hasn't known for some time but it's nice to have the confirmation all the same.
Of course Cheney says the U.S. doesn't use torture despite the reams of evidence to the contrary. But just in case we ever do need it he's now asking for permission for the CIA to do just that. Sound like Dick may be getting a little worried about the little issue of legalities!
It appears that Iran is suffering some of the same chaos that they would bring to the west. Sooner or later some of these rogue states are going to realize that it all comes around. We all must suffer the consequences of the sins of our past. Why not go ahead and get on the right path now and save all the future heartache. I'm not talking about religion but rather the need for sane, intelligent, responsible, and accountable governance. Yet another problem we in the west share with our Islamic brothers in some countries. The problem of unethical leaders is one that bridges all races and religions. It is a problem not only for all of us but for all future generations as well. They are going to have to clean up the mess we are leaving behind.
Speaking of unethical governance, the U.S. is being advised to return a couple of hundred million dollars that our old friends Haliburton has billed. It seems that in all the excitement the record keeping got a little lax. Of course, that's not to suggest that these were not all totally legitimate expenses, no. no, we're not suggesting that!
This look like it may be another good development along the renewable energy lines. It's a new design for wind turbines that's more efficient than the classic windmill style. I've actually heard of what sounds like a similar system designed some twenty years ago for use on sailing vessels. A central cylinder with fins all around the outside. Now, about the price!
I've read about this kind of thing for some time now. Pirates attacking freighters off the coast of Asia. What I could never figure out was how exactly one would go about boarding a cruise ship at sea under full steam? I could see helicopters or some other such method out of the movies, but from a boat? Admittedly, I know nothing about these ships and how the are equipped, not to mention how to sail one, but I would think trying to pirate one would be quite difficult. Perhaps I'm wrong?
I've never really understood all the hoopla over this one. The Movie Industry is currently going after those who have downloaded copyrighted material over the internet. O.K., this part I understand, that is the goal of the people who own rights to these movies and songs to protect that right. What I don't understand is going after twelve year olds, or translating that responsibility to parents, or grandparents in this case. Protect your content by all means except by going after children and/or senior citizens who can have no liability for actions that they are not aware of. My parents, for instance, don't use the internet, and know even less about it. That doesn't mean that in lawsuit happy America that the movie and recording industry won't bankrupt innocent people in pursuit of lost dollars. I agree, parents should be aware of what their kids are doing on the Net, but in practice this isn't always possible. Here's an idea, why not charge a fair price for the service? I'm talking about the fee for downloading music, or movies, over the internet. Currently they are charging the same price per song that we would pay if we were to buy the disc at the music store. What is the incentive to download from legitimate sources? I for one buy from the store every time. I would much rather have a high quality hard copy which I can do whatever I want with than to pay the same price for a digital file which can be corrupted or lost all together. So C.D.s are the way for me until the industry gets much more reasonable with the retail price of downloads. What would be even better would be for the artists to sell their product directly, bypassing the industry. This is possible on the internet. It would be better for them, better for me, better for the environment. The recording industry has failed to keep up with the times and should be left behind!
This is a battle that has been going on for some time. Most recently we have seen the attack on Evolution going on across the U.S. in favor of creationism. On the other side is the banning of the use of the word God in school and a new initiative to ban it in all media. Both are wrong. First, I strongly defend my right to watch what I want in regards to my faith. The concept that every show must be approved by everyone is moronic. Having said that, I also strongly defend the right of an education system to teach the best science that they can. That means that evolution is it, seeing as how it is the theory most supported by scientific evidence. I must point out that the operative phrase here is theory. As in all theories, it is the model we must use until evidence tells us that it is too simple or outright in error. I might also point out to those who insist on blind faith, we have intelligence. If in fact there is a God who created all this, than this God made us intelligent for a reason. We were not intended to be blind fools who disregard all evidence that is brought before us. I personally don't have a problem reconciling God and science. The more advanced our science becomes, the more amazed I am at the beauty of the Universe. I might also point out that even the Vatican suggests we pay attention to science and not be too quick to disregard it's evidence.
Meanwhile, all holds are off when it comes the the Arctic Wildlife Refuge. Bush has won his battle to let his buddies in there with their oil drills, a move that has many opponents including Canada. It doesn't matter what anyone else says, there's no stopping him now. Can you say "many years of happy consulting for the oil industry" following his retirement from office? Like father, like son!
Kleenex continues full steam ahead with it's practice of using old growth forests for bathroom tissue. Despite years of efforts from Greenpeace and many others, they persist. There has been a great deal of positive change in this industry in regards to the environment. It is no longer possible to excuse companies that refuse to act responsibly. Kimberley Clark must be forced to make the change through lack of sales. If nothing else will work, this will. The choice is all of ours.
A fact that may make a person say " well at least he be gone for awhile". Wait a minute, this is Canada. Fifteen years can often translate to five. It's mandatory parole at ten? I could never quite figure that one out. If we were going to sentence the guy to ten years, why didn't we just say that? It should be also noted, that the guy is currently awaiting trial for another kid. The judge said he would have declared the guy a dangerous offender but wasn't asked to. OOOppps. Ten Years! Then he'll be back!
Yitzak Rabin's assassin is looking for a new trial. I can understand that. Israel is one of those places where they actually put you away for life when you are so sentenced. What's more, it's isolation and no interviews. What I can't get over is the statements of this guy's wife who says he wants to have children. Oh Yah, the world needs a lot more just like him. Perhaps he should have thought of that before he killed Rabin!
According to at least these "experts", the war on terror hasn't been going all that well. I gotta say, that's kind of the impression I've been getting. It goes way beyond just the Iraq problem. It comes down to credibility. Bush no longer has any. He never really did with me to begin with. It appears that many countries in the world have come to the same conclusion. Trouble is, with no credibility, you can't get anything done. That's the position that George is finding himself in more and more these days.
It sure seems that everyday the forces of chaos gain a little ground. The situation in Paris comes to mind. A modern country which seems on the edge of anarchy. People with too little money and too much time to reflect on all that life is not providing. The results are all too obvious. Desperation and hopelessness which lead to riots that harm innocent businesses and people more than anything else. I don't know the answer for Paris. The answer for Canada would be to remove these sources of desperation and injustice and give our youth something to hope for.
Yet another sex slave ring has been found in Canada. In this case it's kids that are the victims. Once again Canada has to look inwards when it comes to stopping child victimizing. This has got to be the most common problem shared by all countries. Maybe it's time we work together to put a stop to it once and for all.
Venezuela is now threatening to break it's agreements by handing over restricted U.S. military technology. I can understand their position when it comes to treaties with the U.S., they aren't worth much these days. That doesn't mean that they should break this particular one. Giving away another countries military secrets can't be good for long term relations and could even get ugly if the right materials are involved and the U.S. is already looking for reasons to stomp you.
Yeah, they actually intended to do the same thing to the girl's mother. She wasn't there so they settled for the torture and murder of a fifteen year old girl. How pathetic must a regime be before they start to do this kind of thing to children? A mistake! I suppose that's one way to put it. I might be inclined to use much stronger terms.
This piece makes some good points about the whole Iran question and suggests a few options other than war. I think he may have hit upon a good approach so long as the Iranians don't finish their development of Nuclear Weapons.
Looks like Iraq isn't the first time American authorities have outright lied to their people in order to justify a war. Oh Yah, big surprise. This report has some of the details about the Vietnam version. Again, no surprises.
So the President is not the only nutcase in Iran these days. At least for this guy, he has been sentenced to death. He killed his lover after she proposed. Apparently she didn't like the fact that he said he was married, so she hit him, after which he killed her. You see, Iran and North America do have a lot in common. You can find many examples of Spousal murder here too.